Korea's KF-X: News & Discussion

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11 years 4 months

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South Korea's president is removed from office as court upholds her impeachment
How will it impact the program?

Definitively, there seems to be a Rafale plague for those women head of gov that discard the Fr favorite.

well Park was right wing and pro US

the opposition party is left wing and wants peace, so maybe some military cuts.
also more French friendly.

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12 years 7 months

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Member for

8 years 5 months

Posts: 1,168

well Park was right wing and pro US

the opposition party is left wing and wants peace, so maybe some military cuts.
also more French friendly.

Order some Dassaults brah.

Why isnt Dassault making a stealth body kit to keep up with the jones's /

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

Well, KF-X is already off the political hands right now. Like what I've said above, if KF-X fails, ROKAF fails. They're in a kind of a "all-in" alike state. And their card on their hands is KF-X. President change is unlikely to change the fate of this program, thus the history rewinds back till early 200s so its quite old.

Also, the current defense related issue in Korea is THAAD, BMD (KAMD) Kill-Chain and so on, sth related to defending Korea against the nukes and other kinds of unconventional arms of NK; things were really politic and diplomatic related to THAAD, right wing conservatives and left wing progressives, China and US and so on. Guess you already get what I mean. KF-X has already been forgotten from the mass media and the citizens, thus the political scene.

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

well Park was right wing and pro US

the opposition party is left wing and wants peace, so maybe some military cuts.
also more French friendly.

I don't like talking about sth politic in a military forum but I gotta get wrong things right:
Indeed, was former pres., current criminal Park pro US when she was in the Blue House? Duh, definitely a no.

In fact, Park was a diplomatic - actually not only that, those whole 4 yrs with Park in the Blue House, in any kinds of ways - disaster for S.Korea. What she have done is something called a "balanced diplomacy" (which already has been tried out early 2000s and failed like a sinking ship) in Korea. Simply put, distanced from the US and get closer to some other neighbors, in this case, China. For the first time, she even attended the Chinese "Day of Victory over Japan" parade. Not only that but Park has done various things to favor China. What changed this mood and situation was NK.
They've conducted two nuclear experiments and developed a SLBM and a SSB to launch it. What did their boss China do?: Nothing. In fact, until now for such a long time, China helped NK in various ways, evading UNSC sanctions and mandates, sending them trucks and equipment which can be used to produce TELs, produce various PGM, BM, send Oil for NK to use and setting up a connection between NK and other allies of China such as Iran and Pakistan to support North Korean nuclear development.

Now one thing was so damn clear; China will never stop supporting NK.
There is an ultra famous ancient Chinese idiom which sounds "using the enemy to strike another enemy" or "take control of a group by using another group's"(以夷制夷). This is just the case in Korean Peninsula. They're using NK and let SK and NK go against each other to take an upper hand in the game of supremacy in the Far East.

Now if that is the case, getting closer to China was such a stupid idea (well it was a stupid idea ever since the Korean War). US was already so uncomfortable so what was Korea able to do to full-fill US favors to get the diplomatic situation back into its original form before the Park? Oh its so obvious ㅡ get closer to Japan and let the US deploy THAAD.
Getting THAAD deployed in S.Kor was already a Korean benefit but the problem was China bitcxxxx-off, just like what they've actually done after S.Kor letting the US deploy THAAD. Other problem was the left wings of Korean politics, and the correlation of THAAD to BMD program of US and Japan, which Korea was ever avoiding to get fully involved (its quite funny to say this, cuz Korea already attain most of the BMD info from AMD CELL of US which is connected to KAMD CELL). Moreover, it was the US who wanted to deploy THAAD in Korea more than the Korean Gov. itself so Korea was using this as some sorta diplomatic leverage; THAAD is not just simply a terminal high altitude BMD system, but something more than that in S.Kor.

However as I've said we needed sth to be used as a diplomatic leverage to calm the US distrust on S.Kor and it was THAAD; now one may see how things are going.

In fact, there are some rumors in S.Kor about Former Pres. Park (the dicatator and the father of the daughter and latest Pres. Park in this case), that he was assassinated by US instigation because he was ordering the Korean nuclear developments at the time. Thinking about the fact, that Park was even into shamanism, there is enough and confident belief that Park was personally and emotionally against the US.

Anyways, overall and all together, Park wasn't pro US. It was China and NK who made the Gov. become one.

Apart from that, how you described Korean left wing as they want peace... Yeah partially right, but something more important is that they are one of the most stupid people in the world with rosy and unrealistic agenda in their mind. They're not French friendly but rather anti-US and therefore looks more like a pro-European. They don't understand whats going on, nor they know anything about current diplomatic situations. What they only care regarding the national security of S.Kor is to "talk" with the NK (which already failed early 2000s and Korea only paid them to develope nuclear weapons with S.Korean rice), get away from "evil", "warmongering" US and get closer to China. Now some ideas? If they gain a full political victory, some budgetary cuts in KAMD or KMPR or Kill Chain developements will possibly be there but this is unlikely, due to the fact that even if they win the next presidential elections, still the right wing has an upper hand in the parliament.

Actually, apart from all what I wrote above, no matter left or right, KF-X is anyways not going to be affected by any governments as this a life line of ROKAF in 20s, is somewhat indigenous and not US-built like the F-35 and will benefit the Korean industry.

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

KF-X IWB developments news

It was already assured that KF-X will have IWB and alaik it was going to be the block. 2 where IWB was going to be tested and authorized to be combat capable.
Although the IWB was confirmed, details were only under speculations but now, those awaited details are released.


(photo courtsey Sheldon blog.naver.com/jhst3103)
The IWB R&D will be based on C107 model, starting this summer on June.
The R&D will start with simplified models such as an IWB without any internal compartments and will be continued for a more specific and complicated forms with internal compartments and armaments.

Armaments models to be tested are 4 AMRAAM configuration and 2 AMRAAM + 4 SDB configuration (That is a typo of GBU-39). Koreans are speculating that KF-X's IWB ain't deep/big enough for a GBU-32 but thinking about that Koreans are developing their own JDAM alike body kit for Mk.32, a GBU-38 may fit each IWB sections with an AMRAAM aside.

The modelling altitude is 30,000 ft.

Specific analyzing subsections are "IWB counterbalancing research" and "analyzing optimal designs". "analyzing optimal designs" are also divided into "comparison of shortlisted designs" "researches on influences of internal compartments" and "researches on influences of armaments in IWB"
Flow analyzing will be done on speeds of Mach 0.8/0.95/1.1/1.8 with AOA of -5,0,5,10
below that are specific compartments/items metioned. From the left, those are depth, width, lenght, door opening angles, ramp angles, ans spoiler.

In fact, ROKAF aims to acquire 20 more F-35s so 60 all together, thus they also plan to conduct a RMP for 60 F-15Ks along with acquisitions of lots of KEPD-350 and its Korean equivalent. That means KF-X doesn't need to be a fighter-bomber when on a stealthy load-outs like F-35. I guess they only plan to use KF-X's LO abilities for D-DAY and DAY+x aerial sweep, DCA and SEAD. After that, they will probably be armed externally with some heavier JDAMs for strike and AI, thinking about the fact that targeting pods will also be loaded externally anyways.


Member for

13 years

Posts: 4,731

Korea will belly up before it can afford real KFX. neither China or US will tolerate trade surpluses.

Member for

11 years 4 months

Posts: 2,040

where be the pics of c107

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

What that has been revealed is what I've got now. C107 model is still kept unpublished but was only mentioned on the document that model version C107 will be used for the flow simulation and analysis.

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

Korea will belly up before it can afford real KFX. neither China or US will tolerate trade surpluses.

Man, I've just read through some of your posts in other threads and they all looks quite decent, in means of a comedy. I just knew it in a first glance, but now got 100% sure that it would be such a waste of a time to argue with a person such as you, ay?
If your just gonna speak about something without any supporting arguments or sources or whatever but nothing more than your wet dreams, get lost. I don't care if your Russian or whatever nationality you've got but one thing; if your into this conversation, stick on to it, give a genuine reason for what your saying and say something people will be convinced with. If u want to troll, go somewhere else. You may also go to a nearest stationery and buy a diary or start a blog to write down whatever fantasy you've got. It's your choice but what that is not you option is to troll here.

Member for

14 years 6 months

Posts: 8,850

Let me get this straight.. you have joined this forum few weeks ago, made 18 posts and now you're about to kick out members who have been here for ages? You are kidding, right?

JSR might have some strange posts and he is well known for outright brutal oversimplifying.. but there is some substance in his responses and more importantly, he is providing completely different perspectives on the obvious topics.. I find this colorfulness quite inspiring (sometimes) as it provides unexpected amounts of food for thought..

If there is an option of JSR or you going somewhere else, then my pick is clear as day, sorry..

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

Let me get this straight.. you have joined this forum few weeks ago, made 18 posts and now you're about to kick out members who have been here for ages? You are kidding, right?

JSR might have some strange posts and he is well known for outright brutal oversimplifying.. but there is some substance in his responses and more importantly, he is providing completely different perspectives on the obvious topics.. I find this colorfulness quite inspiring (sometimes) as it provides unexpected amounts of food for thought..

If there is an option of JSR or you going somewhere else, then my pick is clear as day, sorry..

Let me get it once more straight.... I'm neither telling him to "leave" for whatever meaningless reasons but for his nonsense which has never been supported by any proof but only sounds like his personal idea which has to be kept rather personal, nor trying actually kick him out but to demand him a rational argumentation. Moreover, my main point here is something you described "oversimplifying" which seems to be beyond that level. What I'm basically saying is, what I want is a supporting proof, a reason, a genuine evidence. An argument without any background is nothing more than an idiotic joke.

I don't care much about how you think of me as, maybe a stranger or a trespasser, but I gotta get this rather straight. It is true that I'm very new here, haven't seen JSR giving various perspectives and opinions and arguments in various other threads. Nevertheless, what that is to be labelled "written by JSR" that I've read in this thread only appears like some twisted Russian pride and unreasonable underestimation of S.Kor for me. It is nothing excessive to demand rationality for someone who is taking part of the conversation IMHO, thus, this is what I basically wrote on my previous post which you've got uncomfortable of.

Kicking one out? Nah, if it sounds like one, you've got it wrong.

Member for

19 years 3 months

Posts: 4,472

Let me get it once more straight.... I'm neither telling him to "leave" for whatever meaningless reasons but for his nonsense which has never been supported by any proof but only sounds like his personal idea which has to be kept rather personal, nor trying actually kick him out but to demand him a rational argumentation.

Don't wanna put oil on the fire, but a fraction of those who argue with JSR & call him names wouldn't notice a rational argumentation if you shoved it up their favorite forum page.


Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

Back to the topic, I see there were some lack of information regarding KF-X which is seen on those posts from 2014 in the 1st and the 2nd page so better correct that.

First off, all of those 3D renders and images are fan made or in other words, unofficial(they indeed looks very amateur either). Just like what I've mentioned the last page, KF-X aims to carry 4 BVRAAMs or 8 SDBs. GBU-32 or 6 BVRAAMs in the weapon bay was never a requirement.

The targeting pod is also going to be equipped externally, thus KF-X will have IRST built-in on the fuselage. Even so, it will mostly rely on its radar's SAR capabilities and GPS for ground strikes using the SDB on stealthy configuration. Unlike the targeting pod, the ECM system will be internally equipped. This is to be done by modifying the ALQ-200K ECM pod, though since ALQ-200K will be already more than 20 years old as KF-X enters mass production, I personally predict that this modification isn't only about internally equipping it but also contains upgrades to its hardware.

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

I've noticed that there are some lacking infos which has never been mentioned.

KF-X's AESA will be developed by Hanhwa Thales(former Samsung Thales). This was quite a surprise back then in 2016, due to the fact, that they had most experiences and development records regarding radar development including AESA. Also the initial partner who developed technologies for AESA on the fighters alongside ETRI and ADD for more than 10 years was LIG Nex1 either (they were also the ones who made the development prototype of AESA radar for KF-X, which has around 500 GaAs T/R modules with peak power of 10W). Though Hanhwa Thales has experience developing MFR for KM-SAM and this is regarded the main reason for Hanhwa victory.


(one of the AESA prototype from LIG Nex1 and it's T/RM array)


KF-X's AESA will have more than 1000 GaN X-band T/R modules (probably 1132 modules) with peak power of 50W. According to the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, ETRI aims to develop X-band T/RM with peak power of 20W till 2011, 25W till 2012, 30W till 2013, 40W till 2015 and 50W till 2019. They did reveal 30W X-band GaN T/RM in 2013, so we should see if they'll be able to achieve 50W till 2019 like what they've planned for.


Unlike Initial models with refuel probes, KF-X will have receptacles for flying boom refueling. It would also have two-seater variant unlike the F-35 or F-22.

I'm actually quite confused about this, though alaik, KF-X will have a built in IRST just like what I've mentioned before.


This 3D modelling of C104 shows an IRST alike figure in the red circle, but



the subsonic windtunnel test of C105 doesn't have such on its nose. As KAI and ADD aim to achieve LO for KF-X, it is also possible that they decided to place it somewhere else....

photos courtsey Sheldon(blog.naver.com/jhst3103), bemil.chosun.com (Yu Yong Won's Military World), KARI's blog


Member for

14 years 6 months

Posts: 8,850

OK, no pun intended.. if you expect JSR to provide hard data or evidence to back up his claims, then you'll end up waiting forever.. but if you want to learn things from a different, not entirely illogical perspective, then you are good to go.. you just need to read, critically assess and filter out the worse half..

Interesting stuff on the KF-X, especially the GaN AESA and round IRST (oh-so-not-stealthy :very_drunk:), thanks

Member for

13 years

Posts: 4,731

Man, I've just read through some of your posts in other threads and they all looks quite decent, in means of a comedy. I just knew it in a first glance, but now got 100% sure that it would be such a waste of a time to argue with a person such as you, ay?

try to understand what i wrote.

If your just gonna speak about something without any supporting arguments or sources or whatever but nothing more than your wet dreams, get lost. I don't care if your Russian or whatever nationality you've got but one thing; if your into this conversation, stick on to it, give a genuine reason for what your saying and say something people will be convinced with. If u want to troll, go somewhere else. You may also go to a nearest stationery and buy a diary or start a blog to write down whatever fantasy you've got. It's your choice but what that is not you option is to troll here.

what kind of supporting arguments you need for some thing so obvious. Korea simply cant afford a competitive KFX. Even Japan is going backward in technology as it dropped the use of composites in its Mitsubishi MRJ regional Jet and that plane is 10 years delayed and need all the flight testing overseas. The point is as China put more sanctions on North Korea the greater NK labor will work on Russian projects.

China has seen coal imports from Russia jump in March following North Korea ban

Korea is bankrupt despite all the past 30 years of scientific help from Russia. Russia will demand market price for that past intellectual use. and if that required investements are not provided than you will see that impact all around Asia and Middleast where Korean firms will be thrown out. flights routes will be curtailed. it is not just Thaad. its about disarming Korea and make it more dependent.

BEIJING -- Chinese state media say Beijing and Moscow have agreed to take “further countermeasures” in response to plans for an advanced U.S. missile defense system in South Korea

Member for

7 years 6 months

Posts: 41

OK, no pun intended.. if you expect JSR to provide hard data or evidence to back up his claims, then you'll end up waiting forever.. but if you want to learn things from a different, not entirely illogical perspective, then you are good to go.. you just need to read, critically assess and filter out the worse half..

Interesting stuff on the KF-X, especially the GaN AESA and round IRST (oh-so-not-stealthy ), thanks

Yes indeed.... Maybe I've got too far last time, but I'm not here to talk about some numbers for economy and diplomatics but this Korean fighter development project which looks quite interesting.
On top of that, those numbers are wrong....

Thus I'll try hard to find something rather interestign for anyone here, but that'll be hard due to the fact that S.Kor is nothing more thatn a follower; US, Russia, Europeans or the Japanese either one of 'em would have already tried what Koreans are doing ATM.

Member for

12 years 1 month

Posts: 3,156

Just ignore him and don't quote his ramblings so the rest of us don't have to see him.

He isn't a "different, not entirely illogical perspective," he is just yet another Russia Stronk keyboard warrior who can't be bothered to operate in the real world.