Vietnamese Navy

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Vietnam Kilo 636 Submarine Technology More Advanced Than China Kilo 636 ?

Kilo 636 submarine (photo :Navalshow)


Commentary Han Hoa Military Magazine in April, a leading source of military technology expert reputation in Moscow (Russia) said that under a bilateral agreement signed between Russia and Vietnam, in 2013, Vietnam will receive the first Kilo submarines, a year later as the second and the last one will be delivered in 2017.Compared with 636-MK submarines that use by the Chinese Navy, Kilo 636-MV submarines that Russia sold to Vietnam has many differences, of which the largest is about armament.

First, Vietnam's Kilo submarines will be fitted with land attack cruise missile 3M-14E latest type, with a range of 290 km. Missiles are not Russia's Defense Ministry approved the export to China. Apart from Vietnam, two other countries are exporting Russian 3M-14E missiles is India and Algeria.

Besides that, Kilo 636-MV submarine is equipped with radar-guided complex multi-effects post GE2-01 type. This has not been removed for export to China, the biggest advantage is minimizing the noise in the environment and help diversify measures directions.

Sonar system, Kilo 636-MK China submarines is equipped with sonar systems MGK 400E basic types. Meanwhile, the Kilo 636-MV submarines are installing sonar systems MGK 400E type improvements. Two sonar system has the same sounding range, but the sonar system type MGK 400E is equipped with improved signal processing speed and performance more digitized higher level.

Novator 3M-14E Club S missile type of land attack cruise missile, max range 290km (photo : Elforo)

On the periscope, both Kilo 636-MK submarine and Kilo 636-MV submarines are equipped with sounding optical system, but the periscope used for tasks Kilo 636-MV attack submarines are installation of additional equipment measuring distance from IR ray and TV monitoring systems, Meanwhile, Kilo 636MK submarines primarily use optical aiming device and no distance measurement beam from. That means fighting capability at night and the attack accuracy of the Kilo 636-MV submarine will be higher than Kilo 636-MK submarine.

Final difference is the air conditioning system that Kilo 636-MV submarines using more appropriate to the climate, tropical terrain.

Besides these differences, Kilo submarines that Russia sold to China and the Russian Kilo submarine exports to Vietnam have some similarities, such as the missile is equipped with 3M-54E anti-ship, and used batteries 476 E type of improvement, long life and meet the requirements of the water temperature in the Pacific Ocean.

Sources said that the production time of two submarines on each other for over 5 years, the technology equipped for Kilo 636-MV submarines is granted with more advanced than Kilo 636-MK. Considering the differences above, according to the magazine, although both are Kilo 636 M submarines, but the gap in technology between the Kilo 636-MV submarine and Kilo 636-MK submarine at least 10 years.

Novator 3M-54E Club S type of anti ship cruise missile, max range 220km (photo : Elforo)

About 6 Kilo submarines sold by Russia to Vietnam, long have information that Vietnam can use them to build two fleets. However, according to sources, six submarines of the Kilo 636-MV Vietnam will be arranged uniformly, forming a Russian fleet and the construction will be in charge of all media repository missiles at seaports and oxygen supply stations as part of the contents of bilateral agreements signed with Vietnam.

Related to the purchase price of Kilo 636-MVsubmarine, formerly reported that Vietnam Navy may have to buy Kilo 636-MV submarines with high prices. But according to sources, the price of Kilo 636-MV submarines that Russia sold to Vietnam is completely true and current prices Russia has started to manufacture first Kilo 636 submarines for Vietnam.

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1 more of the Vietnamese Gepard

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1 more of the Vietnamese Gepard

how many total ordered and delivered so far?

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Related to the purchase price of Kilo 636-MVsubmarine, formerly reported that Vietnam Navy may have to buy Kilo 636-MV submarines with high prices. But according to sources, the price of Kilo 636-MV submarines that Russia sold to Vietnam is completely true and current prices Russia has started to manufacture first Kilo 636 submarines for Vietnam.

Russia often offers Vietnam good purchasing price for its military equipment probably owing to the historical relationship. I remembered they sold Su-27SK/UB to Vietnam at a relatively low price $28 or 30M a piece or something like that.

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1 more of the Vietnamese Gepard

Thanks for this view. Looking at it, and particularly the service-bay-like area just forward of the landing pad, I'm wondering why they didn't equip her with a (e.g. telescopic, as on Sovremenny?) hangar...

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14 years 7 months

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Thanks for this view. Looking at it, and particularly the service-bay-like area just forward of the landing pad, I'm wondering why they didn't equip her with a (e.g. telescopic, as on Sovremenny?) hangar...

I heard that the main task of this vessel is as a command post (Sigma-E) system so it has good radars and datalink system to provide intels and guidance for smaller ships that Vietnamese navy is having in its arsenal. As a result, the ability to carry helicopter is not particularly important.

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I heard that the main task of this vessel is as a command post (Sigma-E) system so it has good radars and datalink system to provide intels and guidance for smaller ships that Vietnamese navy is having in its arsenal. As a result, the ability to carry helicopter is not particularly important.

Important enough to give her a landing pad. Likely she can also rearm and refuel a helicopter (otherwise just the pad itself would have sufficed). The extra step to include some form of (bad) weather cover is minimal imho and makes her more verstile.

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I must admit I'm pleased that J-20 opened this thread with all the focus on Chinese and Indian navy developments the Vietnamese tend to get overlooked.

Recent modernisation of their armed forces has been very interesting, certainly a Russian procurement bias at the moment but I do get a vibe that Western especially European manufacturers would be interested in that market.

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Recent modernisation of their armed forces has been very interesting, certainly a Russian procurement bias at the moment but I do get a vibe that Western especially European manufacturers would be interested in that market.

I think it's not just Russian procurement bias, but with overwhellmingly Vietnam armaments is Russian origin, to switch to western standard need a lot of effort. Example from other SEA nations like Malaysia and Indonesia which recent years before try to reduce Western armaments show that switching to Russian origin wass not just a simple procurement. Recent trend of procurement from Malaysia and Indonesia show the trend to get Chinese or Russian (non-western) standard being reduced somewhat, showing problem on integrations.

I believe that's what happen also with Vietnam (on opposite condition), they perhaps willing to considered Western weapons, but I do believe it will not big if any procurement from west will happen.

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Some of their purchases also were simply not available in the West- Bastion for example.

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Important enough to give her a landing pad. Likely she can also rearm and refuel a helicopter (otherwise just the pad itself would have sufficed). The extra step to include some form of (bad) weather cover is minimal imho and makes her more verstile.

Yeah, I definitely agree that a landing pad is necessary. I think the space between between 2 AK-630s will be used to further secure the helicopter in bad weather condition.

On the other hand, I do believe that Vietnam do interest in buying arm from the west but I think it would take quite a long time before any major purchases to materialize. With Vietnam it's an equation of both cost, politics and tech transfer.
Most of the times we can see that Russian arms are cheaper than the western and Vietnam has already used a russian systems so additional training and logistics costs won't be too high.
Another bigger reason is political reason, Vietnamese leaders want to make sure that had a conflict happen, the arm supplier for Vietnam must continue to supply arm to Vietnam regardless of international political pressure. In this case, Vietnam has a long history dealing with Russia (SU in the past) so they still want to stick with Russian arms.
Finally, Russians are willing to sell Vietnam weapons/technology that they don't offer else where such as the recent Bastion coastal defense, licensing of RPG-29, some domestic features on the Su-27/30 (claims by army insiders).

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Another bigger reason is political reason, Vietnamese leaders want to make sure that had a conflict happen, the arm supplier for Vietnam must continue to supply arm to Vietnam regardless of international political pressure. In this case, Vietnam has a long history dealing with Russia (SU in the past) so they still want to stick with Russian arms.

but where was Russia (or SU I should say) when China invaded Vietnam in the late 70s despite a defence agreement?

Finally, Russians are willing to sell Vietnam weapons/technology that they don't offer else where such as the recent Bastion coastal defense, licensing of RPG-29, some domestic features on the Su-27/30 (claims by army insiders).

These two boats are a start, but Vietnam's going to need something larger and more powerful if it hopes to defend its maritime claims against China.. and to some extent, Malaysia and Indonesia.

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18 years 1 month

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but where was Russia (or SU I should say) when China invaded Vietnam in the late 70s despite a defence agreement?

The Soviet military role in Vietnam increased after that

They did not intervene but they did provide intelligence to the Vietnamese. And you were very close in getting another boot imprint from a Soviet/Russian boot on your ass. It was really the question of what America would do ..that made them hesitate. They were really afraid of another Bay of Bengal malarkey 8 years back where SU assisted India ...except this one going hot.

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14 years 7 months

Posts: 117

The Soviet military role in Vietnam increased after that

They did not intervene but they did provide intelligence to the Vietnamese. And you were very close in getting another boot imprint from a Soviet/Russian boot on your ass. It was really the question of what America would do ..that made them hesitate. They were really afraid of another Bay of Bengal malarkey 8 years back where SU assisted India ...except this one going hot.

There'a source in Vietnamese here indicates that the Soviet Union did mobilize about 29 divisions (250k personnels (:confused: I can't find any other source for this)) to the border of Soviet and China, help transporting Army Corp no. 2 from the Southern front to the border with China (however the China quickly retreated) and send Vietnam Grad rocket system. They also send the military advisors to Vietnam as well as the Soviet Pacific Fleet did do something to protect Vietnamese water.

These two boats are a start, but Vietnam's going to need something larger and more powerful if it hopes to defend its maritime claims against China.. and to some extent, Malaysia and Indonesia.

I think Vietnam do not need really big ships for now because its navy and airforce are much smaller than China's one so big ships will just become a prioritized targets. Those 2000-tons stealth is much easier to hide. For now I think Vietnam will stick with using small-fast ships, airforce, coastal defense to conduct guerrilla warfare in case the conflict happens.

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14 years 7 months

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Project 11661 corvette

Hi Snake65, do you know what radars and datalink system this one is using? My friends have been debating about that for weeks if it's using Garpun-Bal or Mineral-ME :D