why did france and spain and italy only have single class of carrier

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i was wondering why because US and UK always have more than one single class of aircraft carrier
invncable class three units
nimtez class 11 units

while PdA,BEP,GG, and cavor are all single units wouldn't it make more sences to bulid more than one each class

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19 years 8 months

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i was wondering why because US and UK always have more than one single class of aircraft carrier
invncable class three units
nimtez class 11 units

while PdA,BEP,GG, and cavor are all single units wouldn't it make more sences to bulid more than one each class

Cos they are broke! Making more carrier will make them more broke. Just ask Thailand.. :D

Btw,I help u add in Russia in yr list too!

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...or bit clearly said: the overlar concept, capapilityes and need of all the smaller navyes with carrier usually requires only one carrier. The ultimate would be ofcourse, for all second tier navyes that operates carrier, to field three at least, but when its not possiple, you need to settle to one. And when there are enough money for seccond one, like in Italy and France, the thecnology has moved so that you need new class to face the new requirments.

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And don't forget, you're talking mainly (except Russia) about NATO countries, where you could see some pooling of forces in a crisis with a common foe. So, essentially, in case no US carriers and LHA in theater, there basically 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 7 carriers for the European theater (North Atlantic + Med). This sets the nato countries apart from other single carrier operators e.g. Brazil and India.

There were two vessels in the Clemenceau class though.

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Because we spent our money in more interesting things :diablo:

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Lack of €.

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Because we spent our money in more interesting things :diablo:

Yeah, like the Mega-projects in Barcelona and Milan

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18 years 5 months

Posts: 366

i did think of russia but it came close to haveing a two carriers so i discounted it but thinking now i should also remove france as it had plans for more than one CdG but spain and italy awaes have a single class even austraila is planning on a BpE or Minstral they have chosen to have two

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For the italian budget the single Cavour class has been expensive (1.5bil €). Surely a good ship, well equipped, armed and good electronic suite, but expensive for the italian budget of defense (0.9% of GDP).

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For the italian budget the single Cavour class has been expensive (1.5bil €). Surely a good ship, well equipped, armed and good electronic suite, but expensive for the italian budget of defense (0.9% of GDP).

Some of the money that went into development of Cavour will surely be recouped through Italy's involvement with India's carrier program.

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It's not just the expense of the carrier itself. It's also the battery of ships that must escort the carrier.

Because of the unique expense and national prestige coupled with extreme vulnerability, the very second a carrier is put to water, the navy's role changes from bringing the fight to the enemy to protecting the carrier.

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It's not just the expense of the carrier itself. It's also the battery of ships that must escort the carrier.

Because of the unique expense and national prestige coupled with extreme vulnerability, the very second a carrier is put to water, the navy's role changes from bringing the fight to the enemy to protecting the carrier.

You should be able to show this in the case of the Italian navy, where a SAM/AAW cruiser (Veneto) got replaced by a light carrier (Garibaldi). Yet I don't think the Italians changed the MO much.

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What do u mean Wanshan???

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And don't forget, you're talking mainly (except Russia) about NATO countries, where you could see some pooling of forces in a crisis with a common foe. So, essentially, in case no US carriers and LHA in theater, there basically 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 7 carriers for the European theater (North Atlantic + Med). This sets the nato countries apart from other single carrier operators e.g. Brazil and India.

Maybe true in the cold war (although even there countries acted outside of NATO, such as the UK in 1982) but today it seems NATO is much less relevant and more and more deployments are as part of ops outside NATO (for the UK, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan prior to the NATO involvement, Iraq) and countries need to have freedom to act independently. Given the failure of NATO to manage it's Afghan deployment it makes you wonder about it's real value in a post cold war world anyway.

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17 years 11 months

Posts: 29

The modus operandi of italian navy changed with the years after cold war...
V. Veneto had a role of aaw and asw (6 helicopter onboard) G. Garibaldi in his first years had it's role as asw platform (18/16 sh3d) then the politician put the money to buy harriers and started to become a real carrier (first "war" operantion in somalia).
In cold war the italian navy was focused on keep clear the med from russian sub and to protect the italian shipping against fast attack craft in the adriatic, but since the iran/iraqi war from the 1980 italian navy started to be present in every part of the world to defend it' interest.
V. Veneto and G. Garibaldi stayed for many years in service togheter in reality Cavour must be V. Veneto substitute but money were a real a problems in 90's as today...