Supersonic flight - the latest developments

Sustainable supersonic airliner Overture will be in revenue service by 2029, the first step in making flying faster the cheapest option. Paul E Eden reports

With Overture, Boom is leveraging advancements in aerodynamics, materials and propulsion
All images courtesy of Boom, unless stated otherwise

Boom’s long-term approach to the future of sustainable, supersonic travel is evident in its mantra, which a company spokesperson shared with AIR International: “At Boom, our vision for the future is that the fastest flight will also become the least expensive. We start with this vision and work backwards to fulfil it.”

In January 2022, Boom entered a threeyear strategic partnership agreement with the United States Air Force to investigate the potential for a supersonic personnel transport. The contract is worth up to $60m

Aircraft designers have grappled with the challenge of achieving commercially viable supersonic airline services for decades, such are the engineering and economic hurdles. Add to these the new urgency for sustainability – the International Air Transport Association has determined commercial aviation will achieve netzero carbon emissions by 2050 – and now would seem the worst time of all to produce Concorde’s replacement.

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