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24 years 8 months

Posts: 16,832

Sorry to jump in here but this sort of thing makes me bl**dy angry

Can you possibly explain why it makes you angry?

My Turland's choice of things to spend his money on is very laudable, but his post linking this expenditure to his worthiness to pontificate on the Vulcan was a bit of a non-sequitor, which was what WebPilot was pointing out wasn't it?


Member for

20 years 6 months

Posts: 4,561

Sorry to jump in here but this sort of thing makes me bl**dy angry, Phil has spent a considerable amount of money on a historic aircraft that will, no doubt, soon be seen on the display circuit. Also no doubt some of the people on this forum will start to make comments on it, how many times have people here made comments about the colour scheme a private owner paints his aircraft in? I am also having a historic aircraft rebuilt with my own money and a great deal of good will from the chaps doing the work. I wouldn't mind some lottery money personally but I've got more chance of a b*** j** from Jennifer Anniston, instead I have to watch lottery money dissappear into large institutes pockets. You go ahead Phil, blow the whole thing wide open, you know full well that those who know the story are behind you guys 100%

Oh Mr T, Thou hast pulled the pin of the Hand Grenade...I know the explosion is coming! :eek:

Damien, dont encourage him, theres a good chap... :p

AFH, leave Jennifer out of this, shes' mine, I know youve had problems dealing with that but its over between you.... :diablo:

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 1,707

Is this "something" relevant, material and able to be substantiated, or is it just more anti-Vulcan drivel/spite/jealousy? If the former, then I welcome it, as I've said. If not, then "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything" as my old mum used to say.

If Philip has indeed spent his own funds on rebuilding an historic, then good for him. But it still does not make his opinion any more valid than that of any armchair enthusiast.

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 158

Can you possibly explain why it makes you angry?

My Turland's choice of things to spend his money on is very laudable, but his post linking this expenditure to his worthiness to pontificate on the Vulcan was a bit of a non-sequitor, which was what WebPilot was pointing out wasn't it?


Sure, when someone spends a considerable amount of money on a historic aircraft and doesn't quite get the paint the right shade, it gets slated by some. PT expresses his opinion and then gets a slating by some for expressing it. I wonder how many of them would volunteer to get their hands dirty every weekend helping Phil and co with rebuilding or offer some financial support? Bet they would all love a freebie ride in his machine though.

Oh and T.Tomcat, Jen sends her best and says thanks for the comic relief. :dev2:

Member for

20 years 6 months

Posts: 4,561

Certainly a fair point from my perspective being one of the & co!

Although to be fair to the poor blighter we were concentrating on the T-6 on Saturday much to his disquiet - XXX rated Texan porn may be posted after work tonight if Phil lets me!

hmm comic relief eh? Wasnt the relief i had in mind...oh stoppit...:D

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 16,832

Sure, when someone spends a considerable amount of money on a historic aircraft and doesn't quite get the paint the right shade, it gets slated by some. PT expresses his opinion and then gets a slating by some for expressing it. I wonder how many of them would volunteer to get their hands dirty every weekend helping Phil and co with rebuilding or offer some financial support? Bet they would all love a freebie ride in his machine though.

Er yes.....

Can you point me to where on this thread anybody has mentioned the paint on the Vulcan?

By all means ride your hobby-horse, but it might be better were you to start a new topic.


Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 158

Er yes.....

Can you point me to where on this thread anybody has mentioned the paint on the Vulcan?

By all means ride your hobby-horse, but it might be better were you to start a new topic.



delete paint and add just anything about historic aircraft that enthusiasts go on about. If you really want to make a difference put overalls on and get stuck in.

The point is everyone has an opinion about things and should be allowed to air them without getting jumped on.

Oh and I can well remeber when someone put forward the idea of sponsorship for the Vulcan and lots of enthusiats had kittens that it might fly around with Coca Cola painted on it.

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 16,832


I wish you luck on your crusade.


Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 1,707

The point is everyone has an opinion about things and should be allowed to air them without getting jumped on.

Indeed, and we all know how the saying about everyone having an opinion goes. There's a world of difference between having an opinion and making scurrilous assertions, as per the comment regarding Marshall's being given Lottery funds.

Member for

21 years 2 months

Posts: 474

Ummmm AHF 10 the connection between paint and the Vulcan is a little tenuous to say the least. However I sympathise with those who spend vast sums for our enjoyment only to see some nerd pick holes in the paint scheme, or wrong exhausts etc etc. I suggest dealing with the criticism directly, and with paint it is simple, be direct and just ask “were you there then”. That stops it.

With the Vulcan be clear. Many people have voiced lots of criticism of this project, some of it justified when viewed from the persons point of view, much of it rubbish, being just a personal or emotional view masquerading as fact but often with out substance. There is nothing more guaranteed to get the forum going into full afterburner than to make a comment inferring greater knowledge, and then not producing the goods, however well intentioned.

This only results in criticism for the poster in a situation that may not be justified. So if you don’t want it, don’t post it.

I will now dive for cover into my hardened shelter built especially to observe Russian ICBM’s arriving over Stanstead.

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 158

But if your "inside information", or whatever it might be, is as uninformed and patently scurrilous as your first post on this thread, then you would do well to think twice before typing.

Seems to me that you have already formed an opinion on what Phil may know without hearing it.

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 158

Ummmm AHF 10 the connection between paint and the Vulcan is a little tenuous to say the least. However I sympathise with those who spend vast sums for our enjoyment only to see some nerd pick holes in the paint scheme, or wrong exhausts etc etc. I suggest dealing with the criticism directly, and with paint it is simple, be direct and just ask “were you there then”. That stops it.

With the Vulcan be clear. Many people have voiced lots of criticism of this project, some of it justified when viewed from the persons point of view, much of it rubbish, being just a personal or emotional view masquerading as fact but often with out substance. There is nothing more guaranteed to get the forum going into full afterburner than to make a comment inferring greater knowledge, and then not producing the goods, however well intentioned.

This only results in criticism for the poster in a situation that may not be justified. So if you don’t want it, don’t post it.

I will now dive for cover into my hardened shelter built especially to observe Russian ICBM’s arriving over Stanstead.

Absolutely, but hear what people have to say first before trashing it.

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 1,707

Seems to me that you have already formed an opinion on what Phil may know without hearing it.

You would be quite wrong then. If he has substantive, material information of concern, then by all means let him post it.

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 691



Appreciate your support...and as you say, how many of them woyuld be prepared to a) get their hands dirty and b) bung a load of cash into the pot

Everyone else just please hang on for a few more days.....lots of the comments may be justified because of fraustration

Member for

21 years 3 months

Posts: 2,982

Also no doubt some of the people on this forum will start to make comments on it, how many times have people here made comments about the colour scheme a private owner paints his aircraft in?

I do not think I can give you an exact figure, but probably quite a lot of times, me included.

Member for

21 years 1 month

Posts: 8,505

As far as I'm concerned the HLF could give all my lottery ticket money to Marshall's if it would help get her back in the air. I just want to see her flying again and any news of progeress in that direction is good news as far as I'm concerned.

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 16,832

In this respect it is quite interesting to consider what will happen over at Marshall's when the money runs out?

They are not renowned as a company given to being lavish with their money, though their Employee Days have a nice patriarchal air about them. Presumably if the rest of the money hasn't been found by the time they reach that stage they'll just down tools until it is?


Member for

20 years 5 months

Posts: 335

In this respect it is quite interesting to consider what will happen over at Marshall's when the money runs out?


I'd guess an outfit like Marshall's won't start work until all the finance is in place and secure. I'd also guess (or maybe just hope) that the lottery folks release funds to main contractors directly.

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 16,832

From last nights Cambridge Evening News :

Interview with Mike Milne Marshalls marketing and business development director : The company is sending a team of 25 top engineers to the aircrafts home in Bruntingthorpe, South Leicestershire. They will spend the next six months working to get her back in the sky by 2006.

Nope, looks like they are starting right now.

Somebody with more interest in this than I have will tell you by how much they are short of the financial requirement even with the lottery money paid in full. It was quite a tidy sum as I recall.


Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 3,553

In this respect it is quite interesting to consider what will happen over at Marshall's when the money runs out?

They are not renowned as a company given to being lavish with their money, though their Employee Days have a nice patriarchal air about them. Presumably if the rest of the money hasn't been found by the time they reach that stage they'll just down tools until it is?


Marshall's? Money motivated? I couldn't possibly comment. ;)

Apart from the fact that I now fly with an organisation that has to refuel away from their home base because Marshall's have pushed the fuel price up to be the highest in England (as of a week ago), the landing fees keep rising, restrictions placed on GA ops, to the extent that GA is actively being pushed out in favour of jet ops and contract work, and my flying club (and the people who work there!) are now very seriously considering their future.

But that's alright folks, because they're helping to get the Vulcan up in the air, and so that makes them wonderful.

Moggy, you've hit the nail on the head there. But be careful, you'll be branded as an enemy of the state for holding anti Marshalls views here by the looks of it. :mad: