Croatian Mi-8s being prepped for transfer to Ukraine at Zagreb

Following the announcement that Croatia will donate 14 Hip helicopters to Ukraine as it continues to defend itself against invading Russian forces, the Mi-8s of the Divulje-based 395th Transport Helicopter Squadron (ETH) have been gathered together on the military ramp at Zagreb Franjo Tudjman Airport and adjoining Zrakoplovo-Tehnicki Centar (ZTC; Aeronautical Technical Centre).

Without public fanfare or ceremony, it appears the last three Mi-8s (serials 212; 213 and 251) all made their way from Divulje to ZTC on March 13 under the flight ‘OCTO21’ callsign. Following their initial departure from Divulje, the helicopters were joined by a Mi-171Sh Hip-H from the Lučko-based 194th Multi-Purpose Helicopter Squadron (EVH) to see them on their way. All three aircraft landed at the ZTC facility at 1320hrs (local time) and by March 16, all of their national markings and serial numbers had been removed. These helicopters will join 11 others in being transferred to Ukraine in the near future.

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