The real cockpit of the Su-34 Fullback?

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17 years 11 months

Posts: 49

Hi to all.
I search photos of the actuality cockpit on the Su-34; the only photo that is found is old and it does not correspond of sure to the vehicle recently entered in the RuSAF.
You have news?

Tanks a lot!

Original post

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Still looking for a photo of the kitchen and toilet in the Su-34 cockpit.

Member for

20 years 7 months

Posts: 131

Still looking for a photo of the kitchen and toilet in the Su-34 cockpit.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to take such picture, because before that you have to close the door. :)


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19 years 5 months

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Unfortunately, it is not easy to take such picture, because before that you have to close the door. :)

Jesús Maria....Piotr where haven`t you been yet??? :D :D Anyway does the cockpit look different now compared to those photos posted here?? I suppose your picture was taken at Maks05. Thanks
Martinez, Slovakia

Member for

20 years 7 months

Posts: 131

Anyway does the cockpit look different now compared to those photos posted here?? I suppose your picture was taken at Maks05. Thanks
Martinez, Slovakia

No, all these pictures were made in Le Bourget 1997 (I gues at least one of the pictures above is also mine), aircraft #44. Later, I've never seen the Su-34's cockpit. Sukhoi people, when asked is the new cockpit (aircraft 47, 48 etc) different said the differences are slight only.

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19 years 5 months

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No, all these pictures were made in Le Bourget 1997 (I gues at least one of the pictures above is also mine), aircraft #44. Later, I've never seen the Su-34's cockpit. Sukhoi people, when asked is the new cockpit (aircraft 47, 48 etc) different said the differences are slight only.

Thank`s for clearing that up. Have you not been allowed to enter the cockpit at Maks05?. Hmmm, that`s weird, I thought they`ve changed the cockpit considerably since 1997. Nevermind, I`m looking forward to strike the Su-34 cockpit with my camera at MAKS07. :diablo:


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Some thing like this ?

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] Unfortunately, it is not easy to take such picture,

Way cool.

] Some thing like this ?


Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 3,652

Unfortunately, it is not easy to take such picture, because before that you have to close the door. :)

So Piotr, where is the toilet - behind the cabin bulkhead - in the space above the sliding hatch ??

Is there more room to the rear when the hatch is slid forward ??

It looks like it is just full of avionics racks ?

As we were leaving the static line at MAKS 05, the Su-34 ground crew were offering a look into the cockpit for a few dollars.

I was back on the coach by this time - but one of our guys got aboard and took a few quick snaps - no sign of a toilet though.

I am going to hang around until midnight at MAKS 07 - to see if I can get aboard !!


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Some thing like this ?

No! No! Thrice No!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

How many times do I have to post this ??????

That is MY photo that I took at Star City, Moscow, on Thursday 29 August 2002.

It is the toilet on the mockup of the MIR SPACE STATION.....

It has been taken from my website :- and is now circulating the web pretending to be the toilet of the Su-34.



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You seem to be a very popular man Ken ;) !!

Hopefully everyone will remember you for a Fantastic flanker Photographer rather then a Su-34 toilet photo provider ;)

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20 years 7 months

Posts: 131

Frankly, I don't know, where this toilet is. I had only few minutes in the cockpit. I made 36 shots and only at home, I looked what I made. Unfortunately, 35 were made to the front and only this one to the back.

So, let's make a contest for the first toilet picture :)

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Frankly, I don't know, where this toilet is. I had only few minutes in the cockpit. I made 36 shots and only at home, I looked what I made. Unfortunately, 35 were made to the front and only this one to the back.

So, let's make a contest for the first toilet picture :)

Piotr, is there any chance to see the mentioned 35 remaining ones?


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21 years

Posts: 3,328

] So, let's make a contest for the first toilet picture

Sigh. The quest continues.

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17 years 10 months

Posts: 3

Yes, I thought Ken's toilet picture looked a little too large to fit inside the space of an Su-34.
Pibu, if you have the opportunity to get inside the Fullback again to take pics, please snap just some basic overall shots of the area just a little bit back from where your first pic (posted above) was taken.

Thanks ;)

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 3,652

Frankly, I don't know, where this toilet is. I had only few minutes in the cockpit. I made 36 shots and only at home, I looked what I made. Unfortunately, 35 were made to the front and only this one to the back.

So, let's make a contest for the first toilet picture :)

A sort of pi**ing contest ?? :diablo:


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17 years 10 months

Posts: 3

Pibu what are those other shots that you made?
Making a model of this aircraft, some clear pics are always welcome :D

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20 years 3 months

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Thx a lot Pibu , all amazing pics !!