North East Aircraft Museum

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14 years 7 months

Posts: 7

In response to PP - Fluorescent Red/Orange is never correctly known as International Orange - BS381c 592. I have seen museum aircraft painted in '592' to resemble a dayglo scheme but this is not the correct colour. If you find a picture of the RAF Whriwlind HAR 10 which has been painted to look like (and I use that advisedly) a Royal Navy HAR 9 at a museum in Germany, you will see how wrong it looks.

The picture I posted was of the back end of XN386 in the original flourescent 'Orange' paint scheme of HMS Endurance Flight from 1976. It has not yet been restored but shows the striking difference from the 'Red/Orange' scheme of the RN SAR helicopters as posted by the previous respondent. Some of it has faded somewhat but the centre section has been covered for the last 35 years and therefore is as original as you can get.

I hope this helps clarify.

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Well a good solid day of work has led to quite a staggering change in the appearance of our Westland Whirlwind H.A.R. 9. Having been work-in-progress for the past few years, she now is beginning to resemble an almost finished project. I'm going to let the pictures do the talking. The hope is that she will be finished in time for our annual Jets and Jeeps this summer.

While the main work party busied itself over XN258, Scotty and myself detached to do some inspection work on Vulcan XL319. The main task was to inspect the rear of the engines for corrosion, damage and any other stuff which could cause us problems. So skinny here resumed chimmney sweep duty, no mean feat going up four jet pipes 25ft or so in length.

Also a quick once over of the top of the wing highlighted some patches of corrosion - particularly on the port side - which will be addressed in the near future.

Overall a very productive day, highlighted by the fact i'm aching all over :rolleyes:

Scotty will follow with the pics :)


Do you have a date for Jeeps & Jets?

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Jets and Jeeps at NEAM

16th and 17th July 2011

Cheers, I think I'm free that weekend.

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

Thanks Alex, indeed it was a very productive day, XN258 is now looking very good, i will state this is only the first coat of paint, more will be applied over the next week or two so please hold off on the negative comments :)

we consulted the manuals that the likes of TonyT and Phantom Phil etc provided us with and decided to go for this colour, hopefully it meets everyones approval



The NEAM Team, looking very pleased with ourselves from the days graft

Steve, i believe Jeeps and jets is the 2nd last weekend in july this year, so not to clash with the ever so kind Croft military weekend

*photos 2 and 3 taken by NEAM's resident tographer ©jacket 01, his other photos can be seen at

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Note to Sven wherever he may be. What the hell was on your boots when you were climbing on the Whirlybirds nose? Nightmare to clean off haha :D

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

hes in sweeden, or one of the, not sure what was on them, tons of victor dirt maybe :p but it wouldnt come off for love nor money

The WW looks great in the new paint.

The Croft Circuit date is dictated by the Historic Sports Car Club racing calander, not us or the circuit, so unfortunately we have no choice over the date of the event. It was just unfortunate that Croft and J&J clashed last year.

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

I believe 16th&17th July is the weekend before the Sunderland International Airshow, while Croft is the first weekend in August. However, I stand to be corrected.

Profile picture for user Peter

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 10,189

Very nice guys well done!

I had a quick look over towards the Museum when I was driving up the A19 yesterday, and saw what looked like a new car park/hard standing behind the Vulcan with a couple of vehicles parked on it.

I couldn't tell from the quick sight I had of it whether it was on the Museum land or not. Is that the Museum's, or someone else's?


Member for

14 years 7 months

Posts: 5,088

Cracking work guys, she looks great already! :)

hes in sweeden, or one of the, not sure what was on them, tons of victor dirt maybe :p but it wouldnt come off for love nor money

He's in the Arctic iirc. And as for Victor dirt, don't let Andre hear you say that! He's very houseproud when it comes to Lindy.

Sven has to take his boots off before he gets in, and as for his overalls...! ;):D

Member for

13 years 11 months

Posts: 919

I had a quick look over towards the Museum when I was driving up the A19 yesterday, and saw what looked like a new car park/hard standing behind the Vulcan with a couple of vehicles parked on it.

I couldn't tell from the quick sight I had of it whether it was on the Museum land or not. Is that the Museum's, or someone else's?


Its part of a Nissan extension.

Its part of a Nissan extension.

Thanks JT. Hope they're not extending too far...

Profile picture for user Phantom Phil

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16 years 9 months

Posts: 1,067

Thanks Alex, indeed it was a very productive day, XN258 is now looking very good, i will state this is only the first coat of paint, more will be applied over the next week or two so please hold off on the negative comments :)

we consulted the manuals that the likes of TonyT and Phantom Phil etc provided us with and decided to go for this colour, hopefully it meets everyones approval



After much head-scratching there seems to be many errors in sources of information on this subject, even maybe my own... I contacted Lee Howard whom is one of the FAA's top researchers and he recons 'Dockerblaze Red/Orange Fluorescent'. Whatever the case is, I think she is looking grand and pretty much as I have seen in many photo's of HAR9's of that period!! Lee Howard has a new book our which apparently puts to bed previous colour inaccuracies.. Think I'll be buying that!!

Just to show how close your colour is and I think you should be happy (Photo copyright by Ian Howat)


Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 379

Thanks everyone! I think Scotty and myself were amazed in how little time it took to turn from this strange orange colour that you need sunglasses to look at, to the colour you see above. We were working on down on '319 for just under 2hrs then by the time we came back up she looked like the real deal.

Next task once another coat or so has been applied is to sort the markings out. I'm sorting that out and just have to get 2 days of free time to create them.


How's the Bell 47 coming along? Not long to the Korean War event. Are you still planning to get the F-86 outdoors for the weekend?

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16 years 11 months

Posts: 1,873

Steve, we may need to cancel the Korean event, the site is currently unsuitable to host any events, until that is rectified we cant host anything, were trying our best though, il keep you posted

the bell 47 though is coming along nicely, we have had a few problems with the hangar roof leaking and the water causing runs on the new paint, but other than that, shes ready to be reassembled


Is the site waterlogged or something else?