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La revista mensual de aviación más vendida de Gran Bretaña

La revista FlyPast está considerada internacionalmente como LA revista de historia y patrimonio de la aviación. Habiendo sido pionera en la cobertura de este fascinante mundo de la "historia viva" desde 1980, FlyPast sigue siendo líder hoy en día para ofrecerle las últimas noticias y los mejores artículos de aviación patrimonial cada mes.

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FlyPast Mayo 2024

El número de mayo de 2024 de FlyPast, en formato de páginas en blanco, se centra en el Goodyear FG-1D Corsair NZ5648, que ha vuelto a surcar los cielos neozelandeses tras un paréntesis de seis años.

Lancaster wing and nose swapped at East Kirkby

Work is continuing at the home of 'Just Jane' in Lincolnshire to keep the aircraft taxiable while also working towards returning it to the skies

Newark Air Museum outlines restoration aims for 2024

The Nottinghamshire attraction will be focusing on two Avro airframes (among several others) and will also repaint their Hunter T7 into a Blue Diamonds scheme

‘Baby’ Draken refurbished as full-size example loaned to new museum

Unique Saab 210 Draken set to emerge from restoration in Linköping

Saab B 17 joins Swedish historic flight

Late last year the distinctive Saab was passed into the hands of a new operator

Lodestar being returned to its former glory at Pima

Lockheed R5O-5 Lodestar 12481 is close to completion at the Pima Air and Space Museum following a typically thorough restoration

Feature Premium

Night terrors – Luftwaffe onslaught

Twelve US bombers were lost during a 30-minute onslaught by Luftwaffe night intruders. Ian McLachlan describes the Americans’ ordeal 

Restored Bücker ready to fly in Spain

An example of the CASA-built version of the famous trainer is ready for flight

Feature Premium


Andrew Thomas reviews air power during the first 20 years of NATO’s existence

Feature Premium

Who was the first to fly over Everest?

High Flyers: The landmark first flight over Mount Everest was made 91 years ago, decades before it was climbed…