North East Aircraft Museum

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Shh they don't know that :rolleyes:

Sadly a rather Damp Jeeps & Jets

I looked out of the window yesterday morning and went back to bed. Chucking it down all day. This morning started out with rain again, but by mid morning, cleared up, so I got the Jeep out and headed down to the museum.

Pleased I did, as there were a few aircraft outdoors in the brief sunshine. The Lightning, Pucara and Whirlwind were out doors. Crikey they Lightning looks big compared to when it was in the hangar! Having aircraft out also meant a good side view was available of the F-86D.

I was also surprised to see Concorde had dropped in for the weekend. Also included is the new Stealth Hurricane gate guard. If the weather had been kind, the plan was to display some of the Hurricane wreckage in the correct location on the outline.

And some of the vehicles braving the weather. It looks nice in the pictures, but this was before it started chucking it down again. A load of German re-enactors packed up this morning and went home after spending two nights under canvas in heavy rain. I think they missed the best of the weekend.


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24 years 8 months

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A few of the Bluebird crew dropped in there this afternoon, seemed to be a bit of a washout- bad luck guys, but thanks for the warm welcome as always.

Profile picture for user Peter

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 10,190

Wow that Lightning is stunning!! Well done! The chalk line parking space is a bit undersize for the pending VC10 arrival wot?

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13 years 11 months

Posts: 919

VC10 Peter?.... they won't have room for one of them next to the Trident .....

Profile picture for user Peter

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 10,190

oopsie meant trident!

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Wet weather didn't help in terms of turnout but it was still a great weekend. I'm still in awe of how good that Lightning looks outside! Took a lot of work and hard effort plus a massive helping hand from a local friendly farmer and his tractors!

Great pictures Steve!

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

dont forget his farm hands Alex,

a big thanks from all at NEAM to those who braved the rain(more like a monsoon) this weekend, especially our visiting reenactors(who even dug in, and made us a trench) they looked the part all weekend, especially at night in the camp, singing in german :D

unfortunately the weather worsened on the sunday and they called it a day, not that we could blame them, if we had a choice i think we would have too, although saying that, from about 2pm-5pm it was sunny :( (i think thats when you turned up wasnt it Steve)

over all, and despite the weather, it was a really good weekend, we still have a few Jets & Jeeps T shirts on sale should anyone wish to purchase one, let me know (all proceeds are going towards aircraft restorations)

im currently suffering from the dreaded man Flu from stopping over at NEAM for the weekend and being constantly soaked (unlike spock who got to go home and sleep in a warm bed) so im off to try and recover!


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13 years 11 months

Posts: 919

Just a quick note to say THANK YOU to the guys at NEAM and TVOC for the amazing flypast of Vulcan XH558 at what seemed like rooftop height (more likely 200ft...) this afternoon. I live a few hundred yards from NEAM and the jet nearly took my roof off. Awesome. The Vulcan Effect is alive and well as witnessed by the 50 or so people who poured out of their houses to see what was making all the noise... I knew there was a good reason for not going to the seafront to watch the airshow.

The display at the seafront was none too dull either!

Pleasantly surprised by the airshow this year. Much shorter program, with less acts, & thankfully no 15 to 20 minute gaps between displays. With the RAF no longer having enough aeroplanes to fight and display on the airshow circuit, it was great so see the vintage jets flying rather than the modern fuel to noise machines. 8 acts all pre-1960's, the other 7 more modern, and only one pair of parafin palmtrees.

Hunter team were fantastic and took me back to the shows of the 1970's.

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

Calling All Helicopter Pilots

THIS SUNDAY, 7th August
£5.00 Adults
£3.00 Children & Seniors
(proceeds to be split between two charities

Get Your Chopper Out, no not that chopper, (although this is related)

Our annual charity event ,held this year in aid of the Everyman testicular cancer charity,as the name suggests we will have all of our choppers (Helicopters) outside for public viewing,cockpit access, military displays and special guests,monies raised will be donated to Everyman. Often described as a forgotten cancer testicular and prostrate cancer is very treatable provided its discovered early ,our event hopes to raise the profile of this cancer and go some way to ending the reluctance of men to seek medical advice when the symptoms first appear

hopefully, weather and serviceability permitting, we should have a few live airframes dropping in too

facebook event link is

Everyman Charity Link
Hope to see you all there

Sorry, can't make it. I'm at Croft Circuit Nostalgia Event this weekend. Shame too as I was talking to some of the guys at Jeeps & Jets how good it would be to see all the heli's out.

Too many events, not enough weekends!!

Anything happening at NEAM for the Heritage weekend in September?

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

you'd best get in touch with Paul, hes the man of all knowledge, he organizes everything Steve

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

this is my last update on behalf of NEAM

Avro Vulcan XL319
Sunday 21 Aug 2011. Not much to report this week. Work carried on as in previous weeks with surface prep, corrosion removal, acid treatment and priming. Unfortunately, we did not get as much done as we set out to do. This was due to a welcome increase in visitors wishing to see the Vulcan.

A big thank you to all who made a donation to help continue with XL319's restoration.

Other NEAM exhibits
Gazelle G-BAGJ had its rotor head and gearbox fitted in advance of an upcoming show that its going to as a museum exhibit/representative

Military Vehicle museum's Romney hangar is progressing thoroughly and has now taken shape, just the roofing to be added now and shes ready

from me, thankyou for all the positive comments about the work achieved at NEAM, il not post why im parting from the museum as it is quite personal, but thankyou for your support over the years, stay tuned for another up coming project which will im sure catch many an eye

over to someone else ...........

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 9,780

Out of interest what happened to the Viscount fuselage at the museum which belonged to Millom?

Member for

16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

its still at NEAM awaiting a repaint

Member for

17 years 1 month

Posts: 10,647

Whirlwind is looking great now, nice work! Looks like a good tidy collection.
Is my old favourite WJ639 due some work soon at all?

Member for

16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

its been due work for years Pagen, its had a lick of paint but thats all, other stuff has just taken presidency over it unfortunately