Russian Aircraft Carriers

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There have been reports that the Russians are planning two new aircraft carriers with construction slated to start by 2010 and expected to enter service by 2016-2017.

Anybody have anymore info on this. How much will they displace and how many aircraft will they carry. Will they be nuclear or conventionally powered.
How long is the Kuz going to be in service? Whatever one might say about an Ac being a sitting duck in today's scenerio there is no doubt that there is nothing like an A/C for power projection and the larger the better.

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This is interesting considering the fact that Russia's military is still trying to recuparate from years of neglect by the government. However, this is an intersting development! Could this mean that we will see new Su-33s or maybe even a new fighter for these carriers?

Not sure of exact details but from memory these new carriers are to be smaller carriers like British carriers than like the big US carriers. Their purpose seems to primarily be to make naval airpower able to move with naval forces... in the past Soviet and Russian airpower has largely been shore based. Any aircraft that went to sea was either part of the anti sub war (helos) or anti ship (helos and VSTOL) or anti aircraft (VSTOL in limited anti MPA role). Most likely Planes would be the Mig-29K being developed for India but with equipment optimised for the Russian navy, though they have worked in the past on a steam catapault and so they might be expending some effort into developing an EM catapault, but I don't think they would get such a thing operational as early as 2016 unless they spent a lot of money on it... and considering they largely want airpower for CAP rather than world wide strike capability they would only need a cat for an AEW aircraft as the only heavy aircraft they would need for such a role. An AEW aircraft would greatly improve CAP performance and improve carrier safety from air attack or antiship missiles, and a cat would certainly improve the performance of any AEW carried but I doubt they will have enough money to develop both carriers and a new cat system. (They have neither steam or EM cat capabilities so if they are going to spend money developing cat technology they might as well spend it on EM cats rather than wasting it on older technology like steam.)

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19 years 2 months

Posts: 697

interesting!the kuz would probably go as soon as these ships enter servise,as i cant see the russian navy poerating three flat tops!they probably would sell her to china!?

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18 years 11 months

Posts: 627

Shadow, there already was a plan for new Su-33, at first there would be an upgraded version with better electronics matching the Su-30MKK, the version after that would be equiped with Yakhont/Moskit and other anti-ship missiles. Not sure if they will go through with that, if the carriers are indeed to become smaller, than this aircraft would simply be too large (which is already a problem now).

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20 years 1 month

Posts: 658

Shadow, there already was a plan for new Su-33, at first there would be an upgraded version with better electronics matching the Su-30MKK, the version after that would be equiped with Yakhont/Moskit and other anti-ship missiles. Not sure if they will go through with that, if the carriers are indeed to become smaller, than this aircraft would simply be too large (which is already a problem now).

didnt russian admiral go on paper claiming that Mig-29k is the future of the russian navy not the sukhoi. Let me to try to find the link for it.

Member for

20 years

Posts: 1,583

Shadow, there already was a plan for new Su-33, at first there would be an upgraded version with better electronics matching the Su-30MKK, the version after that would be equiped with Yakhont/Moskit and other anti-ship missiles. Not sure if they will go through with that, if the carriers are indeed to become smaller, than this aircraft would simply be too large (which is already a problem now).

If that's the case, that would be too bad as I always thought of the Su-33K as a great fighter! However, seeing how long Mig has been working on their Mig-29K, it is only fair to assume the Russian government would head down that path.
What would the odds be of these fighters being equipped with TVC? And should the Mig-29K be the aircraft of choice for the Russian Navy, how many units would be procured?