Vietnamese Navy

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The first Vietnam's 636 Submarine Kilo class diesel-electric will be launched at the shipyard Admiralteiskye (St Petersburg) in August this year - a source of information from the defense industry The Russian said this on Tuesday.

December 2009, Prime Minister of Vietnam Nguyen Tan Dung signed a contract to purchase six Russian Kilo class submarines worth about 2 billion 636 million U.S. dollars.

The first submarine under the contract to be launched in August this year, then will start the test cycle of the ship, - the source said. Also according to this person, before the end of 2012, the first submarine to deliver to the order. All contracts are scheduled for completion in 2016.

The 636 submarine is 3100 tons of water, speed 20 knots / hour, the ability to dive 300 meters deep, with a crew of 52 people. It is equipped with weapons such as torpedoes 533 mm (six units), landmines, Kalibr rocket attack combinations.
Russian have finished the first of six submarines for Vietnam Navy

why vietnam buy so many navy ship these days? it is very provocative for peace

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Maybe because China is expanding its navy greatly.

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Maybe because China is expanding its navy greatly.

TIgershark is the minister of truth.

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24 years 8 months

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Vietnams naval acquisitions have been entirely defensive in nature....shore missiles, corvettes and SSK's. What is provocative about a country improving its ability to defend its own waters?

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19 years 3 months

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Don't be silly. Vietnam doesn't have any waters. The entire South China Sea is Chinese territorial waters, & therefore any Vietnamese naval weaponry can only be intended for aggression against China.

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24 years 8 months

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Don't be silly. Vietnam doesn't have any waters. The entire South China Sea is Chinese territorial waters, & therefore any Vietnamese naval weaponry can only be intended for aggression against China.

Of obvious now you explain it Swerve....thanks very much ;)

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12 years 6 months

Posts: 9

Vietnam upgraded Pechora-2M Air defence system

Vietnam sign contract with Tetraedr upgrade package over 30 combinations of the S-125 air defense missile "Pechora-M" to the standard S-125-2TM Pechora-2TM.

Tetraedr development is the combination medium-range air defense missiles S-125-2TM.Tetraedr was founded April 26, 2001 in the capital, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

S-125-2TM Pechora-2TM will be equipped with at least 10 air defense missile regiments (the 8th regiment using Pechora-2M includes regiment 213, 250, 257, 274, 276, 282, 284 and regiment 285). In October 2010, the vehicles and components to upgrade the S-125 "Pechora-M" in first phase of this contract was transport to Noi Bai airport.

After a period of upgrade Pechora-2TM in A31 Factory, Department of Engineering, Air Defense-Air Force, 152 Battalion of the 250 Missile Regiment was the first unit receives the weaponry refurbished. From 26 to 28 March 2011, the Battalion 152 and Tetraedr experts, A31 Factory and Technical Department of the Air Force and Air Defense shot test at TB1 ammunition. During shoot, 152 battalions have used the equipment of S-125-2TM fired a total of six missiles (1 missiles on 26/03/2011 and 5 missiles on 28/3/2011) kill the six target aircraft, results killing 100%.

The second units to receive the S-125-2TM is the 122 Battalion of the Regiment 284. During live firing drills from 1 to 5 December 2011 at TB1, Battalion 122 with technical experts Tetraedr have conducted successful test shot of S-125-2TM with the performance of the equipment of 152 Battalion.

In the process of modernization, the basic parts to be replaced, equipped with photovoltaic systems "day - night" and defensive radio techniques to deal with anti-radar missiles. two missile mounted on truck chassis produce by the Minsk factory.
Vietnam upgraded Pechora-2M Air defence system

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13 years 7 months

Posts: 241

First ship of the second batch of Gepard-class frigates will be laid down in june.

Two export corvette "Gepard-3.9" on the revised draft will be constructed for 11661E Vietnamese Zelenodolsk Shipyard, said the company's CEO Renat Mistahov.

"Laying the Vietnamese corvette under the contract will be made in June this year, will then be laying the second ship," - said Mistahov ITAR-TASS during the international exhibition LIMA 2013.

"The terms of delivery to the customer ships are scheduled for 2016 and 2017," - he added.

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19 years 5 months

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First ship of the second batch of Gepard-class frigates will be laid down in june.

These two are expected to be the ASW version.

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13 years 7 months

Posts: 1,482

The first of the Pr.636 subs are to be delivered to Vietnam this year. The total cost of the deal is around $3.6billion. Is there any confirmation or any new updates on whether these 6 sub will be fitted with AIP?
Also, any chance (or rumour) for the succeeding units to be installed with a 8xcell Yakhot VLS?

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13 years 3 months

Posts: 83

Rafael's MATADOR for Vietnam Naval Infantry

Israeli weapon :D

Member for

13 years 3 months

Posts: 83

The first of the Pr.636 subs are to be delivered to Vietnam this year. The total cost of the deal is around $3.6billion. Is there any confirmation or any new updates on whether these 6 sub will be fitted with AIP?
Also, any chance (or rumour) for the succeeding units to be installed with a 8xcell Yakhot VLS?

AFAIK, 6 Kilo-636 submarines won't be fitted AIP :cool: 6 subs will install 3M-54 Klub multi-role missile !

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24 years 8 months

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Klub?. Any indication which missiles are being supplied?. 3M14 might be an interesting statement of intent!

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13 years 3 months

Posts: 83

Klub?. Any indication which missiles are being supplied?. 3M14 might be an interesting statement of intent!

Our MoD purchased 3M54 Klub for 6 subs ! It's true not rumour :D
Source : SIPRI

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 4,875

Our MoD purchased 3M54 Klub for 6 subs ! It's true not rumour :D
Source : SIPRI

I had no intent to doubt Hoa please believe that...there are different variants of the 3M54 missile though and SIPRI does not seem to list which one Vietnam has ordered. Plus the same weapons system can launch the 3M14 LACM...which, given the proximity of somewhere like Zhanjiang to Hai Phong, might be an interesting capability for Vietnam to deploy. ;)

Member for

13 years 7 months

Posts: 1,482

AFAIK, 6 Kilo-636 submarines won't be fitted AIP :cool: 6 subs will install 3M-54 Klub multi-role missile !

OK, but what is the rest of the money going to?
The deal for 6 x 636 is around $1.8-2 billion, but the whole deal is around $3.6billion which mentions as for building support facilities for the submarines. But what support facilities are that which cost as much as the cost nearly $1.8 bilion?

I had thought/viewd that it was for creating the shore based facility for the Kristal-27E AIP among others....?

Member for

19 years 11 months

Posts: 3,609

I had no intent to doubt Hoa please believe that...there are different variants of the 3M54 missile though and SIPRI does not seem to list which one Vietnam has ordered. Plus the same weapons system can launch the 3M14 LACM...which, given the proximity of somewhere like Zhanjiang to Hai Phong, might be an interesting capability for Vietnam to deploy. ;)

"Kilo Class submarines are already configured for 3M54 Klub family (SS-N-27) missiles."

"Hanoi's outstanding order for six Kilo- class submarines fits significantly into this mix as well. The weapons fit is expected to include the sea-skimming 3M-54 Klub anti-ship missile, ranging up to 300 km."


Commentary Han Hoa Military Magazine in April, a leading source of military technology expert reputation in Moscow (Russia) said that under a bilateral agreement signed between Russia and Vietnam, in 2013, Vietnam will receive the first Kilo submarines, a year later as the second and the last one will be delivered in 2017.Compared with 636-MK submarines that use by the Chinese Navy, Kilo 636-MV submarines that Russia sold to Vietnam has many differences, of which the largest is about armament.

First, Vietnam's Kilo submarines will be fitted with land attack cruise missile 3M-14E latest type, with a range of 290 km. Missiles are not Russia's Defense Ministry approved the export to China. Apart from Vietnam, two other countries are exporting Russian 3M-14E missiles is India and Algeria.

Besides that, Kilo 636-MV submarine is equipped with radar-guided complex multi-effects post GE2-01 type. This has not been removed for export to China, the biggest advantage is minimizing the noise in the environment and help diversify measures directions.

Sonar system, Kilo 636-MK China submarines is equipped with sonar systems MGK 400E basic types. Meanwhile, the Kilo 636-MV submarines are installing sonar systems MGK 400E type improvements. Two sonar system has the same sounding range, but the sonar system type MGK 400E is equipped with improved signal processing speed and performance more digitized higher level.

On the periscope, both Kilo 636-MK submarine and Kilo 636-MV submarines are equipped with sounding optical system, but the periscope used for tasks Kilo 636-MV attack submarines are installation of additional equipment measuring distance from IR ray and TV monitoring systems, Meanwhile, Kilo 636MK submarines primarily use optical aiming device and no distance measurement beam from. That means fighting capability at night and the attack accuracy of the Kilo 636-MV submarine will be higher than Kilo 636-MK submarine.

Final difference is the air conditioning system that Kilo 636-MV submarines using more appropriate to the climate, tropical terrain.

Besides these differences, Kilo submarines that Russia sold to China and the Russian Kilo submarine exports to Vietnam have some similarities, such as the missile is equipped with 3M-54E anti-ship, and used batteries 476 E type of improvement, long life and meet the requirements of the water temperature in the Pacific Ocean.

Sources said that the production time of two submarines on each other for over 5 years, the technology equipped for Kilo 636-MV submarines is granted with more advanced than Kilo 636-MK. Considering the differences above, according to the magazine, although both are Kilo 636 M submarines, but the gap in technology between the Kilo 636-MV submarine and Kilo 636-MK submarine at least 10 years.

About 6 Kilo submarines sold by Russia to Vietnam, long have information that Vietnam can use them to build two fleets. However, according to sources, six submarines of the Kilo 636-MV Vietnam will be arranged uniformly, forming a Russian fleet and the construction will be in charge of all media repository missiles at seaports and oxygen supply stations as part of the contents of bilateral agreements signed with Vietnam.

Related to the purchase price of Kilo 636-MVsubmarine, formerly reported that Vietnam Navy may have to buy Kilo 636-MV submarines with high prices. But according to sources, the price of Kilo 636-MV submarines that Russia sold to Vietnam is completely true and current prices Russia has started to manufacture first Kilo 636 submarines for Vietnam.