J-20 Black Eagle - Part 3

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you will do the honor today? ;)

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13 years 8 months

Posts: 221

you will do the honor today? ;)

I'm actually going to bed... it's 3 in the morning here :(
so... on you buddy!:D

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I'm actually going to bed... it's 3 in the morning here :(
so... on you buddy!:D

:D No Problem.
already then...

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Posts: 1,067

Line up today:

1x k8, 2xJ10S two seater. one with a pod.

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Police and Military guards came again, they will clear the airfield,

looks like will have to climb tree again.

pilots already did their photoshoots. hugs.

before that it is high speed taxi.

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Posts: 221

:D No Problem.
already then...

hell what was I thinking

sleep can wait! XD

I'm going to make some coffee, please carry on

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13 years 8 months

Posts: 1,067

hell what was I thinking

sleep can wait! XD

I'm going to make some coffee, please carry on

Thats the spirit! :D

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17 years 3 months

Posts: 445

This is great. Keep the updates coming. :D

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11:16:14 歼10和20 都各有两辆保障车围上 11:16:23 消防车进场
J20 and J10 both has two service trucks around it. Fire trucks are on the field.

all info from http://t.sina.com.cn/cjdby
cjdby's microblog.

fyjs.cn servers went kaput again!

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11:22:52 J20进气口塞上了... 地勤把两个枕形塞子塞进了进气口

J20's intake is covered up..... ground crew put intake covers on.


11:25:13 来了一辆金杯,一辆轿车,一辆考斯特 ,后面还有几个小车, 然后又一个考斯特
here comes a One Jinbei (a minivan), a sedan, a toyota costa van, couple of sedans, and another costa van.

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Posts: 122

I will just stay on the back burner. Have fun guys!;)


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1:27:55 一个维护人员直接从J10主翼跳下来 11:27:58 又一个考斯特 11:28:07 几个警车轿车陆续入场11:30:24 左翼下挂着吊舱 11:30:27 菊花收缩
1:30:48 200米左右飞了起来 11:30:57 大坡度爬升 大于45度 11:31:11 直冲云霄...(观察员:搞表演啊)
11:31:35 车队到了 心雨 11:31:39 7个大巴 11:32:02 后面6个小车 开着双闪

The J10S with the pod underneath left wing took off. steep climb. (Show off!)

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7 Coaster Vans 6 sedans, with cop cars in lead in on the field.

The J10S that just took off over did a low speed fly by of the field altitude around 400 meters.

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from fyjs.
two ambulances came by, J-10 did another fly by.

J10S with tail numner 2.20 did another fly by.

J10S landed.

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must gone to lunch again.

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air stairs are ready,... must be some vip coming?

(it would be the joke of the century if SecDef Gates arrives...)

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13 years 8 months

Posts: 221


air stairs are ready,... must be some vip coming?

(it would be the joke of the century if SecDef Gates arrives...)

let's see...:diablo:

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Any idea why they are throwing security to the wind this time?

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Posts: 1,067


737 tail number 4018 arrives. alot of cars around.

Member for

13 years 8 months

Posts: 1,067

Any idea why they are throwing security to the wind this time?

They gonna have to shut down all business and drive people away from the airport atleast 4 blocks to achieve what you are thinking.