Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer

News Premium

Ukraine charts success in New Year strikes against Russian forces

The Su-24M Fencer-D tactical bomber fleet of the Ukrainian Air Force has carried out yet another successful strike, using the UK/French-supplied Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG air-launched cruise missiles against high-value targets in Russian-occupied Crimea on December 26

News Premium

Ukrainian Su-24s destroy Russian corvette in Crimean shipyard strike

Late in the afternoon of November 4, the Ukrainian Air Force-operated Su-24M Fencer-Ds equipped with UK/French-supplied Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG air-launched cruise missiles struck yet another blow against a high-value target in the Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula

News Premium

Ukraine charts success in recent strikes against Russian forces in Crimea

As was expected, the series of Ukrainian special operations against Russian high-value targets based in Russian-occupied Crimea that began in August continued in September

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Why has Iran bailed on purchasing Su-35SEs from Russia?

Babak Taghvaee explains why Iran has backed out of its acquisition of 25 Su-35SEs from Russia and how the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force has struggled to effectively operate its existing Fulcrum and Fencer fleets due to Moscow’s political strategies

Feature Premium

How Ukraine's venerable Su-24 fleet continues to be a thorn in Russia's side

The Ukrainian Air Force’s heavyweight Su-24 Fencer continues to be a burden to Russia’s war effort, moreso after it began employing Western air-launched cruise missiles earlier this year, as Vladimir Trendafilovski investigates

News Premium

Ukraine shows off Western firepower at Vasylkiv Air Base

In a ceremony that included Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at Vasylkiv Air Base on August 6, the Ukrainian Air Force displayed all of its main types of combat aircraft armed with Western-donated weapons

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Iran shows off airpower in ‘Devotees of Velayat’s Territory’ exercise

After a two-year break, the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) held its latest ‘Devotees of Velayat’s Territory’ exercise in Isfahan at the end of July

RAF Typhoons intercept Russian Su-24 over the Black Sea

Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4s assigned to the RAF’s 121 Expeditionary Air Wing were scrambled to intercept an unidentified Russian fighter in international airspace over the Black Sea on August 17