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La revista mensual de aviación más vendida de Gran Bretaña

La revista FlyPast está considerada internacionalmente como LA revista de historia y patrimonio de la aviación. Habiendo sido pionera en la cobertura de este fascinante mundo de la "historia viva" desde 1980, FlyPast sigue siendo líder hoy en día para ofrecerle las últimas noticias y los mejores artículos de aviación patrimonial cada mes.

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Waco set for full return to flight in Idaho

A rare 1937-built Waco EGC-7 Cabin class biplane has been donated to The Spirit of Flight Foundation museum in Nampa, Idaho

Feature Premium

Courage beyond praise - the story of B-17 ‘Ten Horsepower’

Attempting to land a stricken Flying Fortress, two crewmen died attempting to save their badly injured captain. Dominic Ward salutes a tremendous act of heroism

Dragon Rapide progress at Old Warden

The classic machine was one of several on display at a special open day last month

World War One classics taking shape in France

Two historic Caudron aircraft are being worked on by experts in France

Feature Premium

The long way home: 'Kiwi' Corsair back where it belongs!

Following a six-year hiatus, Goodyear FG-1D Corsair NZ5648 has taken to the skies of New Zealand once again – as Gavin Conroy reports

The real ‘Masters of the Air’

With Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks’ hugely anticipated ‘Masters of the Air’ finally hitting TV screens across the world, ‘FlyPast’ shares views captured of the ‘The Mighty Eighth’ in England while executing the daylight strategic bombing campaign across Nazi-occupied Europe.

Concorde returns to museum after restoration

A star exhibit at New York City’s Intrepid Museum came ‘home’ on March 14 following several months of restoration work

Feature Premium

Countering the 1940 night blitz - desperate times, desperate measures

With the onset of the night blitz in autumn 1940, German bombers were operating over Britain with virtual impunity. Something, almost anything, needed to be done. Steve Richards explains

Piasecki taking shape at Helicopter Museum

Weston-super-Mare’s Helicopter Museum is continuing to make progress on its restoration of Piasecki H-21C FR41

Classic airliner repainted in Berkshire

The Museum of Berkshire Aviation’s Handley Page Dart Herald G-APWA has been professionally repainted by Cladspray Solutions