North East Aircraft Museum

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not a problem, hopefully BAGJ comes back out to play soon and we can restore her to former glory, just need to finish the current projects at the moment, such as the meteor and the whirlwind

Member for

19 years

Posts: 993

Which aircraft that NEAM have displayed was the hardest to restore to display standard?

In my opinion it would be the Sea Venom which was started before the museum moved to its current location. This was challenging because of the condition of the wooden pod when recovered from Belfast.

It took approximately 5 years from start to finish with the work being mainly done by three volunteers.

If they could have worked a more normal working week it would have been the equivilant of 9 months work.

Fortunately following completion the aircraft has always been under cover and so is still pretty much in the as completed condition after about 20 years.

The Vampire T.11 and Meteor F.8 were also a good restorations but unforunately had to be put back outside once finished and therefore suffered until the main hangar was built.

Long term I think the F100 will be a big challenge due to the degree of underwing corrosion from the time spent parked on grass.

Also as Scott has said the Vulcan will always be a big challenge unless it could be put under cover. Having said that I am amazed that since arrival in 1983 that it has not suffered more.

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Thanks Thunderbird167.

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Another update from Team Whirlwind.....

Painting still progressing very well and now the "fillet" is back on after a 4year period!

Sven may be along before too long to do a Vulcan update.... hint hint :diablo:

Profile picture for user Peter

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Lets praise the efforts of a small dedicated group with working on the various aircraft at NEAM and not degrade this thread with accusations..

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Posts: 379

Photos By Kevin Betts

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Bell 47

New seat cover and primered :confused: (not sure on that one)

Photos By Kevin Betts

Member for

17 years

Posts: 2,322

Very good photos ! Nice to see things moving forward all the time ! Well done to all concerned ! In the second photo of the Bell 47 seat etc, is that a dH Dove or Heron I see in the background ??

Regards Keith.

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

That would be a DH Dove in the background I believe.

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17 years

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Thanks SpockXL319, since that request I've been looking at the museum website and see its G-ARHX, Dove 8 ... I have a lot of time for these aircraft, did some work on them in the late 60's early 70's !
Thanks for that.


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13 years 11 months

Posts: 919

The DH Dove that was formerly at Aeroventure.

Dove 8, G-ARHX. Formerly an aerial survey aircraft I believe.

beaten by less than one minute....

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JT442. Thank you ... Dont give up ! Whats a minute in a lifetime ? :)


Profile picture for user Peter

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 10,189

Lovely job on the Meatbox there Spock!

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16 years 11 months

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for those of you that can make it

hope to see some of you there if possible


Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Lovely job on the Meatbox there Spock!

We can only do our best Peter, so thats much appreciated. I'm not even going to pretend being modest, I'm bloody well proud of the progress made recently. :D


Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

I have a lot of time for these aircraft, did some work on them in the late 60's early 70's !


We could have done with you on Saturday! Never had so much bother cleaning an a/c!:rolleyes:

Anyway, Night Photoshoot, two words to sum up - Great success! :diablo: Great fun had by all.

Photos to follow

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Photos by Kevin Betts

Only a few of the pics i've got at the moment, I only got 2 or 3 on my camera due my impersonation of a fly with a blue backside :rolleyes:

More to follow fingers crossed :)


Profile picture for user Peter

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 10,189

Interesting pictures... wonder if 319 will ever be properly lit up??

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

That's the aim. We may be waiting a while but you never know

Member for

16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

ask sven, from the natter we had on saturday down at elvington, his plans are, to get the anti cols working at least, hey, if they can get a victor working to fast taxi spec, anythings possible :)