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Refurbished An-32s return to Sri Lankan service

Three Sri Lankan Air Force Antonov An-32 transport aircraft returned home on the evening of June 11 after completing an extensive overhaul and refurbishment process in the Ukraine

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ANALYSIS: Russia's military escalation at the Ukrainian border

As Russian troops amassed at the Ukrainian border earlier this year, the question of whether an invasion was imminent was left hanging in the air. We explain how the situation unfolded

Antonov assembles first An-178 fuselage for Ukraine

Antonov revealed on May 20 that it has completed the fuselage assembly for the first of three An-178-100P medium-lift strategic transports, which are destined to be delivered to the Ukrainian Air Force

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Why Russia's airlift and helicopter fleets are struggling

The severing of co-operation between Russia and Ukraine, following the former’s 2014 annexation of Crimea is having serious repercussions on Russian airlifters and military helicopters

Ukraine orders three Antonov An-178 transports

For the first time since the nation gained its independence in 1991, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence ordered three domestically-produced An-178 medium-lift tactical transports from the Antonov Company on December 29

Ukrainian Su-27s used as chase planes for missiles

Incredible pictures show pair of Flankers following new R-360 anti-ship missiles at high subsonic speeds during recent tests.

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UPDATE: Ukrainian Naval Aviation

Vladimir Trendafilovski provides an update on the status of the Ukrainian Navy’s single aviation unit...

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Sea Breeze: The ‘invisible’ air component

Those closely following the first and last stages of each iteration of Sea Breeze are familiar with the existence of an ‘invisible’ air component.

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Sea Breeze: Black Sea war games

Vladimir Trendafilovski reports on the 19th edition of the annual Sea Breeze multinational maritime exercise.