Royal Marines and British Special Forces

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After watching the Royal Marines landing in Sierra Leone it made me proud to be British once again. We forget the men of the British Army , SAS, Parachute Regiment, SBS and Royal Marines who fight in the front line on the ground with deadly effiency. A great example was when the British Special Forces and Army stormed the enemy camp with guns blazing and saved their comrades while risking their own lives.


Sob! I think I am going to cry (LOL)


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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Hey Mav where did you watch this? I would love to know if you or anyone else knows of any sites where I can get pictures of film of these beach landings.


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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

The Lads made us proud!

The sight of Royals Marines storming the beaches will put heed to ANY idea dodgy rebel units have!


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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

It was all over the evening news on Monday I believe. Perhaps if you contacted the BBc or something they would provide footage...It was a spectacular site.


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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Of course they 've made you proud!Even Bangladeshi marines would have blasted the U.R.F out of Sierra Leone.If you want real glory you'd better try to land at a country with more organised resistance!

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces


The Royal Marines are some of the best, most battle hardened troops in the WORLD!

If you want to talk about countries with organised resistance, ask the Argies at Port Stanley or the Germans at Normandy, then try and make a sarcastic comment about the Royal Marines Commandos!


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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Yeh ive seen some of the pictures now and I have to admit they are mightly impressive. Sea Kings swooping in low over the beaches while chinooks bring in the artillery and landing craft disgorge the vehicles.

Yeh, I would'nt like to be on the end of that lot, espcially as you just know the SBS would've been lurking in the scrub there somewhere.

Regs Brit

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

try naming a resisted beach assault in the last 20 years! The URF are a bunch of untrained psychos and kids with guns. Not very good guns at that. I'd like to see the Royal Marines take a beach that easily if they were actually challenged. Maybe a few SA-7s on the beach would make all those helicopters think again.

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Quite few countries have respectable special opps forces and Royal marines are one of them. So are russian Specnoz,GRU and paratrupers, US Seals, rangers, AUS, SAS, and even yougoslav SOKO, and 63rd unit.
But in my honest oppinion the Chinase Special Units are tougher and better physicaly trained than any else...The thing is that any coutry can equip their spec. for. with best and modern equipment since we are talkin abou small amount of personell. It is the physical and mental training that commes down to. And the Chinese compleate dissregard for human rights means that they are taking childen of 10 years and train them hard in mixture of new and traditional (kungfu/meditation)methods. The result is unbelivable people who (i reacently saw) let 4wheel drives run them over, break steel bars over their heads,have sharp blades ramed into their stomack without harm/penetration and move at lightning speed. SCARY STUFF

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

LAST EDITED ON 17-Nov-00 AT 02:48 PM (GMT)[p]flanker,
having guys who are physically tough is one thing but the reason why the SAS and other western units stand out is because these men are not only tough and have a great deal of stamina they are clever, intelligent, able to work independantly when required and are able to use their initiative.
They are taught how to be the best, most elite fighting troops in the world and have the tactics and training to back this up.
It is not just about how many strokes of a hammer your head can take.!!! :)


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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

The SAS are good but by talking them up so much the MoD has taken alot away from them. Brit Lynx, you're not helping.

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

True but who says that reds dont have everything you mentioned above??? Especialy now that many ex russkies as well as NATO spec opps leader are taking the role as trainers in many nations. The reds cuold certently afford to get some top people.

But i would not underestimenate "hamer to head" traditional methods. Remebre that japs had special covert opps units that did everything the todays guys do maybe even better with only pieces of cold metal,,they were called "NINJAs"...maybe you heared the term?..And the ninjas have developed from Kung fu which came from china.

Only thing that west may be ahead of is information and inteligence it can provide to it boys....butwith loss allamos
and neutron bombs (china has stolen form US) the reds are catching up.


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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

I wasnt on about just the SAS. I was referring to the majority of Western elitle forces who acknowledge that its mostly brains above brawn nowerdays.

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

I don't see why you should be saying that the average Western elite forces member should be cleverer than the average Eastern elite forces member. I think that you have simply been fed propaganda to that effect. I suspect that you live in the UK and so I understand your beleifs, if I didn't know better I would say that all western elite and special forces were better than their eastern counterparts as well. However, I do know better. In fact I would say that this is one area where there is relative parity between east and west. The influence of technology on special forces ability is minimal and whos to say that training techniques in Russia or China are that much worse than in the US or the UK. I've read books by writers who've worked with both the SAS and Spetznas and who rate the Russkies very highly indeed. There is one particular book I'm refering to but the name escapes me, I'll tell you tommorow when I go home.

RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Regarding the attack onthe poorly armed 'kids' in Sierra Leone- they did have a 50 calibre equiped Land Rover and various other weapons and in my opinion a Ak-47 is just as effective in the hands of guerillas as it would be in a professional soldier.
The kind of action we are talking here is 'firefight' purely vast numbers of rounds flying everywhere. I don't think that the Marine Commando's and SBS underestimated the task they faced. The guerilla's had the advantage of knowing the terrain.
I think they deserve praise for the job they carried out.

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Russian special forces were not so efficient in Afghanistan and Chechenya.

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

I disagree strongly on all your points, especially the one about an AK-47 being as effective in the hands of an untrained (and in Sierra Leone) kid as in the hands of a trained soldier. I remember seeing a BBC news clip of SL govt forces being ambushed, they were a tragic site, they failed to take proper cover and to return fire, when they finally returned fire (probably after the rebels had retreated) they shot wildly and, almost without exception, too high. If they had been trained soldiers the encounter would have gone differently. Now, these "soldiers" cannot be worse trained than the URF rebels? So why should we expect anything more from them?

You cannot possibly know exactly how well Russian special forces performed in Chechenya yet. About Afganistan, I would say they performed no worse than US special forces in Vietnam. Well, maybe slightly worse.

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

LAST EDITED ON 18-Nov-00 AT 02:09 AM (GMT)[p]

Ok what kung fu movie are you talking about flanker ? And the 10 year old disregard for rights stuff,let see the shaolin Kung fu..? ? it is a place for monks and they come without being Forced(anyway it is just legends which say they can fly around (hei gong) rammed people with their ironhead (tit tou gong)and stuff like that.Btw they are not military . So Flanker pls don't joke some might take it for real.
Btw modern combat is not about kung Fu is about Guns,accuracy,effiencey,speed and stealth(camouflage...etc) (special ops people are quick and accurate and they don't spray bullets) yes hand to hand combat is important but it is secondary to the all Important Gun.Like the HK MP5,AUG,.....etc or Imperial China would have kick the Brits out off Hong Kong hunderads of years ago.
Anyway special ops IS about modern equipment,tactics and training.(not in any particular order)

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

LAST EDITED ON 18-Nov-00 AT 01:55 AM (GMT)[p]-

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24 years 8 months

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

You are a fricking psycho, not the Brit Marines!!! Yeah lets blow up a ship unnaounced with no warning like a bunch of shitless cowards! Lets kill 40 people for no reason, hye our own government let them dock in our country , we have to do it!

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Regarding you reply I wonder why you disagree on all points-was not the recovery of the Land-Rover with mounted fifty calibre worth it then? You would rather that it remains in the hands of 'kids' and you don't any threat at all from it to UK forces out there. My point was that the rebels were quite well organised and no matter how badly trained they were they posed a threat. Bearing in mind that attack happened at very close quarters it wasn't a case of firing only aimed shots and if you have ever fired this type of weapon you will be aware that often you are 'double tapping' a target simply to give you time to take cover and return aimed shots.
I do not underestimate an rebels armed with AK-47's and the like- the are plenty of 'killing fields' around the world that testify to the ferocity of young 'soldiers'.