Insight into Ukraine’s rotary re-engineering

Contending with an ageing fleet of military rotorcraft, Ukraine’s aerospace companies have in recent years sought to introduce a series of refurbishments, upgrades and re-engining programmes to ensure the aircraft are kept airborne, and relevant

Ukraine’s aero engine maker and helicopter upgrade specialist Motor Sich currently rolls out two military rotorcraft types for use by the country’s armed forces, the support of which is a necessity, given the lack of near-term options for new platform procurement. Both of the Mi-8MSB and Mi-2MSB, representing, in fact, a rather aged Soviet-era helicopter technology, are living new lives thanks to the Motor Sich-designed upgrade kits.

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The UkAA operates armed Mi-8MSB-V subversions, a total of about 18 examples, taken on strength between 2014 and 2020. This example, sporting a full set of armour protection and armed with four VSM-1 mine-laying dispensers, is assigned to the 18th BrAA at Poltava Ukrainian MoD

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