Vulcan News

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20 years 7 months

Posts: 1,106

From last nights Cambridge Evening News :

Interview with Mike Milne Marshalls marketing and business development director : The company is sending a team of 25 top engineers to the aircrafts home in Bruntingthorpe, South Leicestershire. They will spend the next six months working to get her back in the sky by 2006. We are very proud to be assisting in this work which will bring the Vulcan back to flight. Marshalls will also be using it's design expertise to make sure the Vulcan meets Civil Aviation Authority ( CAA ) standards as it is no longer a military aircraft. There is now much work to be done with training, maintenance and modification neccessary to secure CAA approval to allow the aircraft to return to the sky.

It goes on, the only bad bit is when they metion a couple of times that the aircraft has been ROTTING in a hanger for over 10 years. Cant project a good image of the plane to the public.

Hope this is of interest.

Original post

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 691

If you bought a lottery ticket, you are paying for the restoration.....and lining Marshalls pocket cus they will get the lions share of the 2.7 million the lottery stumped up.

So the lottery fund effectively are giving money to a that in the rules.

i can continue

Member for

20 years 7 months

Posts: 1,106

Almost all work that is paid for by the lottery for new buildings / restorations etc is going to be farmed out to a COMPETENT company. If you don't like it don't buy a ticket. :rolleyes:

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 1,707

This carping at the Vulcan is getting more and more tedious and more and more petty.

Member for

20 years 6 months

Posts: 1,496

So the lottery fund effectively are giving money to a that in the rules.

We have secured a small lottery grant for a certain project, the money from that will eventually end up in one or more company's pockets, so what?, if it gets the job done and the end result is achieved, I cannot see what is wrong.

.....and lining Marshalls pocket cus they will get the lions share of the 2.7 million the lottery stumped up.

So the lottery fund effectively are giving money to a that in the rules.

So when the lottery fund pays for a childrens playground, who do you think constructs the playground?

Member for

19 years 3 months

Posts: 35

I'm more intrigued to discover how grants from the HLF could possibly end up anywhere else other than in commercial companies' pockets - isn't that the idea behind the grant - providing the wherewithall to pay for work which cannot be carried out for nothing?

Member for

19 years 9 months

Posts: 561

I'm more intrigued to discover how grants from the HLF could possibly end up anywhere else other than in commercial companies' pockets - isn't that the idea behind the grant - providing the wherewithall to pay for work which cannot be carried out for nothing?

Yup. Requiring bidders to find non-commercial non-profit-making specialists to build for you is more 'Home Front' or 'Changing Rooms' territory than Heritage Lottery Fund!

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 1,211

Well, I'd just like to add-as no-one else has-that I'm pleased to hear things are moving forward.
Ive never seen so much carping about getting an aeroplane back into the air.

Member for

20 years 7 months

Posts: 1,106

Well, I'd just like to add-as no-one else has-that I'm pleased to hear things are moving forward.
Ive never seen so much carping about getting an aeroplane back into the air.

Thank god! A comment on the original subject. :D

Member for

20 years 4 months

Posts: 335

Great News!

I'll see a Vulcan fly again!

Or did I miss the point... :confused:

Member for

20 years 5 months

Posts: 506

Hope this is of interest.

does the pope sh*t in the woods?!

great news

- the car alarms are quaking already!

Can't wait


Member for

19 years 8 months

Posts: 597

Glad to see something is happening at last, I hope it sets something rolling and other types may follow, someday.

From someone who lived less than 35 miles from Waddington and Scampton, and used to get Vulcans over the house most days.... :D :dev2:


Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 650

We should be congratulating all concerned on getting to the final stages of the biggest civilian aircraft restoration project ever.

If you don't realise the scale of the challenge, just walk into the hangar at Bruntingthorpe and figure out where YOU would start!

And don't forget the CAA rule. No aeroplane can fly till the weight of paperwork exceeds the take-off weight of the aeroplane! Those guys from Marshalls will have they're work cut out!

Member for

21 years 1 month

Posts: 474

If you bought a lottery ticket, you are paying for the restoration.....and lining Marshalls pocket cus they will get the lions share of the 2.7 million the lottery stumped up.

So the lottery fund effectively are giving money to a that in the rules.

i can continue

Jumping on a tiresome bandwagon?????????

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 691

I will be responding in full to all of you in due course...........there is much much more going on only see the shiny for buying a lottery ticket, well i consider that having spent a very large amount my own money to restore an aircraft to flying status i do have a right to comment on what is going on in that hanger (or not)

Member for

19 years 10 months

Posts: 184

So can we all book it at displays for cost price then? or will the lottery fund it to appear at charity shows?

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 16,832

... to build for you is more 'Home Front' or 'Changing Rooms' territory ...


If Anna Ryder-Richardson is helping out, I'll be there :)


Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 1,707

I will be responding in full to all of you in due course...........there is much much more going on only see the shiny for buying a lottery ticket, well i consider that having spent a very large amount my own money to restore an aircraft to flying status i do have a right to comment on what is going on in that hanger (or not)

Frankly, whether you have spent your own cash on your own aircraft or not , or bought lottery tickets (your meaning is not clear) is irrelevent and does not confer any greater "right" to you over anyone else. The Lottery contributes to many causes and few would agree with the recipients of every grant.

I, and I would guess most others here, have no problem with constructive comment or criticism, Philip. But if your "inside information", or whatever it might be, is as uninformed and patently scurrilous as your first post on this thread, then you would do well to think twice before typing.

Member for

20 years 5 months

Posts: 506

I will be responding in full to all of you in due course...........there is much much more going on only see the shiny for buying a lottery ticket, well i consider that having spent a very large amount my own money to restore an aircraft to flying status i do have a right to comment on what is going on in that hanger (or not)

Your money bought the right to enter the draw - after that what happens to it is nothing to do with you. It isn't 'public money'. - IMHO of course :)

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 158

Frankly, whether you have spent your own cash on your own aircraft or not , or bought lottery tickets (your meaning is not clear) is irrelevent and does not confer any greater "right" to you over anyone else. .

Sorry to jump in here but this sort of thing makes me bl**dy angry, Phil has spent a considerable amount of money on a historic aircraft that will, no doubt, soon be seen on the display circuit. Also no doubt some of the people on this forum will start to make comments on it, how many times have people here made comments about the colour scheme a private owner paints his aircraft in? I am also having a historic aircraft rebuilt with my own money and a great deal of good will from the chaps doing the work. I wouldn't mind some lottery money personally but I've got more chance of a b*** j** from Jennifer Anniston, instead I have to watch lottery money dissappear into large institutes pockets. You go ahead Phil, blow the whole thing wide open, you know full well that those who know the story are behind you guys 100%