Turkish Air Force - News & Discussion

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Critical step from Aselsan

New generation radars will be created on the domestically produced GaN transistors and integrated circuits.

The MOU between Aselsan and Bilkent University for the serial production of this technology signed. Technological base for the serial production will be built untill 2014 and the first examples will be created in 2016.

Congrats Aselsan and Bilkent University...



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16 years 1 month

Posts: 178

T129 fires ROKETSAN UMTAS Missile. Altough basic UMTAS IIR with Radyolink update guidance, SAL guided derivative has been developed and tested:


UMTAS previously tested on AH-1 Cobra

sorry for bad pictures.

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20 years 1 month

Posts: 547

Today, Turkish Air Force took delivery of the last F-16 (F-16D Block 50+; 07-1030) under the Peace Onyx IV project.

A total of 270 F-16's entered service with the TurAF, of which 240 is active today:

Peace Onyx I: 160 F-16C/D Block 30 / Block 40
Peace Onyx II: 80 F-16C/D Block 50
(Peace Onyx III: CCIP upgrade of the existing fleet of 210 F-16's; Block 40 and 50's are brought to 50+ standard while 30's received a limited upgrade work for OCU role)
Peace Onyx IV: 30 F-16C/D Block 50+

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On January 20, 2013, Anka completed acceptance tests by the Turkish Air Force and ready to deploy.



The dance at the end of the video shows how people are happy :D


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Turkish experts commissioned by the Air Force working on the draft of the first domestic fighter, trying to technically look 20 years ahead. As the newspaper writes, "Haber Turk", a group of "brainstorming" the fundamental principles and characteristics of advanced combat vehicle, the ITAR-TASS . Of the six proposed conceptual models Force selected three, work on the design that will continue until the end of the year, after which it will go to the designers approval to the Secretariat of the defense industry. The specialists have a difficult task - to predict the level of technological development in 2030 in order to create a modern competitive aircraft. engineers and military experts believe that after the 2030 air link will consist of a single fighter with a pilot and four unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs ). In this version of the fighter being developed with two pilots. One will be responsible for the proper management of combat vehicle, the second pilot will control the UAV. It is assumed that in the 30 years of this century will be received technical ability to effectively block communication with unmanned ground command posts, so the current will be a matter of managing these devices directly into the air. Experts offer sheathing body armor fighter based on compounds with boron. Such armor has been used for quite some time, and in the USSR in the 1970s, began investigating the properties of this element as the basis for reservation of military equipment. Boron, as noted by Turkish engineers, provides a number of advantages in comparison with other substances. Boric armor lighter, has a sufficient density and provides adequate protection. It can withstand high temperatures, which allows booking engine. In addition, the composite armor with boron has the effect of invisibility to radar facility. choice towards the use of boron is not accidental. According to experts, 72 percent. of the world's boron is in Turkey. This was enough for the needs of the world in this element for 450 years. particular problem for Turkish experts is the engine. In order to develop a jet engine "from scratch" would take about 30 years. For this reason, the first Turkish fighter plans to raise import engines simultaneously engaging in the development of domestic. "Haber Turk," notes that the Turkish developers are going to negotiate the purchase of engines from major manufacturers from the U.S., Europe and Russia. But in contrast to the power plant on the fighter radar may well be our own. Local defense companies have "stuffed hand" and suggest the army competitive technologies. Modernization and procurement of military equipment is being held by the Turkish army on the condition of machinery equipment as possible domestic units and systems. In recent years Turkey has been actively considering the issue of revitalization of the local defense industry and the replacement of foreign (NATO) technology to domestic counterparts. In particular, recently presented the first working concept of main battle tank has been tested light training aircraft, unmanned vehicles have been tested in competition with Israeli and American models. Turkey also participates in the fifth generation fighter F-35. In this case, the aircraft will be found a large number of fuselage and engine of Turkish origin. Actively develop the creation of original rockets and tracking systems.


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13 years 9 months

Posts: 3,381

Hypothetically, if Turkey joins the KF-X program, could this have implications for the nation's F-35 commitment given the ongoing delays and cost escalations? After all, KF-X is in the same class as F-35 and almost certainly offers better prospects for industrial development and sovereignty.

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11 years 8 months

Posts: 306


Turkish experts commissioned by the Air Force working on the draft of the first domestic fighter, trying to technically look 20 years ahead. As the newspaper writes, "Haber Turk", a group of "brainstorming" the fundamental principles and characteristics of advanced combat vehicle, the ITAR-TASS . Of the six proposed conceptual models Force selected three, work on the design that will continue until the end of the year, after which it will go to the designers approval to the Secretariat of the defense industry. The specialists have a difficult task - to predict the level of technological development in 2030 in order to create a modern competitive aircraft. engineers and military experts believe that after the 2030 air link will consist of a single fighter with a pilot and four unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs ). In this version of the fighter being developed with two pilots. One will be responsible for the proper management of combat vehicle, the second pilot will control the UAV. It is assumed that in the 30 years of this century will be received technical ability to effectively block communication with unmanned ground command posts, so the current will be a matter of managing these devices directly into the air. Experts offer sheathing body armor fighter based on compounds with boron. Such armor has been used for quite some time, and in the USSR in the 1970s, began investigating the properties of this element as the basis for reservation of military equipment. Boron, as noted by Turkish engineers, provides a number of advantages in comparison with other substances. Boric armor lighter, has a sufficient density and provides adequate protection. It can withstand high temperatures, which allows booking engine. In addition, the composite armor with boron has the effect of invisibility to radar facility. choice towards the use of boron is not accidental. According to experts, 72 percent. of the world's boron is in Turkey. This was enough for the needs of the world in this element for 450 years. particular problem for Turkish experts is the engine. In order to develop a jet engine "from scratch" would take about 30 years. For this reason, the first Turkish fighter plans to raise import engines simultaneously engaging in the development of domestic. "Haber Turk," notes that the Turkish developers are going to negotiate the purchase of engines from major manufacturers from the U.S., Europe and Russia. But in contrast to the power plant on the fighter radar may well be our own. Local defense companies have "stuffed hand" and suggest the army competitive technologies. Modernization and procurement of military equipment is being held by the Turkish army on the condition of machinery equipment as possible domestic units and systems. In recent years Turkey has been actively considering the issue of revitalization of the local defense industry and the replacement of foreign (NATO) technology to domestic counterparts. In particular, recently presented the first working concept of main battle tank has been tested light training aircraft, unmanned vehicles have been tested in competition with Israeli and American models. Turkey also participates in the fifth generation fighter F-35. In this case, the aircraft will be found a large number of fuselage and engine of Turkish origin. Actively develop the creation of original rockets and tracking systems.


lol there goes slowman's assumption that Turkey will return to kfx.

Member for

20 years 1 month

Posts: 547

lol there goes slowman's assumption that Turkey will return to kfx.

There were talks at the very beginning of the conceptual design & feasibility phase of the TX / FX project. However, it turns out that South Korea'a expectations from its KFX is way different than Turkey's. S.Korea just wants a fighter to supplement its F-15K (and probably F-15SE) fleet; while Turkey wants a successor to F-16's / supplement to F-35. Additionally, there were many disagreements on the work share, technology transfer etc.

Currently, Saab is something between a consultant and know - how provider.

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13 years 9 months

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Orko there are reports that Turkey has subsequently returned to the negotiating table with Korea, with SAAB's involvement. Are you rejecting these claims?

Member for

12 years 6 months

Posts: 171

Orko there are reports that Turkey has subsequently returned to the negotiating table with Korea, with SAAB's involvement. Are you rejecting these claims?

I can't find it but in response to concerns (KF-X didn't get new funding to start EMD this year but they have some money) the government said this year/year and a half or so will be used to negotiate with Turkey among other things. Not sure about the SAAB angle. People are probably looking at SAABs involvement in similar stages of both programs and assuming.

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20 years 1 month

Posts: 547

Orko there are reports that Turkey has subsequently returned to the negotiating table with Korea, with SAAB's involvement. Are you rejecting these claims?

Haven't heard anything supporting those reports neither from industry nor air force. South Korea's priorities are way different than Turkey on fighters. For now, Saab seems to be the major information & consultancy provider.

The conceptual design / CONOPS / feasibility study is to be concluded this September. After that the go for the preliminary design will be given by the government. The project model is likely to be finalized that time.

Member for

13 years 9 months

Posts: 3,381

Thanks for above replies.

South Korea's priorities are way different than Turkey on fighters.

Could you be more specific on this point? Is Turkey after a smaller aircraft than KF-X? Just to be sure we're on the same page, as I understand it KF-X is now looking at ~45,000lb thrust class i.e. same as F-35.

Member for

20 years 1 month

Posts: 547

Thanks for above replies.

Could you be more specific on this point? Is Turkey after a smaller aircraft than KF-X? Just to be sure we're on the same page, as I understand it KF-X is now looking at ~45,000lb thrust class i.e. same as F-35.

From my initial observations, it seemed that Turkey was up for a heavier, air-air optimized fighter, something in the class of may be PAK FA or J-20, i.e two-engine, heavy and maneoverable. Latest news indicate a tilt towards single engine, agile and affordable fighter, something like a distant cousin of Gripen or F-16.

South Korea on the other hand, indicated that they want a fighter to supplement the F-15K, which forms the backbone of their air force. Expectations and requirements are not very high from the KFX - on the other hand I am hearing extremely challanging req.s for the Turkish FX.

There is also the problem of project management, collaboration and sharing issues. Turkey currently conducts two important projects with South Korea: KT-1T (which is about to be completed) and the Altay main battle tank project. And Turkish experience on S. Korean's project management, documentation and coordination skills is rather bitter, to say the least.

Member for

24 years 6 months

Posts: 4,082

From my initial observations, it seemed that Turkey was up for a heavier, air-air optimized fighter, something in the class of may be PAK FA or J-20, i.e two-engine, heavy and maneoverable. Latest news indicate a tilt towards single engine, agile and affordable fighter, something like a distant cousin of Gripen or F-16.

South Korea on the other hand, indicated that they want a fighter to supplement the F-15K, which forms the backbone of their air force. Expectations and requirements are not very high from the KFX - on the other hand I am hearing extremely challanging req.s for the Turkish FX.

There is also the problem of project management, collaboration and sharing issues. Turkey currently conducts two important projects with South Korea: KT-1T (which is about to be completed) and the Altay main battle tank project. And Turkish experience on S. Korean's project management, documentation and coordination skills is rather bitter, to say the least.

But - honestly and I hope You don't get me wrong !! - simply reading these requirements, desired solutions (You self mention "something in the class of may be PAK FA or J-20, i.e two-engine, heavy and maneoverable") .... isn't this a simply unrealistic altitude on behalf or the Turkish side ???


Member for

12 years 6 months

Posts: 171

From my initial observations, it seemed that Turkey was up for a heavier, air-air optimized fighter, something in the class of may be PAK FA or J-20, i.e two-engine, heavy and maneoverable. Latest news indicate a tilt towards single engine, agile and affordable fighter, something like a distant cousin of Gripen or F-16.

South Korea on the other hand, indicated that they want a fighter to supplement the F-15K, which forms the backbone of their air force. Expectations and requirements are not very high from the KFX - on the other hand I am hearing extremely challanging req.s for the Turkish FX.

There is also the problem of project management, collaboration and sharing issues. Turkey currently conducts two important projects with South Korea: KT-1T (which is about to be completed) and the Altay main battle tank project. And Turkish experience on S. Korean's project management, documentation and coordination skills is rather bitter, to say the least.

I would like to know more.

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16 years 8 months

Posts: 1,114


Turkish company Turkish Aerospace Industry (TAI) and the Swedish SAAB Concern signed a memorandum of intent to establish the first Turkish fighter, said on Wednesday the newspaper Hurriyet Daily News. Turkey has the second largest army in NATO after the United States. Turkish military aircraft fleet consists mainly of F-16 fighters Fighting Falcon, collected in Ankara factory TAI, and the F-4 Phantom. In service with the Turkish Air Force aircraft F/RF-4E are 152 and 179 F-16 fighters. Another 10 F-16 aircraft ordered in the United States. As part of the modernization of the armed forces of Turkey also intends to purchase from U.S. 100 fifth-generation fighter F-35. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly stated the need for domestic production of military equipment, including military aircraft, in order to reduce dependence on other countries in armaments . Following the instructions of the Prime Minister, Turkish officials have found a company that can help to achieve this goal - a Swedish SAAB, producing fourth generation multi-role fighter JAS 39 Gripen, writes Hurriyet Daily News. At the same time, the publication notes that representatives of the MIC are skeptical about the prospect of an ambitious project. "Development of the first Turkish fighter jet, according to military analysts, is a necessary but not a critical step. crucial here is that whether the project will get the ability to successfully Turkey integrated avionics, electronics and weapons systems in the selected platform "- holds newspaper quoted the expert. Turkey is planning to build its first fighter to 2023, but "it is - an unrealistic goal," the newspaper says. "If the conceptual design work will take seven years from now, the technology on which the design will be based, to the time of production (aircraft) is highly outdated. Effective use of aircraft will need to have a time machine" - the newspaper.


According the sources this collaboration should accelerate the creation of the first Turkish fighter aircraft as practiced at the Altay MBT and T-129 Atak projects.

Member for

24 years 6 months

Posts: 4,082

That's more than a fine decission but again - and I hope I did not offend anyone since my question was simply a question - bu I have that strange feeling (as also noted by Hurriyet) that in mind of the requirements, technocal capabilities, budget and most of all desired solutions ("something in the class of may be PAK FA or J-20, i.e two-engine, heavy and maneoverable") .... isn't this a simply unrealistic altitude on behalf or the Turkish side ???

A medium-weight class fighter similar to a smaller J-21/31 maybe but even this is a heavy burden ... but something like a T50 !??? :eek:
