London Airport in the 1950s

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11 years 11 months

Posts: 70

Graham, here's a long shot for you-on 15 August 1961 I saw a C-46 Commando at LAP which may have been 4X-***.Did you by any chance log one about that time?

Sorry Jim I have just moved house and everything is in storage boxes. Watch this space I'll try to dig out the info. However the only C-46 I saw at LAP was Fred Olsen so probably can't help you.

Member for

11 years 11 months

Posts: 70

Oh those wonderful days at Heathrow, or LAP, as we knew it, when there were no terrorist threats and the roof gardens could be enjoyed to the full with no need for a telephoto lens as whistling Viscounts screamed up close to you or you caught the whiff of smoke from a starting DC-6 or DC-7.....ah those were the days and here I am aged 11 taking a break between filling in my Ian Allan Civil Aircraft Markings book.

Indeed Adrian, great times......Biggles books, bins, scope, cheese sandwiches and huge jam doughnuts from Fortes cafeteria. Little Stan the commentary man.

Waiting for a gossip about 400 censors :eek:

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24 years 8 months

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C-46s at LAP in the '60s - don't forget the Lufthansa trio.

Member for

18 years

Posts: 346

the El Al C46s were visitors during the early 50s they were listed in Civil Aircraft Markings at that time,
the Lufty ones now star in Ice Pilots still sporting the Crane symbol on the nose

sadly I only ever saw the Fred Olsen one

Member for

18 years 5 months

Posts: 113

I dont have the individual photos to upload into this forum right now, but here is a link to some photos I have uploaded to A.Net which my late Father Frank Hudson took, they are not all at LHR but there are a good deal of them that are around this time period if you scroll through them.

I lost the digital images I used to upload to A.Net in a computer crash, but still have the originals, plus a few thousand more to scan and upload when time allows.

Member for

11 years 11 months

Posts: 70

I dont have the individual photos to upload into this forum right now, but here is a link to some photos I have uploaded to A.Net which my late Father Frank Hudson took, they are not all at LHR but there are a good deal of them that are around this time period if you scroll through them.

I lost the digital images I used to upload to A.Net in a computer crash, but still have the originals, plus a few thousand more to scan and upload when time allows.

ooooh! I hope you find the time, I've already enjoyed the stuff you already uploaded, especially the Argentine starliner on Northside which I think your dad shot from his office window.

Any chance you could post a pic of your dad ? I think he was the BOAC guy who popped around to the Green Dragon staff cafe behind lepAir shed, where us spotters used to hang out. This BOAC guy was a really nice bloke, wore his peaked cap a lot and sometimes rode his bike accross the apron. Was that your dad ?

Graham. Attched pic of me from those times but sadly not at the airport.


Member for

18 years 6 months

Posts: 2,119

Re the question about the El Al C-46s: I got out my Ian Allan Civil Aircraft Markings for 1952-55 and find:
1952: 4X-AQD and E
1953: 4X-ALC and E
1954: 4X-ALA, C, E, F
1955: 4X-ALA, B, E, F

Regrettably I did not log any of them, the nearest being Constellations 4X-AKB and C in 1952 and 1953.

Member for

18 years

Posts: 346

sadly my Civil Aircraft Markings from the 50s have long since disappeared,
does anyone remember the El Al C46s ever coming in?

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I logged 4X-AGA on 1st April 1960.... It was a Britannia 313 though....:D

Member for

11 years 11 months

Posts: 70

Graham, here's a long shot for you-on 15 August 1961 I saw a C-46 Commando at LAP which may have been 4X-***.Did you by any chance log one about that time?

It would seem I was there but I only copped PH-LLK Electra. Sorry can't help. As you can see I was off to Schipol for 10 days on the 18th. That's another story !


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18 years 5 months

Posts: 113


ConnieFreak, I have attached some pics of Dad, one taken I am pretty sure when he worked in BOAC Cargo Res he is on the right, and two others where you can just about make him out, one at Hatfield in 1950 and one at LHR in 1948 with a BOAC York.
I imagine he must of frequented the Green Dragon Cafe, but no idea if he rode there on a bike across the ramp, wouldnt surprise me if he did !!


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11 years 11 months

Posts: 70


ConnieFreak, I have attached some pics of Dad, one taken I am pretty sure when he worked in BOAC Cargo Res he is on the right, and two others where you can just about make him out, one at Hatfield in 1950 and one at LHR in 1948 with a BOAC York.
I imagine he must of frequented the Green Dragon Cafe, but no idea if he rode there on a bike across the ramp, wouldnt surprise me if he did !!

Well that may have been him that I saw. He would have been 13 years older than in the York pic when I first saw him in 1961. And I was only 15, so he'd be a "grown up" then. I knew 2 other photo guys, Brian Stainer, of course, and Ken Wilkinson. Thanks for sharing these treasured memories with us. And how wonderful to have your dad in front of the York.

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18 years 5 months

Posts: 113

Dont know why the pics I posted dont expand when you click on them ?

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17 years 1 month

Posts: 10,647

I have made a 200 scale of the Northside ramp and littered it with retro propliners. Here's a pic and and a photobucket link.

Fantastic diorama/model conniefreak, does it depict a specific period?
I notice the original tower isn't on there, would that have been just off the edge of your board, at the Seco hut end?
If you ever do build it I have the AM drawings for that tower and Seco arrangement.

Member for

11 years 11 months

Posts: 70

Fantastic diorama/model conniefreak, does it depict a specific period?
I notice the original tower isn't on there, would that have been just off the edge of your board, at the Seco hut end?
If you ever do build it I have the AM drawings for that tower and Seco arrangement.

You are correct, the tower, huts adjacent to, and the Green Dragon/LepAir Freight building are all off the edge of the model. Its already 8ft x 4 ft ! but another 3 or 4 feet should do it one day. I'd love a copy of those drawings you have there. Everything else on the model is just best guess from photographs and mainly memory. Most photo references for huts came from the background of aircraft on the ramp shots. I have quite a digital photo file of this stuff now including detail shots of the famous clock. The ramp shot with the 3 strats etc posted earlier on here must be the best Northside shot of all time.


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15 years 4 months

Posts: 70


Re your post #7 above.

Incidentally at Lympne the met assisstant was on duty on the airfield alone at night. One of his duties was to fill a balloon with hydrogen in a little wooden shed, hang a chinese lantern with a birthday cake candle in it. This contraption was then released into the sky to be tracked with a fancy theodolite to obtain winds at height.

Below. As done at RAF Gan in 1958, but not at night. ISTR that on one observation the Met Assistant tracked his balloon to 25,000 ft or thereabouts where I suppose it popped with the reduced air pressure.

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16 years 1 month

Posts: 1,707


1961 sounds a bit late for an El Al C-46 was it LX-xxx?....there was an LX-LAA but it apparently crashed in '58

Member for

15 years 11 months

Posts: 562

AMB, don't forget the duffle bag and jam sandwiches - and the lady who used to broadcast a running commentary on what was coming in next.

Ah yes I remember her well, as I was there the first time she and I had seen a Swissair DC-8 and announced that it was a 707, so I knocked on her door and corrected her. The commentary was interspersed with Glen Miller music usually. You guys really should get Avion Video's DVD "London Airport in the '50s and '60s" as it's all on there -research for this done by yours truly! Look here:

Member for

13 years 6 months

Posts: 1,026

I wonder who else experimented with the ability of the roof garden's pigeons to swallow "Treats", which for the younger readers were chocolate covered peanuts, with a crispy sugar coating. They melted in your mouth, not your hand, or so the advertising said. Anyway it was with some sadistic amusement that the pigeons were plied with said product, often causing a gagging/chocking effect. This of course ended when the next Convair 340 taxied in...