Mig-31's Top Speed With Weapons Load

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I know the Mig-31's top speed is Mach 2.8+ but i was wondering is that without missiles?

F-15's top speed is Mach 2.5 but that is in a clean configuration. Does that also apply to the Mig-31?

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Nobody knows, actually - probably Mach 2.8 is a speed-limit due to thermal limit of the airframe. The book "Russian air-defense aviation and the scientific and technical progress" tells that combat/intercept radius of MIG-31 at speed of Mach 2.35 equals to 720km.

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F-15C: Maximum speed (4 missiles) M = 2.3. Flight time at this rate - 1 minute. Acceleration time from M = 1 to M = 2.3 - 175 seconds.

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F-15C: Maximum speed (4 missiles) M = 2.3. Flight time at this rate - 1 minute. Acceleration time from M = 1 to M = 2.3 - 175 seconds.


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Given that both f-15 and Mig-31 have their main armament carried in semiconformal mode I'll guess they would have a similar, limited impact on performances, certainly R-33 &R-37 are way larger missiles, but foxhound is a way greater plane also.

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I mean for the time limit, i have similar graph too

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Flight Manual

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Flight Manual

I dont remember seeing time limit of 1 minute for F-15C at mach 2.3 in it's manual , can you post the photo of that page?

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^ what he said

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Unfortunately it is only found



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I dont remember seeing time limit of 1 minute for F-15C at mach 2.3 in it's manual , can you post the photo of that page?

The 1 minute limit refers to flight above Mach 2.3, if I understand the chart correctly. Vmax itself is limited to 6 minutes, read here.


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The 1 minute limit refers to flight above Mach 2.3, if I understand the chart correctly. Vmax itself is limited to 6 minutes, read here.

So it would be 245 km at 2,3 when Mig-31 can travel 720km at 2,35.

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So it would be 245 km at 2,3 when Mig-31 can travel 720km at 2,35.

Which shouldn't be surprising since the MiG-31 carries nearly 3 times the internal fuel of a non CFT F-15.

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MiG-31 is redlined, no doubt it will speed at M2.83 regardless of load

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Which shouldn't be surprising since the MiG-31 carries nearly 3 times the internal fuel of a non CFT F-15.

MIG-31 engines are much more powerfull than F-15C engines. The size of radar is much bigger. i presume the upgrades to MIG-31BM would have lighten the airframe for much higher speed and range.

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MiG-31 is redlined, no doubt it will speed at M2.83 regardless of load
Probably not with missiles hanging on the underwing pylons but quite possibly close to M2.8 with semi-recessed R-33S.

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MIG-31 engines are much more powerfull than F-15C engines. The size of radar is much bigger. i presume the upgrades to MIG-31BM would have lighten the airframe for much higher speed and range.

According to statement of the current head of RuAF Bondarev that he made at paliament hearings about further MIG-31 fate in April 2013, currently, speed of MIG-31 is limited to Mach 1,5 due to age and state of its canopy glass.

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Which shouldn't be surprising since the MiG-31 carries nearly 3 times the internal fuel of a non CFT F-15.

Hence the absurdity of comparing the two, F-14 and above all F-111 (2,5 M capable)or better what it was initially intended to be, would have been IMHO better choices.

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According to statement of the current head of RuAF Bondarev that he made at paliament hearings about further MIG-31 fate in April 2013, currently, speed of MIG-31 is limited to Mach 1,5 due to age and state of its canopy glass.

Does this also Apply to the soon to be 120-130 Mig-31BM's?

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8 years 10 months

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Does this also Apply to the soon to be 120-130 Mig-31BM's?

Yes. Coz we lost production technology of that particullar glass after USSR collapse and still are working on its re-invention. Same story as with many Saturn-5 technologies that US lost due to time and natural loss of specialists who worked on original project. But again, our industry currently is working to re-invent this glass or made its analogue.