Serbian Navy

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18 years 7 months

Posts: 57

hi i have heard over a number websites that serbia's navy has jsut got a submarine could some tell me if there are more boats or subs in the sebrian navy and if u have pictures of serbian navy.

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Member for

18 years 9 months

Posts: 1,773

well its propaply mean that they have refurbinished one of their old SSKs or midget submarines to service again, Sorry but i doupt severly that there isent any new desings

But for pictures of Serbian navy, register into and to its forums. It should be as easy as to come here as they share the bulleting board layout

and then find yourself in to the
Theres about sixty of so pics of Yugoslavian navy, the best collection that web has in english :D :D

And i think I know bit something about the serbian/yugoslavian naval matters so if you are keen to share Im always willing full to help.