North East Aircraft Museum

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While I've very much become schooled in the Bill Smith way of DOING things, I can see that it must be harder to achieve things with virtually no tools and just Sundays to work. But then, we don't work on Bluebird as much as some people probably think, and we don't have much more than basic tools ourselves. Most of it is begged, borrowed or downright sto...erm, borrowed, but, we manage perfectly well because with a strong leader to guide us, we TRY.

I mean, twenty years failing to open engine doors that Bill then shifted within about an hour with a suitable tool and a smidge of know-how must surely tell you something? If not fully committed elsewhere, we could breeze in there and achieve a lot with your lovely aircraft- but so can you!

Member for

13 years 11 months

Posts: 919

I think its been twenty years since anyone TRIED to open the doors...

I still maintain that the Bluebird project would have had a clear set of priorities, such as getting the boat to somewhere where it could be worked on BEFORE you cionsidered dismantling the engine... . The same problem apparently exists here. Pointless considering ancilliary systems until the structural work is complete first. Protect the airframe while it is outside, and work towards building a shelter for it... THEN thoughts can turn towards dropping engines and the like...

I'd love to see a fully functioning aircraft, but you have to be realistic too...

I know the management read this, so please don't think I'm casting negative vibes on the hard work done since 1981, BUT if it isn't under cover or being maintained structurally, my guess is that within 5 years, you'll have a cockpit section....

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 8,464

Just to use Bluebird as an analogy here - you wont be running the engine in the boat, until you are happy that it is structurally sound again.

This Vulcan is perfectly restorable, and the engines could be run again, BUT IMHO it is more important to get the rest of the aircraft sound before looking at getting the engines spooling up.


Profile picture for user Phantom Phil

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16 years 9 months

Posts: 1,067

Just to add my bit...

I last had all the doors open back in 2003 for the engines. Oiled the areas required but in all reality, they need stripping, cleaning and reassebled.

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

just to settle a few uneasy minds

We at the North East Aircraft Museum ARE NOT planning to run any engines on 319 in the near future, as bill and mike have said, it seems feasible, but were busy trying to sort the external out before we do any internal work, even if we did plan to, the committee would make sure the correct people were notified, the correct permission was gained and it happened in the correct environment/situation

JT442, its been about 30 days since anyone last tried to open the doors *pre Bill and Mike with their tool of greatness* but now they are open again, we will be exercising the locks a lot more

our main priority as of this moment, is to continue weatherproofing and keeping an eye on 319, to make sure we dont have a repeat of last winter

i hope this explains the situation


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13 years 11 months

Posts: 919

my mind is now at ease. :D

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14 years 9 months

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Where's your ambition? You have enough parts there to ground-run at least one engine up in that plane, which will give you electrics, hydraulics, warmth and a shedload of noise! It's not a mystical creature from another planet - it's a machine and it's not that complicated. As for the radio mast - either call its owners and ask them what they plan to do when you start your plane or move the plane. And always remember - there's no such word as 'can't'.

I have to say.. as motivational posts go, thats one of the better ones I've seen! That last bit is a favourite saying of mine too.


It's nice to see strong feeling for 319, even if she does remain silent.

Member for

13 years 9 months

Posts: 164

Ah, this is a bit better. OK - starting engines is an ambitions goal but there's nothing wrong with that and one could be ground-run away from the aircraft while its engine bay got a damn good scrub and repaint. But leave that for now - what about getting the APU back in there and running? It was lying about the hangar floor when I saw it. Please may we start it up and at least get the lights working again?
And don't complain that the tennis court is too soft to stand the plane on - dig some big holes on a Sunday afternoon and get friendly with a local concrete company so if they have any part-loads or spare material they can pour some proper pads for you, everyone wins.
But on a simpler note again, the Bluebird Project has a few drums of fancy chemicals to donate to stop the corrosion and clean stuff. Better still, I've spoken with Chemettal-Trevor and he's up for coming to see you all on his next visit to show you his magical pink paint stripper and gloopy Ardrox.
A hangar? Nobody mentioned a hangar... Where you when the Skyshore hangar was scrapped at Newcastle airport a while back? You could've got your Vulcan in there with room to spare! Anyone know where there's a hangar due for scrapping?

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 8,464

If you get Trevor on side, you're halfway there!!


Member for

13 years 11 months

Posts: 919

Make sure you get the right pink stuff.... one type will take off the matt camo, and another type will take care of the existing anti-flash white... Chemical-Trevor knows his stuff!

I was present when both hangars were demolished at EGNT. The Bellman was heavilly corroded, and the former Gill hangar was made of asbesdos. The aeroclub hangar will be next to go, and that is the same. Nissan destroyed a Lamella hangar with very little notice, and to add insult to injury, often it is cheaper to build new than to dismantle and relocate.

The AAPP was removed to allow it to be refurbished - never happened..
The wiring will need to be renewed from cockpit to AAPP.

Ambition is great, but so far everyone involved has been ambitious....

Profile picture for user Peter

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 10,189

You guys are doing fine so far with her. Just make sure you stick to the plan and complete jobs and areas before moving onto something else on the aircraft. I would like to see the rear end of 603 donated to make repairs to 319 at some point!

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13 years 9 months

Posts: 164

Can't speak highly enough of Trevor. He's really looked after us and continues to do so. He's given us way more chemicals than we'll ever get through on our tiny boat so I asked him if it was OK to donate the surplus. He's going to take a ride over and have a look at the Vulcan on his next visit too.

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 2,446

I can confirm that thanks to Trevor I have plenty of clothing that will never suffer from dissimilar metal rot!

Member for

13 years 9 months

Posts: 164

Ahh, the Bellman hangar - that's the one I was thinking about, the huge, corrugated tin thing to the east of taxiway echo, if memory serves. It was a bit cruddy here and there but easily big enough. Daresay it could've been acquired at scrap prices and shifted south of the river very reasonably too but even I'll admit that getting its resurrection past the bureaucrats in South Shields town hall would've been a daunting task to say the least!
So is there a plan to hangar the Vulcan?
By the way, guys, if you want to bring your APU over on a Saturday and use our tools I'm sure we'd find a corner for you. What does it need to get a tune out of it?

Member for

16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

there is a plan to hangar the vulcan bill, were just not sure when, baring in mind trident is going down that end of the site too, just to the right where the fence goes off towards the football fields, in the short term, we will be strapped for space, but once everything gets sorted, we'l have her under cover

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13 years 9 months

Posts: 164

I have a soft spot for Tridents too. We were posh when I was a kid so we used to fly off to Majorca every summer on those black and yellow jobs belonging to Northeast. Remember it like it was yesterday. Count me in as a volunteer if I can help.

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16 years 11 months

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best bet is to speak to Neil Lomax or Tony Jarrett, there both on here and on the NEAM forum too, think itll be after xmas when it comes up now like..but no doubt they will accept you with open arms

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24 years 8 months

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They will if they have any sense!

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Snow Watch begins tonight :rolleyes:

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

Afirm, Snow Team standing by, myself as Snowbird01, kev as Snowbird 02

going in for 10am, to check and clear any snow on 319