Transport Helicopter

Hungary welcomes first H225M helicopters to Szolnok

The Hungarian Air Force formally welcomed the first two of 16 Airbus Helicopters H225M Caracal medium-lift multi-purpose helicopters to Szolnok Air Base – home of the MH 86 Helikopter Ezred (HE; Helicopter Regiment) – on July 17

USMC's first CH-53K test aircraft completes final flight

US Naval Air Systems Command announced on June 9 that the first Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion test aircraft had been retired from use after the heavy-lift transport helicopter completed its final flight earlier in the month

Netherlands buys H225Ms to replace RNLAF's ageing Cougar fleet

The Dutch MOD has revealed it will replace the Royal Netherlands Air Force’s ageing fleet of AS532U2 Cougar medium-lift tactical transport helicopters – which are predominately used to support Special Operations Forces missions – with 14 new-build H225M Caracal multi-mission tactical rotorcraft

First nine Croatian Mi-8 Hip helicopters head to Ukraine

With no official announcement or ceremony, nine ex-Croatian Air Force Mi-8 Hip tactical transport helicopters departed Zagreb Franjo Tudjman Airport at approximately 0600hrs (local time) on May 5, with various social media channels noting that the rotorcraft were heading to an unknown destination ahead of their final delivery to Ukraine

Netherlands opts to sell retired CH-47Ds over Ukraine transfer

The Dutch MOD recently announced plans to sell six of its ‘obsolete’ Boeing CH-47D Chinook heavy-lift tactical transport helicopters to the Billings Flying Service in Montana, after evaluating that it would be difficult to transfer these specific airlifters to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

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Croatian Mi-8s being prepped for transfer to Ukraine at Zagreb

Following the announcement that Croatia will donate 14 Hip helicopters to Ukraine as it continues to defend itself against invading Russian forces, the Mi-8s of the Divulje-based 395th Transport Helicopter Squadron have been gathered together on the military ramp at Zagreb Franjo Tudjman Airport and adjoining Zrakoplovo-Tehnicki Centar (ZTC)

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Croatia to transfer Mi-8 Hip helicopters to Ukraine

Croatia will send 14 Mil Mi-8 Hip tactical transport helicopters to Ukraine in a bid to further bolster the war-torn nation’s airlift capacities as Russia continues its assault on the country and its sovereignty

German CH-53G fleet suffers two emergency landings in one week

Two aircraft from the German Air Force’s ageing fleet of CH-53G Sea Stallion heavy-lift transport helicopters have been forced to perform emergency landings in Germany on two separate occasions in the past week

Boeing extends support contract for Australian Chinook fleet

Boeing Defence Australia will extend its support to the Australian Army Air Corps’ 14-strong fleet of CH-47F Chinook heavy-lift tactical transport helicopters after a contract extension was signed with the Australian Department of Defence on January 20

Boeing contracted to produce new CH-47F Chinooks for Egypt

The US Army has contracted Boeing to produce 12 new CH-47F Chinook heavy-lift tactical transport helicopters for the Egyptian Air Force