Korea's KF-X: News & Discussion

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Says the ultimate US stronkist on this forum..

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7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

try to understand what i wrote.

what kind of supporting arguments you need for some thing so obvious. Korea simply cant afford a competitive KFX. Even Japan is going backward in technology as it dropped the use of composites in its Mitsubishi MRJ regional Jet and that plane is 10 years delayed and need all the flight testing overseas. The point is as China put more sanctions on North Korea the greater NK labor will work on Russian projects.

China has seen coal imports from Russia jump in March following North Korea ban
Korea is bankrupt despite all the past 30 years of scientific help from Russia. Russia will demand market price for that past intellectual use. and if that required investements are not provided than you will see that impact all around Asia and Middleast where Korean firms will be thrown out. flights routes will be curtailed. it is not just Thaad. its about disarming Korea and make it more dependent.

BEIJING -- Chinese state media say Beijing and Moscow have agreed to take “further countermeasures” in response to plans for an advanced U.S. missile defense system in South Korea

Ok, I'm not personally interested on how you think, nor am I willing to change how you think. (One thing I've gotta say, I've seen so many people who talks just like you, with just the same stance) Though, would you continue that arguments in a different dedicated post or whatever? This is a KFX thread where it is the fighter development project to be discussed.

Now your willing to continue this unworthy conversation, despite what I said just above this, I'll reply you probably for once and for last, about your twisted Russian dreams with reality.

First off, you're blaming MRJ is a commercial plane, which is all about economy and efficiency, thus you better give an source about in which way MHI decreased the use of composite materials for MRJ. Do you even know that one of the sales point of MRJ is its lighter aircraft thanks to composite uses? You gotta know that Japan is one of the leaders of composite material industries and F-2 was the first fighter jet to have a full composite integral unit airfoil surface. Not only that, the amount of composite material used for F-2 was not ordinary for a fighter jet at that time. Your keen to say that Japan lost such technology or something similar, but sorry, X-2 doesn't looks like it agrees with that.

I'm also quite sure that the mighty Sukhoi doesn't get a single help for SSJ-100 from its consultant Boeing nor is Alenia its partner isn't it? The engine which is produced by a joint venture with Snecma will also be purely NTO Saturn product I guess. Also the electronics from Thales or control system from Liebherr is actually Russian built, the APU from Honywell is never an American product, Landing gear from Messier Dowty is never French.

Chinese sanctions on NK? Who sends crude oil to NK? Who exports an item under UNSC sanction against NK? Who helps NK to develop nukes? Chinese sanction on NK is US sanction on UK. Labor forces of NK? Yeah sure, good luck with those under-educated laborers suffering malnutrition. AH! That's why Russia is suffering such a severe economic difficulties. Now I understand it better.

30 years of scientific help and Korean Bankruptcy? Uh.... I'm seriously saying. Are you confused between South Korea and North Korea? Have you ever heard of Bulgom project?
Who was the actual one that lend money from S.Kor when they were just about to collapse? Who calls for Korean capital and help to develop the Siberia? Who sold important technologies to Korea, which was rapidly growing in terms of economy and GDP, due to harsh national economic situations? Who has gone through one of the most important and famous bankruptcy in mankind's history, used its natural resources trying to reclaims its old glory, but failed due to overall lower crude oil price? Who is cutting their defense budget, even though they need a bigger military to blackmail the neighbors and try acting like a big boss?

Korea being bankrupt? Korea had 2.7 % GDP growth just last year, and that devastating THAAD sanction from China and Russia was so deadly and successful, that Korea was able to continue its 6 months-long export boom, especially for electronics industry which is benefiting from global IoT and network expansion. Son, unfortunately for you, Russia ain't Korea's export priority nor China, but its the US, Europe and India. Dependent on foreign technologies? Well partially true but our core industry a no. I guess Korea is so dependent that Samsung is one of the industrial leaders along with LG and SK, Hyundai exporting engines for Mitsubishi and Chrysler, POSCO producing various kinds of special steels. Who is along US Japan and west Europe to lead 5G telecommunications development? There are even more I could mention but it seems enough already.

KF-X is going to fail due to Americans you say, though do you know that the TAC for this project is LM? Do you know Korea was 4th country on the list for military imports and the majority come from the US? KF-X a competitor of the F-35? Never a requirement, never a hope. It's a 4.5 gen, thus Korea's strategy to sell this fighter is to sell it to those who can't buy F-35.

Rest of your wet dreams are something to laugh about. Good luck calling your president at Moscow and Mr. Xi in China to fulfill the fantasy of yours.

Member for

12 years 7 months

Posts: 4,168

confused. Thales is now out of HTC now no? Is it still involved in AESA/GaN radar as a partner?

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

confused. Thales is now out of HTC now no? Is it still involved in AESA/GaN radar as a partner?

Oh, yes. Thanks for noticing it. It's now simply Hanhwa systems without Thales on the back...

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12 years 8 months

Posts: 171

You also have to take into account Hanwha Systems is the systems integrator and while LIGNex1 has the greater hardware experience Hanwha has experience with naval combat systems and FCS and KM-SAM with search, track, and weapons guidance to the target. No doubt the KF-X radar will use LIG developed TRMs with Hanwha back-end software and sensor fusion.

Here is an image of LIG's TRM technology. Taken from this blog.

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7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

Here is an image of LIG's TRM technology. Taken from this blog.

A short note about that pic, the purposes reads(from left to the right):
'next-gen counter-battery radar', 'AESA for aircraft', 'low altitude radar', 'Ulsan I class (FFX-1 or Incheon class) detection radar', 'long range radar', 'next-gen local air defense radar', 'air control radar'.

What that is labelled as 'AESA for aircraft' is one of a development prototype by LIG Nex1 with 500 of those on it (thats why its GaAs). One for the KF-X will have - like what I've mentioned before - around 1100 GaN 50W T/R modules.

Member for

13 years 1 month

Posts: 4,731

First off, you're blaming MRJ is a commercial plane, which is all about economy and efficiency, thus you better give an source about in which way MHI decreased the use of composite materials for MRJ. Do you even know that one of the sales point of MRJ is its lighter aircraft thanks to composite uses? You gotta know that Japan is one of the leaders of composite material industries and F-2 was the first fighter jet to have a full composite integral unit airfoil surface. Not only that, the amount of composite material used for F-2 was not ordinary for a fighter jet at that time. Your keen to say that Japan lost such technology or something similar, but sorry, X-2 doesn't looks like it agrees with that.

Japan has been Tier-1 supplier to commercial aviation for long time. it should have known what is involoved in MRJ. do you have pictures of Mitsubish F-2 with CFT or heavy loads. Its not the composite materials but how heavy weopons it can sustain over various weopons stations for next 30 years under heavy use.

I'm also quite sure that the mighty Sukhoi doesn't get a single help for SSJ-100 from its consultant Boeing nor is Alenia its partner isn't it? The engine which is produced by a joint venture with Snecma will also be purely NTO Saturn product I guess. Also the electronics from Thales or control system from Liebherr is actually Russian built, the APU from Honywell is never an American product, Landing gear from Messier Dowty is never French.

Did Sukhoi open a engineering center in US and Italy. Did Boeing sent engineers to help Sukhoi with design, materials,weights, flight tests. they use commercial thales avioncis but its more to having commonality with Airbus A320 so airlines can accept it. same with various western subsystems and as those subsystems manufacturer will be responisble for maintaining it. now landing gears are built in Russian for more advanced jets.

Hydromash delivered the first set of landing gear for MS-21 aircraft

Chinese sanctions on NK? Who sends crude oil to NK? Who exports an item under UNSC sanction against NK? Who helps NK to develop nukes? Chinese sanction on NK is US sanction on UK. Labor forces of NK? Yeah sure, good luck with those under-educated laborers suffering malnutrition. AH! That's why Russia is suffering such a severe economic difficulties. Now I understand it better.

i mean even slight sanction by China make NK more dependent on Russia. Russia want efficiently utlitlize NK labor in its projects.

30 years of scientific help and Korean Bankruptcy? Uh.... I'm seriously saying. Are you confused between South Korea and North Korea? Have you ever heard of Bulgom project?
Who was the actual one that lend money from S.Kor when they were just about to collapse? Who calls for Korean capital and help to develop the Siberia? Who sold important technologies to Korea, which was rapidly growing in terms of economy and GDP, due to harsh national economic situations? Who has gone through one of the most important and famous bankruptcy in mankind's history, used its natural resources trying to reclaims its old glory, but failed due to overall lower crude oil price? Who is cutting their defense budget, even though they need a bigger military to blackmail the neighbors and try acting like a big boss?

The problem is that you are not understanding economic growth. You are complete import and export dependent economic system with domestic consumer burried in debt. you never learned how to stand on own feet. i dont have time to teach you oil price.

Korea being bankrupt? Korea had 2.7 % GDP growth just last year, and that devastating THAAD sanction from China and Russia was so deadly and successful, that Korea was able to continue its 6 months-long export boom, especially for electronics industry which is benefiting from global IoT and network expansion. Son, unfortunately for you, Russia ain't Korea's export priority nor China, but its the US, Europe and India. Dependent on foreign technologies? Well partially true but our core industry a no. I guess Korea is so dependent that Samsung is one of the industrial leaders along with LG and SK, Hyundai exporting engines for Mitsubishi and Chrysler, POSCO producing various kinds of special steels. Who is along US Japan and west Europe to lead 5G telecommunications development? There are even more I could mention but it seems enough already.

Korea has 2.7% GDP growth. what you know about GDP that you throwing around. dont believe on your export numbers. wasnt it hyundai that got caught cheating about its fuel economic numbers of its vehicles.

KF-X is going to fail due to Americans you say, though do you know that the TAC for this project is LM? Do you know Korea was 4th country on the list for military imports and the majority come from the US? KF-X a competitor of the F-35? Never a requirement, never a hope. It's a 4.5 gen, thus Korea's strategy to sell this fighter is to sell it to those who can't buy F-35.

KF-X is going to fail because korea neither haveand the money nor the technical ability. At best it will be Gripen NG.

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

do you have pictures of Mitsubish F-2 with CFT or heavy loads. Its not the composite materials but how heavy weopons it can sustain over various weopons stations for next 30 years under heavy use.

You make me reply to your nonsense after all.... Else wise would the others who that are not well informed get "by JSR" wrong infos.


Never knew, that 4 ASMs with 2 drop tanks and 2 wingtip WVRAAMs ain't a heavy load.

now landing gears are built in Russian for more advanced jets.

I knew it. Changing stances. Isn't it, Mr. "Russia create there own maths"? I even feel pity for people like you, not being able to forget the Soviet glory almost 30 years old today, getting so desperate and obsessed for dissing the other countries with better situation.

The problem is that you are not understanding economic growth. You are complete import and export dependent economic system with domestic consumer buried in debt. you never learned how to stand on own feet. i don't have time to teach you oil price.

Why not ask this also to Germans? Citizens buried under debt? So definitely not Russia, where over 30% of its people responded for the survey, that they aren't able to buy basic daily necessities to completely fulfill there needs. Is it only Korea where domestic debts rise? Guess you already forgot 2008. Say I don't understand economics and talks about some "Russian(TM) Magic Economics", never a genuine statement. Now I bombard you with truth and facts, you can't even refute properly.

KF-X is going to fail because korea neither haveand the money nor the technical ability. At best it will be Gripen NG.

And as always,the climax, the story's end is always a personal hope.


Member for

12 years 3 months

Posts: 26

Getting THAAD deployed in S.Kor was already a Korean benefit

Since you believe THAAD is benefit for Korea, surely you won't mind pay Trump's $1billion bill ,right?

Member for

13 years 1 month

Posts: 4,731

Originally Posted by Maro.Kyo
You make me reply to your nonsense after all.... Else wise would the others who that are not well informed get "by JSR" wrong infos.
Never knew, that 4 ASMs with 2 drop tanks and 2 wingtip WVRAAMs ain't a heavy load.

Try to understand before giving uninformed reply. that Mitsubishi F-2 picture is hardly impressive for an aircraft that is made of composite of material and presumably slightly larger than standard F-16. Any late 1980s built F-16 can lift that much loads. and we still don't know how much runway F-2 need for such load out and what is the top speed and altitude of F-2.

if you want to see effective application of composite materials looke MIG-29K. It has folding wings, 5 wet stations, enlarged nose and spine/wing area, more engine power and can lift from carrier for short takeoff with heavy loads. Rafale use greater percentage of composites but small nose, no folding wings and weak engines make it less effective use of composite structure

Originally Posted by Maro.Kyo
I knew it. Changing stances. Isn't it, Mr. "Russia create there own maths"? I even feel pity for people like you, not being able to forget the Soviet glory almost 30 years old today, getting so desperate and obsessed for dissing the other countries with better situation.

it is to teach a lesson in Russian and Soviet science. 30 years with Korea. just look back further to Bloomberg, Oracle, Google and Israel.

Originally Posted by Maro.Kyo
Why not ask this also to Germans? Citizens buried under debt? So definitely not Russia, where over 30% of its people responded for the survey, that they aren't able to buy basic daily necessities to completely fulfill there needs. Is it only Korea where domestic debts rise? Guess you already forgot 2008. Say I don't understand economics and talks about some "Russian(TM) Magic Economics", never a genuine statement. Now I bombard you with truth and facts, you can't even refute properly.

Germans never pretend to be a military power they are ok to be buried in debt. Germany also accepted that EU will be reliant on Russian energy.
Its Korea that want to develop military and forgetting what is developed in commercial is entirely due to foreign assistance. and its Korea that has not accepted Russian energy on large scale. I am sure as Russian military procurement accelerates and it use more military force in Middleast Korea will come to same conclusion to what currently Germany.

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16 years 2 months

Posts: 2,626

Why is it important if Korea uses Russian energy or not? Or Germany?

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

Since you believe THAAD is benefit for Korea, surely you won't mind pay Trump's $1billion bill ,right?

Ofc, it's a benefit when we only gotta provide the lands and that was the case what I was calling beneficial.
Even when we're buying it with our defense budget, its still worth the price and still a fair trade. THAAD is decent enough, and will definitely help us out way better than before, though what Trump says is, that we're not paying to "buy" it or in other words, own it and its still going to be a US asset.
That is a nonsense in this case.

Trying to act with sarcasm or what?

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

Try to understand before giving uninformed reply. that Mitsubishi F-2 picture is hardly impressive for an aircraft that is made of composite of material and presumably slightly larger than standard F-16. Any late 1980s built F-16 can lift that much loads. and we still don't know how much runway F-2 need for such load out and what is the top speed and altitude of F-2.

Ofc, 4 harpoons but also with 2 external 370 gallon fuel tanks and a wingtip WVRAAM to be fully operational isn't it? Now really, "uninformed reply"?

if you want to see effective application of composite materials looke MIG-29K. It has folding wings, 5 wet stations, enlarged nose and spine/wing area, more engine power and can lift from carrier for short takeoff with heavy loads. Rafale use greater percentage of composites but small nose, no folding wings and weak engines make it less effective use of composite structure

Another RUSSIA STRONK here.
How is the folding to do with composites? Are the folding joints of the main wing made out of composites? Thus will you give any specific reference about MiG-29k's composite material uses? RAC only approves 15% composite uses on the air frame, whereas Rafale as you've mentioned has more application of composite materials, roughly 28%. Why compare two fighters of way different composite material ratio? That's simply idiotic.
Rafale's engine you say? They are smaller, lighter and therefore a lower thrust. Why argue something so obvious? It also has a better TTW ratio thus the air frame itself is way lighter than the MiG-29K so it's YOU, who gotta stop an uninformed reply.

Rest doesn't even deserve a further reply.

Guess no more replies for your bull**** is something miles wiser to be done than what I've done till now.

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

Really, now I feel like this thread has to be named "'corrections to RUSSIA STRONK' thread" rather than "KF-X news & discussion" thanks to some fellow Russia fan-boy, who gotta tell us that "Russia has a different math".
Those are at the level of some real good comedy now. simply too much to laugh about for that much of a pity.

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 2,271

Ofc, 4 harpoons but also with 2 external 370 gallon fuel tanks and a wingtip WVRAAM to be fully operational isn't it? Now really, "uninformed reply"?

Those are 600 gal tanks actually. And the missiles are Japanese ASM-2.

Member for

13 years 1 month

Posts: 4,731

Quote Originally Posted by Maro.Kyo
Ofc, 4 harpoons but also with 2 external 370 gallon fuel tanks and a wingtip WVRAAM to be fully operational isn't it? Now really, "uninformed reply"?

why you dont understand what i am writing. you dont need composite material fighter to carry 4 Anti ship missile and 2 fuel tanks. Even the original MIG-29M and MIG-29K from late 1980s could lift that much load without any composite material.
show me what kind of loads F-2 can lift and what kind of performance and range it generate that 1980s fighters cant.

Quote Originally Posted by Maro.Kyo
Another RUSSIA STRONK here.
How is the folding to do with composites? Are the folding joints of the main wing made out of composites? Thus will you give any specific reference about MiG-29k's composite material uses? RAC only approves 15% composite uses on the air frame, whereas Rafale as you've mentioned has more application of composite materials, roughly 28%. Why compare two fighters of way different composite material ratio? That's simply idiotic.
Rafale's engine you say? They are smaller, lighter and therefore a lower thrust. Why argue something so obvious? It also has a better TTW ratio thus the air frame itself is way lighter than the MiG-29K so it's YOU, who gotta stop an uninformed reply.

Rest doesn't even deserve a further reply.

Guess no more replies for your bull**** is something miles wiser to be done than what I've done till now

large folding wings need strong reinforcement. in order to make the fighter not overweight it need reduction in weight. MIG-29K has the most efffective application of composite materials. MIG-29K has higher top speed/Altitude than Rafale/F-18E/F-35.

Mitsubishi F-2 programme started in 1988 and first production model in 2000. that was time when Japan has alot of money and decent labor resources. if Japan try to repeat the same thing again. it will take much much longer.

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

Those are 600 gal tanks actually. And the missiles are Japanese ASM-2.

No, I was actually referring to the F-16.... as that's what JSR was comparing F-2 to.

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 2,271

I see... 600 gal tanks are possible though, but not with 4 ASMs of course :)

Member for

8 years 5 months

Posts: 1,168

Since you believe THAAD is benefit for Korea, surely you won't mind pay Trump's $1billion bill ,right?

Korea owns billions of US tsy debt since it is a US client state. It has paid for thaad 10 times over

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7 years 5 months

Posts: 572


It's the owner of debt who gets paid in interest.