Airfield photos - 'Then and Now'

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Former RAF Tarrant Rushton Dorset. The final days. There is enough history to this Airfield to fill a hanger.

The only things left are two hangers and a memorial.

Hope you enjoy.

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Two absolutely cracking pics of Banff airfield, posted on a previous thread by forumite Al.



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Slightly cheating but thought it was too evocative not to share. The first image is one bought to my attention by austernj673 who spotted it in the film 'An Appointment in London' and the second image is a decaying but similar type fuzing shed at RAF Swinderby.

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These pictures are fantastic....Thanks for sharing.

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These are of RAF St Mawgan,
The archive pics are from the excellent Keith A Saunders 'Britain In Old Photographs - RAF St Mawgan' book, and my newer comparison shots are from 2005 ish.

First shot is of Sycamore HR.12s of ASWDU, the nearest two being WV781 Z, & WV784 W, believe furthest could be WV783 X.
The Sycamores are over the old 08 threashold area of Treloy, there is a parked Shackleton T.4 (on bay 30 I would think) and Chipmunk taxying behind.
My shot shows where the HAS site has been built over the same area.
Sycamores ASWDU by jamtey71, on Flickr
HAS site Sycamores by jamtey71, on Flickr

Next up is a scene over West dispersal, and shows a KC-97F, two SC-54Ds, a TF-1 Trader and S2F-2 Tracker sometime c 1955. Some 50 years later the two T2 hangars, 13 and 115 (in the gloomy distance), are still there but renumbered 402 and 405.
f74662827 by jamtey71, on Flickr
402 Hangar T2 (3)bw by jamtey71, on Flickr

I always wanted to know exactly where this Shackleton, MR.3 WR976 K of 220 sqn, incident in May 1958 happened.
In the end I tracked it to sliding off the old 08 threshold and coming to rest on the roadway to Trebelzue, hangar 115/ 405 in the background.
Shackleton MR.3 K 220 Sqn by jamtey71, on Flickr
Treloy Line by jamtey71, on Flickr

Lovely shot of Shackleton MR.3 XF704 L of 201 sqn on Carloggas bay (reckon bay 11 or 12). Sadly this aircraft and crew were lost in the Moray Fourth on the 8th December 1965.
Compare the scenery to the now shot, even the fields/hedges and the house behind the parking area hasn't changed at all. Church and arials on the horizon is RAF St Eval.
Shackleton MR.3 XF704 L 201 Sqn by jamtey71, on Flickr
Carloggas bay 11 by jamtey71, on Flickr

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On reading this thread the pics from ATC St Mawgan sprung to mind immediately Pagey :cool:

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James, they are excellent then and now photos.

It would be great if photos on this thread could be an inspiration to others everywhere to get outside and try and match up some old photos to whats left today.


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Thanks, there's more to come from, and of, ATC SM, but my filing system is as erratic as BL Maxi in a rainstorm!

Wish I had Denis' imagination and skills!

Profile picture for user paul1867

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11 years 7 months

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James, they are excellent then and now photos.

It would be great if photos on this thread could be an inspiration to others everywhere to get outside and try and match up some old photos to whats left today.


Second that. What stunning contributions.

Profile picture for user Jim C

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A couple more from Hunsdon -




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16 years 11 months

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Wonderful imaginative thread..well done !!!

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20 years 4 months

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Thanks, there's more to come from, and of, ATC SM, but my filing system is as erratic as BL Maxi in a rainstorm!

Wish I had Denis' imagination and skills!

I'm not that talented :p , just basic layering in a free program called
The real art is finding the images and working out exactly where the original was taken.

The one of the Mosquito on its hardstand took 78 takes using a 35mm lens to arrive at the more or less exact spot. The blister hangar was easier as there is a prominent tree on the far horizon that is still there, just 12 takes for that one.

I look forward to more images being displayed, a great thread so far..and not a buried spitfire in sight;)

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Two absolutely cracking pics of Banff airfield from a previous thread.

Can't remember who first posted these, but whoever it was please let me know and i'll happily give you the credit :)


That'll be me then...;)

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11 years 6 months

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Very well done mate, thanks for sharing your hard work with us.

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That'll be me then...;)

Thanks Al, post and credit duly amended :)

Also just a thank you to all who have taken the time to contribute with some great photos and clever imaging.


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A couple of pics taken from Grange Road looking NW towards Duxford airfield. The south side of the airfield itself contained a lot of concrete hardstandings and fighter pens, now sadly most are gone.
The original photo on the left is Mark12's photo i think, taken at the time of the filming of the Battle of Bitain.



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North Weald ?


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Here's some of mine from the 100th Bomb Group airfield, Thorpe Abbotts.

The first wartime image is from the 100th BG museum book "Century Bombers, the story of the bloody hundredth" by Richard Le Strange. The B-17 is the PFF "Hang The Expense", one of only two aircraft to actually carry the name. The aircraft was due to lead the group on May 19th, and arrived at the airfield in the early hours.

They had trouble picking out the runway outer circle lights, and ended up crossing the threshold high. The flying control officer fired a red flare which ignited just ahead of the cockpit, temporarily blinding Frank Valesh and John Booth. They touched down on the runway a bit long, but figured if they ran off the end, they could be towed back off the grass, forgetting they were landing on the short runway.

The airfield boundary, a road and a ditch soon told them otherwise, and the PFF B-17 was left fit for salvage!