Airfield photos - 'Then and Now'

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In the past i recall some really nice 'Then and Now' photos of airfields and scenes such as Binbrook and Banff being posted on here, and i thought it might be a good idea to have a dedicated thread for them if anyone has anymore to share (stand by for the tumbleweed...).
If you have posted similar photos on here before then please feel free to re-post them again in this thread.

Anyway whilst walking the dog this afternoon i took some photos from the eastern end of Duxford airfield, and i think this one is roughly the same spot as where Mark12's original was taken during the making of the Battle of Britain film. Sadly the Hispano's and Casa's that are seen parked on or near the runway are obviously now long gone.

At that time in 1969 this end of the runway was still very much complete and very close to Hunts Road, but some eight years later it was broken up during the construction of the M11, which is now situated where the hedge runs along in the distance.


Original post

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Here's a then and now of RAF Llandow, around 1947. A sad sight. The lump is Albermarle, although I couldn't see any in the photo.


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16 years 8 months

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Nice one Ian. Please keep 'em coming.


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Not quite then and now, but two from Hunsdon that I managed to create from old IWM images and the exact locations now morphed together.

Former Station 166 USAAF Matching Essex

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16 years 8 months

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Thats created a nice effect Denis. Also like the Matching tower shots


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Now that's clever! There is a site (mentioned here?) with 'then and now' bomb damage ghosted together. Very effective way of bringing back history.

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16 years 8 months

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Wow thats a great pair of photos Al, and especially nice to see a line up of Bucc S.1's.


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16 years 10 months

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Lovely work and results there Denis!

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24 years 6 months

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A great thread - really enjoying the contributions!

Taken from the tower at Thorpe Abbotts. A picture from the 100th BG museum and my version taken in 2007.

Profile picture for user paul1867

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11 years 7 months

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A great thread - really enjoying the contributions!

Second that, many thanks for all of these and taking the trouble to create and post, they are much appreciated. Keen interest in the "then and now" style pics in all subjects.

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17 years

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Great thread really enjoy the pictures.

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11 years 7 months

Posts: 150

this is a fantastic picture, any chance you could do your magic with the control tower pictures? think ghostly figures on the tower would look well! keep up the good work!!

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"Taken from the tower at Thorpe Abbotts".

The number on the side of the bonnet (hood) appears to be the same, coincidence?

Profile picture for user paul1867

Member for

11 years 7 months

Posts: 1,435

"Taken from the tower at Thorpe Abbotts".

The number on the side of the bonnet (hood) appears to be the same, coincidence?

Please tell us its the same vehicle!!!!!

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Airfield photos-"Then and Now"

Wisley airfield was the test centre for the Vickers Valiant, Viscount and Vanguard amongst others. On the 15th September 1957 the RAeS held a garden party here when about 70 light aircraft from the U.K.and abroad attended a flying display here which included a display by a Spitfire and a Hurricane as well as various light aircraft. Also other RAeS garden parties took place here in 1956 and 1966 before the airfield closed at a later date.

The picture showing the old runway was taken in 2011


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Not quite then and now, but two from Hunsdon that I managed to create from old IWM images and the exact locations now morphed together.

That brings back memories of when we use to go camping there, over 50yrs ago.
There were two ponds we used to fish in. Nine Ashes Farm I seem to remember.
The runway was still there in those days.

"Taken from the tower at Thorpe Abbotts".

The number on the side of the bonnet (hood) appears to be the same, coincidence?

No coincidence. That was the only 100th BG Jeep I could find with more than one picture of it, so that's the one I copied when I got my Jeep.

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Not strictly in the spirit of the thread, but interesting in relation to Ians' post #2.
These are verticals of the R&D park at Llandow where Ians' pictures were taken, the arrows being the general direction of the photos.
The first is from August 1944, and it looks like some of the aircraft could be Albermarles?
The second is May 1947 and is full of BC and Tiger Force Lancasters, I reckon taken not long before Ians' archive shot, note the bits of Lancaster in the foreground in his pic, in the vertical shot here there are Bostons lined up in the area behind, possibly before making it across to the scrap area as seen by the single example in post #2.
Llandow 3 Aug 1944 csa by jamtey71, on Flickr
Llandow Airfield 19 May 1947 csa by jamtey71, on Flickr

Some great pictures and work in this thread:)

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24 years 6 months

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Excellent pictures so far guys!