How realistic is Boom’s supersonic ambition?

There has been plenty of news from Boom Supersonic in recent months, but one key announcement is still missing: who will supply the engines? Richard Schuurman reports

Boom Supersonic had a lot to share over the summer: a contract with Advanced Integration Technology for the supply of tooling and automation for the Greensboro, North Carolina, assembly plant; an offtake agreement with Air Company for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF); partnership with Northrop Grumman to develop multiple versions of the Overture; and American Airlines paying a deposit on 20 aircraft.

The redesigned type is now set to be powered by four engines rather than the earlier three.
The redesigned type is now set to be powered by four engines rather than the earlier three. Boom Supersonic

A radical design update unveiled at the Farnborough International Airshow in July marked the most important news.

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