Royal Marines and British Special Forces

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Posts: 38

RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Hi there Andy! I am from Scotland. I hoping to join the Royal Air Force in the next couple of years. Perhaps I believe that the British could kick ass in terms of Special Forces I wonder how truly great they are.

The SAS as far as I know is split in to 4 main troops. The are: Boat Troop, Mountain Troop, Artic Troop(or something resembling that title) and jungle Troop. The Boat Troop takes up clandestine operations like the SBS. However the SBS I believe are an elite in the field of maritime operations. The SAS who aim to be capable to operate under any conditions are exposed to a more varied training scenario...i.e. don't specialise mainly in one area. However the SBS I believe would concentrate their main skills and time on maritime operations. On saying that though they worked far in land during the Falklands War and Gulf etc. This just proves the skill and flexibility of which our men are capable of.

Now to that argument with Ahmet.

Britain and it's Western associates are not the aggressors in the conflicts that they have been in. You seem to forget Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia where he ordered the genocide of the Kosovar people. You can't deny it either. The hundreds of thousands of people who fled to neighbouring countries because their mums, daughters and sisters were raped then shot. Men and children were tortured and killed. Houses where burned to the ground and bodies were buried in shallow mass graves left with no markings to the occupants. However the Western world was in a position to help the Kosovars and brought an end to a repeat of the holocaust. This leads me back to the Second World War. Germany had all ready conquered several European Countries and Britain who were in a position to help. Poland was ready to be invaded and that was where Britain made a stand. However Germany went on recruiting with it's allies(no slur to modern day Germany...I refer to the past and have no prejudice in this day) and conquered many countries and far as France. Do you deny the existence of the Gestapo or the SS? I think not.

Britain and the Western world don't also go out on their High Horse to start Holy Wars because they other person stole a loaf of bread. Don't give me the speal either about how someone stole land from you. Take Scotland as an example Britain has prospered for hundreds of years because we came to a peaceful solution and slowly over time through good relations Scotland is regaining many rights such as a Parliament which it lost during the unification of Parliaments in the 1700's. Yeah we used to be barbaric but we learned from our mistakes and adapted.


RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Now for the bigger question. What will it take to make things better in that area. Is it possible?


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24 years 8 months

Posts: 38

RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Elp, The whole mentality of people in the eastern countries is much is much more volatile. Thus implimenting a peace agreement is one thing but getting in to remain intact will involve truly making peace between warring countries in the east.


RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces

Serbs and milisevic deserved everything they got. I hate them more than any.
Secondly Why are you mentioning gestapo and SS? what do they have to do with anything ,if your aiming them at serb dogs ,,then i have to reeducate you sice it was croats who declared a Nazy state and killed more than million of muslims gypsies jews and serbs.

Thirdly Why dont you stop occupation of N.Ireland if you are So "civilised" ...or why not allowe vote for independence for scots..something that even knighted sean connery was pushing .. An if you are left your old ways of Barbarism Theft and Robery and Slavery ..why not do a what civilised person would do and return the things you stole. Amongst many the Jewl of Khan to India after you remove it form your crown and even symbolic things like the Tablets of Troy from Royal Galery back to Greeks.

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RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces


There was no genocide in Kosovo! Ignore what was said at the time of the war and look at the facts which came out afterwards. then buy yourself a dictionary and look up the word "genocide".
Also, if there was any ethnic cleansing, it wasn't state sponsored and it wasn't on nearly as large a scale as the western media (not all but most) would have you. I knew several people who were stationed in Kosovo both before the bombing abd during it (serving as conscripts and proffesionals) and they never received any orders to "ethnically cleanse" anyone!


I'm not ruling out the possibility that the Serbian government knew about the bombing of the TV station and used its workers as martyrs. I find it unlikley but I can't prove it either way. Still, and I have to get this point in, it doesn't take away the responsibility of the NATO planners who decided to bomb it. Shouldn't there be (at least) an internal NATO investigation as to why civillians were targeted deliberatly? Or does this go too high?

PS Not that I think that NATo is a morally responsible organisation capable of holding such an investigation.

RE: Royal Marines and British Special Forces
