X-59 QueSST

NASA readies ex-USMC F/A-18D for chase mission ahead of X-59 testing

A former USMC-operated F/A-18D Hornet that was acquired by NASA from the US Navy in 2021 has been rolled out at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center – a part of Edwards AFB in California – after being rejuvenated and repainted ahead of its planned use in supporting the testing of the administration’s X-59 QueSST technology demonstrator

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Quieter supersonic flight: NASA X-59 chief pilot's insights

Lead pilot David Nils Larson talks to Mark Broadbent about NASA’s latest X-plane, the X-59 Quesst

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A quiet supersonic quest

NASA and Lockheed Martin Skunk Works have teamed up to develop the X-59 QueSST...

EXCLUSIVE: The X-59 - A Supersonic Return

In the seventh and final exclusive video, Key.Aero explores how the X-59 QueSST and NASA's Low-Boom Flight Demonstration could be the key to civil supersonic air travel making a viable comeback in the future.

The X-59 - Challenges of making an X-plane

In the sixth of a series of exclusive videos, Key.Aero explores the challenges associated with making an X-plane and NASA/Lockheed Martin Skunk Works' X-59 QueSST low-boom flight demonstrator.

EXCLUSIVE: The X-59 - Designing for Low-Boom

In the fifth of a series of exclusive videos, Key.Aero details the X-59 QueSST's unique low-boom design and what it takes to build a supersonic X-plane.

EXCLUSIVE: The X-59's eXternal Vision System - Part Two

In the fourth of a series of exclusive videos, Key.Aero continue to explore NASA’s innovative eXternal Vision System (XVS), which will replace the forward cockpit window in the X-59 QueSST low-boom flight demonstrator.

EXCLUSIVE: The X-59's eXternal Vision System - Part One

In the third of a series of exclusive videos, Key.Aero provides an overview of NASA’s innovative eXternal Vision System (XVS), which will replace the forward cockpit window in the X-59 QueSST low-boom flight demonstrator.

EXCLUSIVE: Flying the X-59 QueSST

In the second of a series of exclusive videos, Key.Aero speaks with Lockheed Martin's resident test pilot, Dan "Dog" Canin, who will be one of the few pilots to fly the X-59 QueSST low-boom demonstrator.

EXCLUSIVE: What is the X-59 QueSST?

In the first of a series of exclusive videos, Key.Aero speaks with the joint team from Lockheed Martin Skunk Works and NASA Aeronautics behind the X-59 QueSST, an X-plane with a very unique and exciting mission to prove low-boom technologies.