If Mirage 4000 was bought, would Rafale exist?

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thank you. Btw the mirage 4000 fin was entirely made of composites and used for fuel storage ;)
I'll do my best and of course let you know if...
Atm i am trying to collect archives, then i'll see what i can do with them.

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crap photo but original one will be in the booklet...

1 conformal 1700L fuel tank + 2* 2500L external fuel tanks + 2+AAS30+ 2missiles + 9* 250 kgs (or is it 125.? )bombs


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In the end there was no particular need for the M4000 with the French air force. Avionics wise it offered no particular advantage over the M2000 and they didn't need the unrefueled range. Performance of the M2000 with tanker support was more [than] adequate.

Range of the Mirage 2000 was adequate? Not in the slighest, hence the adoption of 2000-litre external tanks that restrict speed to 500 kts, and those draggy AAR probes. Not to mention inadequate cockpit environment which affects pilot endurance.

The 2000 was a short-range interceptor which was abused to create attack and strike platforms. It was a economy measure, pure and simple, just like the RAF adopting the Tornado as its common platform. Short-sighted but better than nothing, which was the other option the AdLA faced.

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Not to mention inadequate cockpit environment which affects pilot endurance.

Develop please?

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Develop please?

The 4000's cockpit benefitted from much larger volume available and was designed for comfort during long-endurance patrol or penetration.

I don't have the reference to hand but the cockpit was in the region of 50% wider than the 2000, and much longer ( a lot of volume was unused below the aft fairing that you can see under the canopy )

Unforunately once the AdlA selected the 2000 all State effort swung behind that product and the Rafale; even when the Saudis came back to look at the 4000 in 1987 they were shooed towards the Rafale, which wasn't an option - they needed an urgent supplement for their F-15 force, not something that might have been available in 20 years time. In the end the USA relented and sold more F-15s.

On the topic of internal fuel a quick trip through the Flight International archives gives:

Mirage 2000: 3200 kg
Mirage 4000: 9200 kg
F-15A: 5400 kg ( converted from US gallons )

So even with additional drag and a second M53 to feed the 4000 was in a completely different league.

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precisely 11430L ;)

That said i recetly finished the book "la guerre vue du ciel" by Cdt "claudia" Schaeffler, a 2000D pilot, and he didn't complain about cockpit comfort, aswell as he talked about very long missions.

I agree 4000 was an entirely different league. But i didn't hear the same things about Saudi rebuttal...

BTW, mirage 4000 cockpit prototype...


not bad for early 80ies no?


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Would it have made a good replacement for the Mirage IV?

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Would it have made a good replacement for the Mirage IV?

By comparison with the Mirage 2000N? Yes, it would been a much better plane, its range and payload were vastly superior to the "N".

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3330 Kms on innner fuel (3h30) clean config. Not range, max distance.

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France could have had a striker pretty much on par with the F-15E.

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The M53 was probably not the best engine to pit against rivalries offered for F-15. In hindsight I'm not so sure Mirage 4k offered any promises that EAP did not already make, plus it had a larger projected customer base. EJ200 was not ready by that time, but it was a technology leap over the M53. France chose to downscale when they designed the Rafale to make it affordable. Would the 4k be affordable in production is the bigger question.

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The M53 was probably not the best engine to pit against rivalries offered for F-15. In hindsight I'm not so sure Mirage 4k offered any promises that EAP did not already make, plus it had a larger projected customer base. EJ200 was not ready by that time, but it was a technology leap over the M53. France chose to downscale when they designed the Rafale to make it affordable. Would the 4k be affordable in production is the bigger question.

either way, EAP and its succesor, Rafale, and maybe even M4K.. no body wouldve wanted aside from the home customers and a very limited number of exports.

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The M53 was probably not the best engine to pit against rivalries offered for F-15. In hindsight I'm not so sure Mirage 4k offered any promises that EAP did not already make, plus it had a larger projected customer base. EJ200 was not ready by that time, but it was a technology leap over the M53. France chose to downscale when they designed the Rafale to make it affordable. Would the 4k be affordable in production is the bigger question.

If you say so (about F-15). I have comparison charts but you'll have to wait sorry. Let alone say it could climb faster was more manoeuvrant at high speed, fly higher and had more range...
About EAP, nothing common, different weight classes. And Mirage 4000 was a prototype, not a Tech demonstrator. some years before EAP.
Rafale has never been a successor of EAP but of ACX.