North East Aircraft Museum

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2 questions, firstly

while some of us were searching the museum for bell 47 bits to see what we have, we came accross this, so

Can anybody identify this piece of military equipment?

Photos by Jacket01

secondly, does anyone have the manual for the Bell 47? were taking a stock check of what we have for ours and are planning to re assemble it,(pics to follow) and basicly we would like a manual to follow, rather than rely on the interweb

if anyone could answer questions 1 or 2, please get back to me, il add a few pics of the 47

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14 years 7 months

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ask sven, from the natter we had on saturday down at elvington, his plans are, to get the anti cols working at least, hey, if they can get a victor working to fast taxi spec, anythings possible :)

that's because 231 was never 'dead'! ;)

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

haha...your meant to say it was and that your engineering skills are great

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15 years

Posts: 188

that's because 231 was never 'dead'! ;)

That's true, however 319 has never really been "killed", just not turned on for a while.

There's a lot of work to do before we can even think about doing that again, HSE allowing (and a new battery, anyone?).

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

Steve,chairman said yes to that chute after u left

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 2,446

Just want to offer thanks on behalf of The Bluebird Project to the guys at the NEAM today, in particular 'Sven', for their generous assistance in our quest for a replacement air valve for Bluebird of a type which we've been told was also fitted to Vulcans. Bill got to crawl around XL319's innards to his heart's content, for which we are very grateful- we'll do some more research guys, and we'll be back!

Thank you!

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

The newest Exhibit turned up at NEAM yesterday, it needs a bit of work...and some muscle...just to get it running, but its going to be handy for moving aircraft and kit around the site


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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

Sunday 7th November(yesterday)

NEAM played host to a local band called The Generals, they contacted us a while ago to see if they could record a music video on site, we said yes and yesterday was the day of the recording, it went on all day but they got what they wanted and it went really well, once the video is edited and published, il post a link, but for now il just post a pic or two......

The Generals

The Generals

The Generals

The Generals

The Generals

All Photos by Jacket01

for any of you that are interested, this is the link for the band, the song they recorded was Want To Be King

oh and as a quick point for the first photo, in the can see one of the Bluebird team talking to some of NEAMs members

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 2,446

Ha, we've had that bloody song stuck in our heads for the last week!

We were back with the guys at NEAM today for a third go at XL319, this time with a better idea of where our parts may be, and more importantly, some tools! (Just as well- NEAM seems to have nothing more than a kettle!!!)

With the application of a nut gun, some brute force and a crowbar, it didn't take Bill long to get access doors open which I believe haven't shifted in something like twenty years..?

Here's some pics as promised fellas, and thanks for your time and help- it's very much appreciated. Remind us next year and we'll find half an hour to drop an engine out of it for you as well!


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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

We do seem to be having a tool crisis at the moment but that should be set right soon. (Hopefully) haha

Its been good having you on site, those panels had been a major thorn in our side as you well know!

I'm looking through the APs for the engine dropping now lol

Any chance of those images on photobucket please?

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 2,446

Working on it old boy, bear with me. ;)

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Cheers Mike!

Glad we got the doors down so you could compare the set up of your parts with 319's! :p

Profile picture for user Peter

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24 years 8 months

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And why are you going to remove her engines?

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

i think were planning to drop one in the summer time peter, to see if they are capable of running, no 2 seems the most apt one to do

Profile picture for user Peter

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 10,189

Yikes.. didnt think she was capable of ground running anything something to do with demil work by the raf?

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13 years 11 months

Posts: 919

Silly question.....

Why are you even looking at running an engine? There are too many missing components to even consider it, plus you'd have to tow her away from the communications mast behind. She'd break apart with the vibrations IF you even manged to get an engine turning. Just thought I'd mention it.... what with being a sootie and all....

Not a clever idea IMHO....

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16 years 11 months

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i didnt say we were going to run one, all i said was to see if they were capable of running again, i highly doubt she will ground run again....but following some recent surveys, she could have a few working bits