New Iranian anti-ship missile 350km range

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17 years 3 months

Posts: 321

Well I take everything the Iranian press says with a huge bucket of salt but looks like Iran really has deployed a new anti-ship missile that really is indiginous to Iran rather than an import with an Iranian name.

The Ra'ad is clearly an evolution of the HY-2 Seersucker ("Silkworm") already in Iranian service. Main difference is jet engine and probably new radar.

Pic by me comparing HY-2 (top) with Ra'ad:


And video of it being fired (lol at the "Sun-burn" description)

Original post

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 5,707

This isnt that new, I first saw this about two years ago I think. Supposedly it comes with its own lamd based radar for targeting but I have never managed to find a picture of it.

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20 years 5 months

Posts: 3,187

350 m/s .....?? Thats roughly Mach 1?!

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24 years 6 months

Posts: 12,009

looks like Iran really has deployed a new anti-ship missile that really is indiginous to Iran rather than an import with an Iranian name.

Except for the part about it being a modification to an existing foreign design.

Kinda like their "modern" air force projects :D

Member for

18 years 9 months

Posts: 869

Iran with a arsenal of 500 brahmos and klubs fired from land based TELs should
be pretty interesting. both their seekers have a ~50km of the range and in
the confined waters of gulf and north arabian sea, they can fire into certain boxes (where F18s are streaming in from :eek: ) and hope to have the ASMs lock on to various targets including warships without any mid course updates or LRMP radar target spotting( which the USN CAPs can easily defeat ).

should be as simple sw fix to have the Klub stay silent for 100km, then go active search on radar, going silent again if painted by a hostile X-band radar, if it picks a juicy looking return, drop the 2nd stage and go supersonic else shut the radar and continue onward :D

Member for

17 years 3 months

Posts: 321

Iran with a arsenal of 500 brahmos and klubs fired from land based TELs should
be pretty interesting. both their seekers have a ~50km of the range and in
the confined waters of gulf and north arabian sea, they can fire into certain boxes (where F18s are streaming in from :eek: ) and hope to have the ASMs lock on to various targets including warships without any mid course updates or LRMP radar target spotting( which the USN CAPs can easily defeat ).

should be as simple sw fix to have the Klub stay silent for 100km, then go active search on radar, going silent again if painted by a hostile X-band radar, if it picks a juicy looking return, drop the 2nd stage and go supersonic else shut the radar and continue onward :D

People speculate that Iran has better anti-ship/LACMs such as Brahmos/Yakhont, Klub or Sunburn. A persistant rumour is that they have sub-launched Sunburn... hmmmmm.....

People on Iranian defence orientated websites talk as if all that is fact. BUT, there is no compelling evidence that I have ever seen to support any of this. Same as stories of Iran having S-300 SAMs.

If I had to speculate about which of these types was most likely, I'd have to say sub-sonic anti-ship versions of the Klub submarine launched sytem for their Kilo subs, just as India and China have. That'd be a huge capability leap for Iran but is unlikely IMo. Instead I'd guess that their sub-launched anti-ship missiles are of the C-801/2 variety purchased from China and launched from their Ghadir mini-sub. That's my guess.

They are known to have recieved a small number of 'Kent' LACMs from corrupt Ukrainian officials which would have R&D value but hardly give Iran an operational capability.

Member for

17 years 3 months

Posts: 321

This isnt that new, I first saw this about two years ago I think. Supposedly it comes with its own lamd based radar for targeting but I have never managed to find a picture of it.

Agreed, but it is only now becoming clear that it is operational and not just a slow burn R&D/propoganda exercise. Previous videos of the firing etc made it impossible to determine that it wasn't an HY-2. At any rate it's only now being paraded in public for the press so I thought the news was pretty fresh.

Despite it's (claimed) great range, I can't see this as an improvement over the C-802 Noor already in service. Iran's capability to provide targetting at 350km is somewhat suspect anyway.

So I reckon this is really just a line replacement for the existing HY-2 units, allowing Iran to field more 'modern' AShMs at a lower unit cost than replacing the HY-2 launchers with C-802s.

Interestingly enough, the tracked launcher it is shown on is very close if not identical to the ones used by North Korean HY-2s. Suggests a Korean import, although aybe both Iran and North Korea got them from China(?). Not sure if the chassis itself is Iranian.