London Airport in the 1950s

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Posts: 70

dusted a few log books off for another site,and spotted these-

LAP-5/9/64- N66326 C.46 LUFTHANSA?

26/3/66- N9890Z C.46 CAPITAL

19/5/64- N124SW CL.44 SEABOARD WORLD A/L
N904ME DC.7C
N1281 DC.6B

sorry for wandering with the non C46,s it,s a age thingy-but those were the days...


Nothing like a good wander so long as we return to topic. Which is LAP, so you're in !


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4X-ACF by the 'Dangerous Corner' on the Northside peri road, ca.1954 unstamped but probably Brian Stainer pic

N7109C from same place 1956

G-AGZO Central enclosure 1955?

G-AFFB Central enclosure, 1955?

lower 3 my pics

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13 years 4 months

Posts: 390

Hi Connie Freak

I stopped opposite the C-47 hanger in the early 1960s as a young child having been taken out for a drive by my uncle. Now I recall seeing three C-47s outside the black hanger. One of them had a long pointy noise cone. I have never seen a photo of this aeroplane. Do you recall it or am I having an old lady moment here? I vaguely recall several Doves in the hanger itself.

I learned to fly at WW at the end of the seventies and the C-47 whiskey charlie was still flying but Fairey Surveys was taken over by Clyde Surveys by then. I worked there for a time and the Dak used to fly once a week. It was a beautiful thing to drive out onto the airfield to watch it depart. I even got to ride right seat once. I understand it was sold to Belgium and scrapped.

FWIW I have read thru this LAP-50's thread and found it fascinating. London Airport used to be an amazing aerodrome it seems. I have recollections of it in the 1960s and it is amazing how quickly it grew. I doubt there ever was a time when it wasn't being built or rebuilt. Can anyone tell me when the little two-bar wooden fence was first erected around the aerodrome?


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11 years 11 months

Posts: 70

4X-ACF by the 'Dangerous Corner' on the Northside peri road, ca.1954 unstamped but probably Brian Stainer pic
lower 3 my pics

Just love the C-46 shot. Rare aircraft in a place that I know. Plus a shot from this position shows the bend off very well. N7109C shot I've seen before but always love seeing it, nice to meet the photographer ! Congratulations on showing what must be the full complement of TWA GSE.

Member for

11 years 11 months

Posts: 70

Hi Connie Freak

I stopped opposite the C-47 hanger in the early 1960s as a young child having been taken out for a drive by my uncle. Now I recall seeing three C-47s outside the black hanger. One of them had a long pointy noise cone. I have never seen a photo of this aeroplane. Do you recall it or am I having an old lady moment here? I vaguely recall several Doves in the hanger itself.

I learned to fly at WW at the end of the seventies and the C-47 whiskey charlie was still flying but Fairey Surveys was taken over by Clyde Surveys by then. I worked there for a time and the Dak used to fly once a week. It was a beautiful thing to drive out onto the airfield to watch it depart. I even got to ride right seat once. I understand it was sold to Belgium and scrapped.

FWIW I have read thru this LAP-50's thread and found it fascinating. London Airport used to be an amazing aerodrome it seems. I have recollections of it in the 1960s and it is amazing how quickly it grew. I doubt there ever was a time when it wasn't being built or rebuilt. Can anyone tell me when the little two-bar wooden fence was first erected around the aerodrome?


Hi Sarah, I usally go to the WW club house 2nd Saturday of the month 12 noon to 2pm. We have an informal "ex Fairey" gathering organised by John John Tompkins. Also present Brian Corbin, Adrian Workman, Geoff Milsom (ex senior captain), Ken & Jean Fortesqueu (Curators of Woodley museum) occasionally Peter Sharman and sometimes others. There is also an annual get together at WW cricket club in July. There is a Fairey Air Surveys website now too. Whisky Charlie is at Toulouse awaiting restoration. Geoff Milsom will be pleased.

Back to idea about the wooden fence I'm afraid.

Graham (CF)

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There were C-47s in Europe with F-104 noses as part of the NATO/CAF F-104 program e.g
though I never saw one.

Re WW club/ Museum of Berkshire Aviation....would that be Jean Fostekew, author of 'Blossom Miles'?

sounds like a good add-on to a visit to the ATA Museum at Maidenhead

Member for

11 years 11 months

Posts: 70

There were C-47s in Europe with F-104 noses as part of the NATO/CAF F-104 program e.g
though I never saw one.

Re WW club/ Museum of Berkshire Aviation....would that be Jean Fostekew, author of 'Blossom Miles'?

sounds like a good add-on to a visit to the ATA Museum at Maidenhead

Aaah yes Fostekew, that'll be the same.......Jean also is an areodynamicist, so well qualified to write that book.

Attached a lovely pic (not one of my own sadly) but oozing nostalgia. Anyone on here in this pic of the North Side enclosure ?


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20 years 3 months

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There were C-47s in Europe with F-104 noses as part of the NATO/CAF F-104 program e.g
though I never saw one.

Re WW club/ Museum of Berkshire Aviation....would that be Jean Fostekew, author of 'Blossom Miles'?

sounds like a good add-on to a visit to the ATA Museum at Maidenhead

I believe the West German Luftwaffe also had these adapted C47 in order to train their Starfighter pilots. One of these was scrapped at Hal Far Malta, I have the yoke to this somewhere in my attic. Just to clarify it still retained the Douglas yoke and not a stick grip!

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11 years 11 months

Posts: 70

There was a cafe with a juke-box which I visited on the opposite side of the Bath Rd from the Northside terminal around 1957 which I have been told was also called the Green Dragon so perhaps the business moved over to the building by the control tower about 1958/1959. I have read of a cafe near the terminal called Ben's but don't know if it was inside or outside the airfield or if it was just another name for the Green Dragon.
I remember the main doorway to the 'Dragon' but like you mainly used the handy 'back-door'...I remember playing a lot of chess on miniature boards between spotting sessions around 1960/1961

Here is that shot inside the Dragon. But not the big tall Dragon that I knew.

Can you see the "shed" sizes Dragon on the attached pic ?

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18 years 1 month

Posts: 158

This would have been later than the 50's but if I did venture Northside it would have been to visit the shop that sold books/radios/airway maps. Was it called VHF Supplies??
I am sure it was next to "Automania"?

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Posts: 308

Jur, it may not be 50's but less then a decade later it still gives glimpses into how Heathrow looked before developers really hit top gear! The shop along the A4 was indeed VHF supplies in addition to radios they sold all manner of airline travel agency type models, post cards and 100 and 1 other airline products. I was lucky living in Chiswick from the late 60's right between the two runway headings and many a Comet, DC3,4 and 6 passed overhead along with Vanguards, Viscounts and IL 18's of Tarom, halcyon days indeed!

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16 years 1 month

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I would date that pic 1954 or early 1955 so the big Green dragon near the tower may not have started then.

The interior shot didn't come through.

Here is that shot inside the Dragon. But not the big tall Dragon that I knew.

Can you see the "shed" sizes Dragon on the attached pic ?

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24 years 8 months

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VHF Supplies on the A4 Great West Road. That takes back a bit. Went out of business in the early 80s when they decided to only sell their World Airline Fleets book and the monthly update that went with it. Out went the kits, radios, other aviation magazines and display models. Probably not the best business plan.

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18 years

Posts: 346

VHF Supplies on the A4 Great West Road. That takes back a bit. Went out of business in the early 80s when they decided to only sell their World Airline Fleets book and the monthly update that went with it. Out went the kits, radios, other aviation magazines and display models. Probably not the best business plan.

I bought my first airband there in 1970

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13 years 7 months

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connie freak....if you click around in these GoogleLIFE archive links relating to the 1st Comet 4 service 26Oct1958 you catch glimpses of the Northside buildings and the features to the South of RWY 28R,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=e2e0fe44049ff209&bpcl=38625945&biw=701&bih=598,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=e2e0fe44049ff209&bpcl=38625945&biw=1440&bih=637



I saw it take-off! From the school playground at New Road Sec Mod School (Now demolished and replaced by a hotel car park!). I also saw the 1st Pan-Am 707 service take-off too. G-APDB and N709PA if my memory serves me correctly...:rolleyes:

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16 years 1 month

Posts: 1,707

I think I watched it from the Central Ground Enclosure.
This is another one from the Northside ramp of the press and the Comet captain 26Oct1958 (but I can't find it on the archive site now which is a crap advert for google!)
Britannia is G-APLL reregistered from 'NBG

and a view I took of 'NBG probably 1956 in more or less the same spot but parked the other way round

Member for

15 years 11 months

Posts: 562

VHF Supplies on the A4 Great West Road. That takes back a bit. Went out of business in the early 80s when they decided to only sell their World Airline Fleets book and the monthly update that went with it. Out went the kits, radios, other aviation magazines and display models. Probably not the best business plan.

Not so! They expanded to specialise in scale models, particularly Travel Agent type models and moved a few hundred yards up the road to Noble Corner and kept the name 'VHF Supplies' for a few years, later being renamed Collectors Aircraft models. Then they moved into the basement of one of the large hotels. They final went bust only a few years ago due to the present economic climate,high overheads and poor customer service. Their remaining stock was bought up by Aviation Retail Direct at Hillingdon.