Ukrainian Su-24s destroy Russian corvette in Crimean shipyard strike

Late in the afternoon of November 4, the Ukrainian Air Force (UkrAF) struck yet another blow against a high-value target in the Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula.

The weapons of choice were once again the UK/French-supplied Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs) fired from UkrAF-operated Su-24M Fencer-D ground attack/strike aircraft. Their target was the Zalyv shipyard, located in the southern end of the port city of Kerch on the easternmost tip of the Crimean peninsula.

The damage inflicted to the ship's superstructure is clearly visible in this image showing the port side of the RuN's unfinished Askold corvette, which was berthed at the Zalyv shipyard in Kerch, Crimea, at the time of the UkrAF strike on November 4.
The damage inflicted to the ship's superstructure is clearly visible in this image showing the port side of the RuN's unfinished Askold corvette, which was berthed at the Zalyv shipyard in Kerch, Crimea, at the time of the UkrAF strike on November 4. Ukrainian MOD

According to an official report from the Russian Ministry of Defence (MOD), the UkrAF launched an airstrike against the Zalyv shipyard using 15 ALCMs, of which 13 were reportedly shot down by Russian air defence (AD) systems, while the remaining two struck their target, damaging a ship in the process. Lt Gen Mykola Oleshchuk, commander of the UkrAF, confirmed that the attack took place, revealing only the type of weapon used and that the ship in question was a Russian Navy (RuN) corvette, capable of carrying Kalibr cruise missiles, which are often used to strike targets across mainland Ukraine.

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