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LIVE: Russian invasion of Ukraine (UPDATED)

In the early hours of February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a full-scale attack on Ukraine, warning that there would be consequences for any country that should interfere. Key.Aero presents the latest aerial warfare developments from the Eastern European country

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Putin shows his hand as Russian forces move into Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin stunned the world on February 21, 2022, when he signed an agreement that formally recognises two proxy states in eastern Ukraine as independent regions - much to the dismay of the global political community. We detail what this move means for the ongoing crisis and where Russia's air assets are currently deployed in the region

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Overview of NATO's response to the rising tensions between Ukraine and Russia

Since Tensions have been rising since November last year, NATO members have been placing assets in various locations to augment a defensive response to a potential invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Key. Aero has put together all the known movements by the alliance in to one place

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ANALYSIS: The Russian air assets that would prove vital in a conflict with Ukraine

Ukraine would face a massive task confronting the well-trained and technologically advanced assets of the Russian Aerospace Forces, as we explain

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Can the Ukrainian Air Force defend itself in a conflict with Russia?

Does the Ukrainian Air Force have the assets to defend itself against Russia? We crunch the numbers

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Ukraine-Russia Conflict: Critical times for NATO

With Russia looking at a possible invasion of Ukraine, Alan Warnes considers Russia’s actions, the Belarus connection and NATO’s options

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ANALYSIS: Tensions between Russia and Ukraine rest on a 'knife-edge'

Vladimir Trendafilovski provides an insight on what could happen if the Russian military do invade Ukraine

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Inside Ukraine's extensive but ageing air defence system

As Russian military forces maintain their strong presence along the Ukrainian border and tensions continue to rise, we provide an in-depth overview of Ukraine's extensive air defence system - which was strengthened significantly since Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula in 2014, but still faces a crisis with its ageing fighter fleet

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Inside Exercise Sea Breeze 2021

Back to full strength after a pandemic-driven hiatus, the joint NATO-Ukraine Sea Breeze exercise returned to the Black Sea in 2021 - with Russia determined to be 'noisy neighbors', as we report

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Insight into Ukraine’s rotary re-engineering

Contending with an ageing fleet of military rotorcraft, Ukraine’s aerospace companies have in recent years sought to introduce a series of refurbishments, upgrades and re-engining programmes to ensure the aircraft are kept airborne, and relevant