Is the Twin Pioneer G-APRS at Coventry being scrapped?

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I've just been sent a message by a friend who pointed me to the Fighter Control site and they have a report on there (secondary to a main report on the Shack engine run) with pictures of the Twin Pin having its props and engines removed.

The suggestion is that it is being cut up. Is this true? If so, it is regrettable - but it has a nice cockpit on it which someone should save - hint; BDAC?


Original post

Member for

9 years

Posts: 251

Isn’t it off to be a ‘glamping’ tent?!

Member for

15 years 9 months

Posts: 291

If someone knows what is happening can they let me know as I can pass on the details to the owner of the Oz Twin Pin and see if he is interested in parts etc. If it is being scrapped need to move fast.

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19 years 10 months

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I passed the details of the various adverts for this on to the Oz TP owners some months ago.

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15 years 6 months

Posts: 674

Thats a terrible end to a lovely aircraft. Was there anything (except money and the will) preventing it being restored to flight? Shame it couldn't atleast have made the hop over the fence to MAM? Assume the offer was too good to refuse?

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19 years 6 months

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I read something earlier saying it has appeared on G-INFO as having been returned to or re-registered. Although I have yet to check....

Having found the post on Facebook, it would appear to have been de-registered sadly.

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24 years 6 months

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I am sure Mike Collett has done all he can to find a home for her, shame as she would be great at Newark.

Member for

18 years 5 months

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Gone are the days of trying to save every one!

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24 years 6 months

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Indeed 'saving' whats already been saved against the British climate is enough of a job!

Member for

19 years 10 months

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G-APRS has not been owned by Air Atlantique / CAF for some time now. The gentleman who purchased it retained it in its dismantled state at Coventry and almost immediately put it up for sale again. It was advertised on various platforms including Gumtree and eBay.

Member for

9 years 9 months

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Gumtree?!?!?! I'm sure he was beating away offers with a stick. :highly_amused:

While I appreciate that you can't save 'em all, there is still something mildly frustrating about a historic aircraft that has gone from being a flyer to a dismantled heap of parts. Especially given that another Twin Pioneer was bought and parted out purely to keep this one a flyer.

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24 years 6 months

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That explains it as I am sure she would have gone to a good home otherwise.

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A company did make an offer on it that would have seen it return to flight, but sadly the current vendor declined that offer, and it arrived on eBay shortly after.


Member for

9 years

Posts: 251

Gumtree?!?!?! I'm sure he was beating away offers with a stick. :highly_amused:

While I appreciate that you can't save 'em all, there is still something mildly frustrating about a historic aircraft that has gone from being a flyer to a dismantled heap of parts. Especially given that another Twin Pioneer was bought and parted out purely to keep this one a flyer.

This is the scenario where forum dwellers really ought to try joined up thinking. Save something by actually getting of ones **** and throwing in some dollar. This forum has amongst its membership all the attributes required to purchase, store, restore, legislate and operate an aircraft such as the Twin Pioneer. But that needs leadership, teamwork and positivity. How pitiful that the jeering, I don’t like Spitfires/Duxford threads, nothing to do with me attitudes pervade.
Those old aeroplanes will continue to decline, what are YOU doing to stop that happening?

(Before I get flamed, I work professionally on 50’s jets, trying to help keep them airworthy, rectifying faults and combating the corrosion that just keeps coming).

Member for

20 years 11 months

Posts: 722

Is it still up for grabs? Could a crowd funding campaign be set up to try to save it if it was known how much was being asked for it? or is it another case of people getting silly ideas of making lots of money from aircraft parts on the internet?

Such a shame as it would seem to be in relatively good condition. I'm still horrified at the loss of the complete Catalina in Ireland a few years ago.

Member for

24 years 6 months

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I suspect that whoever is dismantling it is in the employ of the new owners to some degree. Its been for sale on Ebay for ages -unfortunately that often means that a high price reduces the chances of preservation .

Member for

20 years 11 months

Posts: 722

I've often thought that we should get organised as a forum for such eventualities as this, assuming the asking price is not prohibitive. Several things would need organising to be ready to be available at shortish notice such as finding a viable storage site, a list of sympathetic transport companies and a group of willing enthusiasts to do the initial saving. The down side is that it would have to be set up to cover the entire UK and consideration needs to be given to the long term future of what's been saved plus a multitude of smaller things that would probably crop up.

BTW, What happened to the Forum Shackleton nose section?

Member for

9 years 9 months

Posts: 1,613

This is the scenario where forum dwellers really ought to try joined up thinking. Save something by actually getting of ones **** and throwing in some dollar.

Apologies for obviously triggering you. In future I will endeavour to get of (sic) my **** (sic) and throw in some dollar (sic) rather than commit the cardinal sin of having an opinion on the Internet.

The point of a discussion forum is that opinions are shared and things are discussed. This forum seems somewhat unique of the few I visit in that a fairly large, somewhat toxic corner of the membership want neither discussion to take place or opinion (especially dissenting) to be shared. Case in point the Cranfield Lightnings thread last week; the thread starter was roundly chastised and told to simply conduct their research elsewhere. If that is the case, why bother with a discussion forum at all? :highly_amused:

Those old aeroplanes will continue to decline, what are YOU doing to stop that happening?

I've donated to aircraft projects and museums/collections, but that is largely irrelevant. I've thrown some dollar at various projects. My name is written somewhere on that Shackleton at Coventry, to name but one. Your argument here is about as cogent as those who counter criticism of a musician or actor with "well, can you do any better?" Is it imperative that one has to be the shining example of something before one can criticise others carrying out similar work?

Member for

9 years

Posts: 251

Don’t be so touchy man, I wasn’t directing anything at you in particular. I know not to go sabre rattling with someone who goes by the name “meddle”...

Member for

14 years 7 months

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There's plenty of people on here doing plenty of good work on a multitude of aircraft types, but the less glamorous ones such as the Twin Pin are always going to play second string to the more popular and valuable warbirds.

Member for

9 years 9 months

Posts: 1,613

Don’t be so touchy man, I wasn’t directing anything at you in particular.

Try some joined up thinking and don't quote one of my posts verbatim then. :applause: