Ugliest Aircraft?

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I'd like to know what people think of Aircraft today? Do you find them good-looking, should I say? What about others, do you find them ugly?

What aircraft do you find the ugliest? :(

I hate the nose of the 757. I must say that my favourite aircraft is the DC-10 and the Tristar, they are pretty similar....I s'pose!


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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

Aircrafts are masterpieces of art and you cannot call any aircraft ugly. You may find some aircraft not good but calling an aircraft ugly is not a good idea.

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

It is a matter of personal opinion, what one person could fing 'ugly' could be the favorite of someone else.

I don't like to use the term 'ugly', but I would say in my own opinion that the least attractive aircraft is the B737-100/200. They look OK from certain angles, but they look too dumpy for my liking. Still, in their day they did their job well and that is why Boeing sold 1,114 of them. I still wouldn't call them ugly though.


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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

Actually, I've changed my mind! I'll replace the 737 with the Il-62. Now that is a horrible aircraft....

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

LAST EDITED ON 05-Jan-01 AT 08:03 PM (GMT)[p]Well, I agree with Kabir. I don't think that any aircraft can be considered ugly. Workmanlike (?) perhaps, but not ugly. I do think though, that modern computer/man designed aircraft can be quite bland compared to more or less 100% human designed aircraft of the 50's to the 70's. I think that the Tristar is a beautiful machine too, although the DH Trident does it for me as it is an example of Great British engineering at it's best (BAC 1-11 included in that too!) Also, the Sud Aviation Caravelle is a beauty too. I think that the problem today is that aircraft are not designed by people who love creating such machines and who ultimately love aircraft; instead they are designed by white collar conservatives who are obsessed with fuel economy, hush kits, statistics and the like, and who have never been out to an air display or on the Hangar floor. Naturally this is the way forward as money and economy make the world go round, but to me, I would like nothing better than to see and hear 3 Rolly Royce Speys roaring smokily down the runway or four water injected P & W J-58's (is that the right spec for a 707? apologies if not)screaming over my head!!! Fuel economy and noise regulations suck! Whaddayathink guys???

RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

I think youve got it rite on the nose. If you look at some of the regional jets due to be released: erj 170, crj, alliance etc. They all go for the same boring concept and design and A320s are nice to look at as are A319s but there will be too many in a few years time. I think theyll all look the same!!!!
Ther is no variety, i mean come ON! Boeing had their aircraft, Airbus had their aircraft....but are the regional producers becoming too alike????
As for the original question I think that the 777 is loverly but the 737 100/200/300 are too common, ( i hope i dont sound too posh!) and the old russian aircraft are too old!
Sud Carravelles are beautiful pieces of aviation, as are brittanias, Connies and Daks but you never see any variation!
Please bring back some prop gentle giants!!! gimme your thoughts

RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

I would like to apologise :P for using the term ugly. I would like to replace this awful term with the word 'different'.

Thank you, that is all!

MJK :)

RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

I thougt that an aircraft cannot be ugly, too. Until I saw an
747SP the first time in reality!

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

Well, it´s hard to say. I also think any plane isn´t agly. I particularly dislike the stretched versions like the B757-300, B767-400 and 777-300. Unly indeed is the TU-334.

RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

The 757, I absolutely hate it! To think it's made by Boeing, shame on them!! Now that really is UGLY


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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

What about the Avro RJ? Looks like a half drowned insect!!

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

Know calling the Il-62 an ugly plane is absoultely not true. It looks beautiful. Only in looks and inside its a nightmare. Can u believe this an Il-62 of somewhere in Africa was taking pilgrims who were taking holy water frm some place. And thet were BOILING the water on gases in mid air....thats funny and extremly dangerous.

Ok the aircrafts wich i find not very attractive are A330,Tu-154,Saab 2000(looks like a fliying stick insect);), and the 757.

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

This is starting to turn into a heated debate!! Although I would say the Il-62 is not attractive, I can understand if someone like the aircraft too. I wouldn't class the aircraft as the most hideous machine I have ever seen, but it is my least favorite jetliner.

Personally (and I have said it before more than once on this forum in the past) the B757 is my favourite airliner. Yet, I can understand why some people would find it unattractive, it does look a bit "thin" from certain angles.

I am a regular airliner photographer and I know a photogenic aircraft when I see one. It is not just the design of the aircraft itself which can make it look fantastic or not, it can often be down do the airline colour scheme too. A 757 looks brilliant in Monarch Airlines colours, but then the present British Airways colours do not suit it at all.

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

LAST EDITED ON 09-Jan-01 AT 11:40 PM (GMT)[p]LAST EDITED ON 09-Jan-01 AT 11:37 PM (GMT)

I went on a BA 757 shuttle from LHR-MAN recently and thought that it was rubbish. The interior looked very worn and had an '80's' feel/look to it and there were rust marks all over the flaps when they were deployed and exposed. Although I knew that this wasn't dangerous, I dread to think what the less informed passenger may think! Getting back to the subject, I find the 757 quite bland really although I think the 767 is quite decent. I also went on an A300 with Air Scandic recently too which I didn't care much for at all, although the A340 I think is a peach. Regarding the Russian aircraft, they look as I have said before 'workmanlike', but I quite like the excess of cabin glazing that is usually found. Also, when you see them on take off at the Airport Hotel Manchester, it kind of reminds me of the old days when 727's, BAC 1-11's and Tridents used to regularly pound the runway with their Speys/JT8D-15/17'S! The old aircraft are the best, and I think personally the Trident was retired far too early. Now that I think is a good looking aircraft. I mean, I've never understood why they could'nt sort it out with some hush kits as the BAC 1-11 is still going today (although sadly in lmited numbers) so I don't understand what difference one more Spey would have made to the noise/pollution lobby really... It saddens me to see G-ARPK on the Fire dump every time I line up for take off to go on my hols. She deserves better than that I think. What is the opinion of the rest of you people about this? I would be interested to know...


P.S: I also work in Preston and we get the massive Antonov 124 flying over our place at least once a week going into Warton... Now that is a beautiful aircraft..... whaddayareckon????

..Oh yeah and my Girfriend Fran has just said she hates the HP Victor but that's for a different discussion!!!! (I Disagree!)

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

Know know....everybody have there own choices. I see many people infact most of you all find the Il-62 bad while i find it nice to look at. It depends upon the taste of a persone....dont u think. And as i repeat aircraft is ugly...all are state of the art machines. As for the 757...its a gorgeous aircraft to look at and it has a very good performence i believe. Royal Nepal Airways operates a single 757 wich has a route frm Kathmandu(capital of Nepal)-New Delhi-Dubai-Jordan-Frankfurt and finally London. I feel sorry fr the 757;)...but aircrafts are made to not much of a problemn. Taking pics of aircrafts is my hobbie although in India photography at airports is illeagle.

But i am allowed to do it with a special pass from IATA i got recently to take photographs anywere in India except on flights. Have any ideas why would any countrie ristrict on taking photographs??

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

Well I like that B757 is one of the best that boeing has producted compared to the early B737 the B757 is lovely but I have to say out of them all I feel that airbus 320 have the better everything that's my opinion.

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

The nicest for me are all the former British models:
VC-10, Trident and specially the Bac-1-11 which is the best.
I like the Airbuses, except the future A318 and tha A330 which looks like a A340 without two engines. I find the B757 beautiful indeed and the Russian ones are great too. The L1011 is very smart. And a really ungly are Casa 212, Let 410, Metro, Dornier
22...something, and some other regional ones (Twin Otter). I like the Bae 146/avros, not because they are nice but curious and funny

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

Yeah....the BAe 146 looks quite nice to me although I have only traveled in it once in Druk Air of Bhutan and i had an ok flight.

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RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

I'm glad the HS Trident has been mentioned. I fondly remember BEA examples flying into Birmingham in the seventies and I loved the shape of this little tri-jet - the 3b was a fantastic looking aircraft.

The Trident also had what one would call 'different' landing gear. The nose wheel was centered off to one side of the fueslage.

The main reason they were retired early was because BA was introducing large numbers of 737's and 757's which could do the same job as the Trident fleet, but much cheaper, ie fuel consumption and less noise.

I admire the fact that another British built legend, the BAC 1-11, still flies on today. Although there are few left in service, I was told by one BA captain in 1990 that the aircraft could go on forever because of the strong airframe it has. Obviously the aircraft are deemed too noisy now, and I miss them very much as they are scarce at UK airports. BA used to have 13 based in Birmingham in 1991, they were replaced by the 737 at the end of 1992.

I am also sad to see the numbers of L-1011's and DC-10's dwindling from airline fleets, as well as the A300.

It won't be long until the oldest 757's, 767's and A310's are scrapped too.

RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

What about Shorts 330/360?
It looks like a flying wardrobe.

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 79

RE: Ugliest Aircraft?

Hello all,
the reasone mentioning this here as many people r visiting here....please put ur polls on the message ASAP. I would like to get started on this project as soon as possible.

Kabir Taneja