HMS Daring sets out on Sea Trials

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 4,875

Not seen this in any of Tango's excellent and thorough briefings yet and, to be honest, I just wanted to post these pics somewhere. Call me biased but she is a real looker and thats from someone who dislikes the modern, slab-sided, sig-attenuation design with a vengeance!.

Pic Credit to with further photo's at their site worth a look

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Member for

20 years 2 months

Posts: 547

She indeed looks stunning, especially compared to Orrizonte :p

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18 years 9 months

Posts: 5,267

I don't see any Phalanx mounts at the moment on her, I presume they are customer provided.

Member for

20 years 6 months

Posts: 1,285

Nice pics, nice looking ship.

But when is she going to be mothballed to save money?


Member for

19 years 1 month

Posts: 4,721

Looks alright not that great, Whats the big radar look a like thing? And will it be able to carry merlins on it or Westland Lynx Mk95?:confused:


I like her looks as well, is it just me or does the large windows on the brigde make it look smaller than it actually is?

Member for

19 years 9 months

Posts: 839

I like her looks as well, is it just me or does the large windows on the brigde make it look smaller than it actually is?

Considering she has a displacement between 7 and 7.5 k/tons she is not a little ship.
All the other destroyers that the RN have at the moment are appx 3 to 3.5 k/tons.

IMHO I think she looks the doggies danglies!


It's lovely to see her fitted out at last. This picture gives another good shot of her.

Member for

18 years 8 months

Posts: 1,039

Thats the piccy that really shows her size to best effect :)

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 4,875


Yeah a few people have picked out the bridge glazing as somehow looking 'wrong' and out of scale. Personally I like it aesthetically and think that, from a ship-handling standpoint, the clearer the view you can get the better. Wont be many excuses from the OoD slamming into a rock or small craft that he 'didnt see' from that bridge!.

The pic below (credit: Barry Watson) shows the glazing quite well - gives the ship a sleek aspect, like the old Amazon-class boats, I think!!!


The Phalanx guns are obviously not mounted yet nor, from what I can tell, are the DS30's. Just a case of neither system being critical during sea trials and neither being a difficult or integral system to fit out at a later date.


Which radar looking thingy? :-)

The spherical array atop the foremast is the BAE SAMPSON multi-function radar (MFR) and the black array on the mainmast is the S1850 Volume Search Radar (VSR) which is essentially a knockoff of Thales SMART-L set.

The flight deck has been designed to ake choppers up to and including Chinny size and, I believe, the hangar can accomodate Merlin though FLynx/HMA8 is far more likely to be seen embarked.


Member for

19 years 11 months

Posts: 3,609

Nice pics, nice looking ship.

But when is she going to be mothballed to save money?


It's funny you should ask, I was just thinking the same thing. :p

But seriously, she's pretty and huge compared to a Type 42.
"You've all done very well!!"

But when is she going to be mothballed to save money?

That won't be a problem. Before Alan West stepped down as 1SL he arranged for a little customising of HMS Daring's computers, so that anyone attempting to take her out of service is identified as an incoming enemy missile and is targetted with an Aster barrage. :cool:

In some respects the small order is a blessing, because if any of the Darings are retired it would essentially stop the carriers from going on deployment. No one would want £4 billion worth of carrier sitting around for want of AAW escort.

And before you ask about CVF going into mothballs, West gave closed orders to the future captains of HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales, certifying that in such an event the Prime Minister should be deemed to be mentally incapacitated and thus would require termination with Brimstones launched from their F-35s. :diablo: :D

Member for

18 years 7 months

Posts: 366

Considering she has a displacement between 7 and 7.5 k/tons she is not a little ship.
All the other destroyers that the RN have at the moment are appx 3 to 3.5 k/tons.

IMHO I think she looks the doggies danglies!


pardon not to nit pick but the t42 are 5.5k the t23 5.6K and the t22 5.2K

Man, I can't wait to see a RN Fleet of CVF's equipped with F-35's. All escort by T-45 DDG's, T-23 FFG's and Astute SSN's!

Member for

19 years 1 month

Posts: 1,327

Looks good! The only thing I would say is that I still think the Mk41 VLS would have made more sense, especially if they could have had a good number of cells. I have nothing against the Aster 30 at all, though I do have a problem with the A15, I just feel that the Mk41 would have been much more flexible.

As for the numbers, lets just hope that sense prevails, and they order another six to replace the final T42s and the extant Block 3 T22s. Add in a follow on order for a further twelve, without the expensive radar fitout, to replace the T23s in a few years time, and the fleet would be doing very well! All they need to do then is to replace the existing minehunter fleet with something along the lines of the GD LCS design, and the RN would be back to actually having a proper size fleet (i.e. 36 warships).

Member for

17 years 1 month

Posts: 32


Yes the Daring is a big ship, but like many things in the UK MOD, fitted for but nor with, just to keep it cheap! Should have had a big 155mm gun and a SSM fit of Harpoon and of course there is lots of space for a long range SSM fit but will we ever see it???? God forbit we have a truely multirole and capabile ship at sea as the RN, just not PC. Yes we are haveing fewer but then in the 60's- 70's before the T42's came on line we only ever had 8 County Class DDG's anyway. Lets hope that Daring and her sisters really do mark an improvement when they get all the fit once promissed. Oh the Flight Deck can take up to a Chinnock if needed.

I have nothing against the Aster 30 at all, though I do have a problem with the A15, I just feel that the Mk41 would have been much more flexible.

The Mk41 would only have been more flexible in as far as it can take Tomohawks. It can't take Aster missiles, and personally I prefer them to the US option - their success-rate against sea-skimmers is great.

As for the numbers, lets just hope that sense prevails, and they order another six to replace the final T42s and the extant Block 3 T22s. Add in a follow on order for a further twelve, without the expensive radar fitout, to replace the T23s in a few years time, and the fleet would be doing very well!

You have to be joking - there are not going to be 6 more Type-45 destroyers!

The Royal Navy would be lucky to get the last two suggested. The baseline might be used for some of the new escorts being proposed to replace the current fleet of frigates, but you are never going to get 12 Type-45 destroyers.

Time to get realistic, rather than have your hopes quashed later.

Should have had a big 155mm gun

Why is that so important for an AAW escort? It isn't - don't insist on things that aren't requried.

a SSM fit of Harpoon and of course there is lots of space for a long range SSM fit but will we ever see it????

All the electrical-wiring, etc has already been installed for Harpoons. It's reportedly more-or-less a case of sticking the box-launchers on, fitting the missiles and connecting the wires up.

God forbit we have a truely multirole and capabile ship at sea as the RN, just not PC.

Don't be so ridiculous. It's not about PC, it's about costs and necessity. The Type-45 is not a multi-role ship. It's an AAW escort designed to protect the carriers and amphibious ships. The frigates are supposed to protect the fleet against enemy vessels, though CVF-launched F-35s should be able to do that in the future.

Member for

17 years 1 month

Posts: 32


The RN will get a total of 6 T45's, (12 was asked for)and all vessels have a general purpose roll and these units are of such a size that they can support the larger fit of weapons so with all due, if you have ever been to war then you would understand that you want to hit them as far away from you as possible and although the 4.5 is a good weapon it is a little on the light size for sustained use against the shore targets and the larger unit would also have the new high tech ammo coming on line soon. So as we have so few ships these days all RN ships are general purpose and multi role, fitted for is the way the Chanceller like it so is the PC way OK.

all vessels have a general purpose roll

Don't be ridiculous - of course all vessels are not general-purpose. Many have their own strengths and weaknesses.

and these units are of such a size that they can support the larger fit of weapons

Yeah, because it's nice to have the option if you want it later.

you want to hit them as far away from you as possible and although the 4.5 is a good weapon it is a little on the light size for sustained use against the shore targets and the larger unit would also have the new high tech ammo coming on line soon

Shore bombardment? You have to be ******* joking! That has minimal real use these days and just leaves ships open to return-fire from shore-based, short-ranged missiles. The Type-45s should not be going anywhere near the shore - they should be protecting big ships from air-attack.

fitted for is the way the Chanceller like it so is the PC way OK

Stop whinging - you sound like a child. It isn't PC, it's to do with MONEY. If you want the new ships fully fitted out now, you get the job of telling your grandmother than she's going to wait another year for treatment of her cancer because you've decided the Royal Navy needs the money more than she does.

Member for

19 years 3 months

Posts: 13,432

Looks good! The only thing I would say is that I still think the Mk41 VLS would have made more sense, especially if they could have had a good number of cells. I have nothing against the Aster 30 at all, though I do have a problem with the A15, I just feel that the Mk41 would have been much more flexible. ....

The Mk 41 is more flexible (can take quad-pack ESSM, as well as bigger missiles), but that flexibility is often exaggerated*, & there's a trade-off. It can't take Asters, so you have to use Standard & ESSM, & a lot of people reckon Aster is a better missile. Mk 41 is bigger & much heavier than Sylver, so if you want to maximise your long-range SAM load, you can carry more by filling the available space with Sylvers than Mk 41s. And since Sylver is much lighter, you have weight to play with, so as long as there's space have more scope to fit boxes for short-range missiles such as RAM, VL Mica, VL Iris-T, etc.

*You need strike-length for Tomahawk. Because of its size, weight, & cost, it's extravagant to fit a battery of all strike-length Mk 41, when you know that you'll usually have SAMs in most of them. Better to fit mostly tactical length - and there goes some of that flexibility. Type 45, IIRC, has space for for some - maybe 16 - more VL launchers, which could be Mk.41 strike length or Sylver A70, & since the ship already has Aster, A70 would be more flexible than Mk.41, as the Mk. 41 could carry only Tomahawk, & A70 could carry Scalp Naval or Aster.