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La revista mensual de aviación más vendida de Gran Bretaña

La revista FlyPast está considerada internacionalmente como LA revista de historia y patrimonio de la aviación. Habiendo sido pionera en la cobertura de este fascinante mundo de la "historia viva" desde 1980, FlyPast sigue siendo líder hoy en día para ofrecerle las últimas noticias y los mejores artículos de aviación patrimonial cada mes.

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Feature Premium

Should rare and historic aircraft be allowed to fly?

Pilot Dave Unwin assesses the pros and cons of allowing historic aircraft to continue flying

Feature Premium

Insights into the running of Old Warden airshows

Following his recent retirement, Bob Barton reflects on the challenges and triumphs of arranging airshows at Old Warden, home of the Shuttleworth Collection

Feature Premium

Last of the World War Two VCs

At the time of writing former RAF Coastal Command pilot John Cruickshank is approaching his 104th birthday. FlyPast presents a tribute to the last living recipient to have been awarded the VC during World War Two

Avro Lancaster Feature Premium


Canadian Warplane Heritage’s Al Mickeloff recounts the trip of a lifetime when it's Lancaster graced the skies of the UK.

Feature Premium

Faithful until the end

Jamie Ewan looks at the type’s development and use by RAF Coastal Command in World War Two

Feature Premium


Following a lengthy absence, a Hawker Sea Fury is once again flying in Australia, bedecked appropriately in Royal Australian Navy colours.

Feature Premium

As fate might have it…

While the cry of many of the troops stuck on the beaches at Dunkirk was ‘Where are the RAF?”, 500 Squadron and its near-obsolete Avro Anson Mk.Is were there in the thick of it. Robin Brooks recalls some of the unit’s most notable combat exploits during Operation Dynamo

FlyPast agosto 2024

El número de agosto de 2024 de FlyPast, en formato de página en blanco, presenta un Lancaster doble, ya que Al Mickeloff detalla cómo el Avro Lancaster FM213 de Canadá cruzó el Atlántico en 2014 para volar junto al ejemplo del Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.

Feature Premium

D-Day Postal Hurricanes

Although the Hurricane was relegated to minor roles on D-Day, the veteran type played a significant part by delivering mail in the days that followed, as Andrew Thomas recounts

News Premium

Escapee’s Auster on display in Doncaster

The fuselage section of Auster J1.N G-AHHP has recently been positioned on display at Doncaster’s South Yorkshire Aircraft Museum (SYAM).