RAF Bomber Command

Recognition for International Bomber Command Centre volunteers

Late last year, volunteers at the IBCC project in Lincolnshire were awarded the prestigious King’s Award for Voluntary Services

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Saluting a Bomber Command hero: Rusty Waughman 1923-2023

Bomber Command veteran Rusty Waughman has died, aged 100. In a memorable Aeroplane feature from 2018, Graham Finch interviewed him about his tour flying Lancasters on No 101 Squadron

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Have you seen the 'Men of the Dams' art installation?

Exactly 80 years after Operation Chastise, FlyPast’s Jamie Ewan visited the International Bomber Command Centre where a new art installation commemorates the 53 airmen killed…

RAF Museum opens new Bomber Command exhibitions

Updated displays at Hendon and Cosford inaugurated on Ruhr dams raid anniversary — Aeroplane’s Tony Harmsworth was there

IBBC prepares to commemorate the Dambusters

A new exhibition at Lincoln’s International Bomber Command Centre will salute the 53 men lost on the famous raid, centring on the crew of ED877 AJ-A

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Pathfinder pilot tells the story of the Mosquito's role in bursting German canals

A classic story from Aeroplane Monthly’s first issue

BBMF to commemorate 80th anniversary of Dams Raid…

Did you know the BBMF will commemorate the 'DamBusters' on May 16? Here is how and where...

What happened to Short Stirling BK716?

A new website created by an international team pays tribute to the seven-man crew of a downed RAF bomber

The 'last Dambuster' Johnny Johnson dies aged 101

Sqn Ldr George ‘Johnny’ Johnson has passed away, aged 101

IBCC ‘stands with giants’

An impressive remembrance-themed display is on show at the International Bomber Command Centre