RAF Bomber Command

Bailing out of a flaming Lancaster

A son tells the story of his father’s World War II exploits, including his time flying with 622 Squadron...

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Hendon's Lancaster - 137 combat sortie veteran

Avro Lancaster ‘S-for-Sugar’ carried out an incredible 137 combat sorties during World War Two and proudly thumbed its nose at Hermann Göring. Andrew Simpson and Nigel Price profile this Bomber Command veteran...

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The 'Lanc' effect

Despite the hopes of the bomber advocates and the fears of many others, the start of World War Two did not see one or two knock-out blows by bomber aircraft pulverising key elements of any combatant nation. No cities were flattened, and even into the May 1940 German advance bombing attacks were crucial only when combined with the threat or use of ground forces.