End of the Epsilon

An official ceremony on September 24 marked the end of the Aérospatiale TB30 Epsilon’s tenure with the flying school of the Armée de l’Air. Its PC-21 successor is now in service but, as Frédéric Lert explains, questions remain about the ultimate replacement of the Alpha Jet.

The Epsilon has finally bowed out, superseded by the far more advanced Pilatus PC-21. An instructor from the École de Pilotage de l’Armée de l’Air (EPAA, French Air Force Pilot School) told AFM: “The Epsilon has always been capable, but it was more than time to switch to a modern aircraft.” After a few years of hesitation, the French Air Force opted for the PC-21, which will also replace the Alpha Jets of the École de l’Aviation de Chasse (EAC, Fighter Aviation School) in Tours. There seems little doubt the Swiss design will ultimately also supersede the Cazaux-based Alpha Jets of the École de Transition Opérationnelle (ETO, Operational Transition School), responsible for Phase IV training. However, no firm decision has been made.

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