Super Hornet "kills" Raptor

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Member for

19 years 2 months

Posts: 9,683

Interesting read.

Surely there must be some requirements on mental maturity for fighter pilots in the US? :confused: Some of those guys act like a couple of 5 year olds!

Do you think pilots are different everywhere else or something?

Member for

18 years 9 months

Posts: 448

Do you think pilots are different everywhere else or something?

I know they are. At least here in Sweden.

Member for

19 years 2 months

Posts: 9,683

I know they are. At least here in Sweden.

Well keep telling yourself that. :rolleyes:

Member for

18 years 9 months

Posts: 448

Well keep telling yourself that. :rolleyes:

You obviously dont know any swedish fighter pilots, that's for sure. If they were half as immature as those USAF/USN pilots, they'd never been allowed to fly in the RSwAF, period.

Member for

20 years

Posts: 12,109

Lets just cut it..I've personally had experiences with many USAF/USN pilots and servicmen in general over the last 6-7 years or so and they are very well disiplined when in uniform. As far as their private lives they are just like normal human beings..

Member for

19 years 2 months

Posts: 9,683

Lets just cut it..I've personally had experiences with many USAF/USN pilots and servicmen in general over the last 6-7 years or so and they are very well disiplined when in uniform. As far as their private lives they are just like normal human beings..

And that's exactly the point I was trying to make. Get someone out of the uniform or business suit and into casual clothes and they're like eveybody else. I think "robban" was just looking to slam American's. I'm surprised he didn't follow up with something like "no wonder they have so much friendly fire, they're just looking to blow something up". :rolleyes:

Member for

18 years 9 months

Posts: 448

And that's exactly the point I was trying to make. Get someone out of the uniform or business suit and into casual clothes and they're like eveybody else. I think "robban" was just looking to slam American's. I'm surprised he didn't follow up with something like "no wonder they have so much friendly fire, they're just looking to blow something up". :rolleyes:

Well, for your information I'm not out to slam Americans. And I'm insulted that you think I was. I do think however that a fighter pilot should show some form of professionalism even when they're not wearing their uniform. You seem to be OK with that kind of behavior, so I'm not gonna go any further with this. But please, in the future, stop assuming you know my thoughts. Not everyone is out to slam the U.S.

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24 years 6 months

Posts: 5,396

The M-61 is equipped with a round limiter to keep the pilot from using all his ammo in a 2 second burst. Typically the round limiter is set at "25".

The 2 pictures or "frames" occur less than a second apart (look at the clock on the lower left). The Rhino pilot would have to have perfect timing to hit the F-22 with one of the 25 rounds in a 90 degree deflection shot. I hope he bought a lottery ticket after landing.

Member for

19 years 2 months

Posts: 9,683

Well, for your information I'm not out to slam Americans. And I'm insulted that you think I was. I do think however that a fighter pilot should show some form of professionalism even when they're not wearing their uniform. You seem to be OK with that kind of behavior, so I'm not gonna go any further with this. But please, in the future, stop assuming you know my thoughts. Not everyone is out to slam the U.S.

So basically you're judging the professionalism of the US military by the behavior of a few? Nice.

Member for

24 years 6 months

Posts: 2,282

Its well known that the Airforce and Navy don't often get along but I've never seen an actual flamewar like that before! Pretty unprofessional and highly unexpected.

Member for

18 years 10 months

Posts: 3,718

here the HUD data in plain english

"alpha 19.5": attack angle
"M 0.37": Mach
"G 1.9 [currently]/7.6": G force, maximum load 7.6

very slow dogfight.

Interesting how much people can write without having sligthest knowlegde (with some exeptions of course like the fellow I quoted).

With M0.37 and 19.5 degrees of alpha in 16.000ft the F-18 (or whatever) isn't really in a favorable position. Next second it just falls out of the sky. If it was a dogfight, it was a very strange one and the F-22 (or whatever) was fooling around. In that altitude no F-22 (or any other fighter) would get so slow.
The "hunter" is himself in a pretty bad condition, having a miserable energy state and flying on the left edge of his flight envelope.

Member for

18 years 9 months

Posts: 448

So basically you're judging the professionalism of the US military by the behavior of a few? Nice.

Sigh. Whatever, man. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure why people are surprised, nor why this is generating so much controversy. As someone else remarked, things like that happen once in a while. I've read credible reports of F-104s embarrassing F-15s back when the Eagle first came online and that's probably a far more lopsided match-up than this one.

Member for

20 years 3 months

Posts: 147

We don't know a lot of things. We don't know if it is an actual snap shot, we don't know the ROE, and we despite what some people think, we don't fully know the capabilities and or inabilities of these aircraft.

With that said :D. The HUD flight data of the F/A-18 matches the HUD of the Super Hornet Malaysian Demo....meaning that this aircraft is probably operating in its envelope...a knife fight or airshow demo/practise :)

I think I read a something that like, "a fighter pilot tries to make his opponent fight the fight that his aircraft is the best at.." or something like that.

As far as the discussion of the "pilots" on the other do we even know that they are really combat pilots? ;)

A lot of unknowns here :)

Member for

19 years 11 months

Posts: 272

Interesting how much people can write without having sligthest knowlegde (with some exeptions of course like the fellow I quoted).

With M0.37 and 19.5 degrees of alpha in 16.000ft the F-18 (or whatever) isn't really in a favorable position. Next second it just falls out of the sky. If it was a dogfight, it was a very strange one and the F-22 (or whatever) was fooling around. In that altitude no F-22 (or any other fighter) would get so slow.
The "hunter" is himself in a pretty bad condition, having a miserable energy state and flying on the left edge of his flight envelope.

so you know how fast the raptors was flying?. huh!