confusion: NATO designators for S-300 radars

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19 years 1 month

Posts: 26

This is a question that SOC can presumably answer. I'm looking at the wikipedia entry for the SA-10 Grumble.

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The rather good article contradicts itself carelessly on the NATO designations for Flap Lid A and Flap Lid B.

In one place it says the Flap Lid A and B are 5N63 and 30N6 respectively.
In another place it gives them as 30N6 and 36NG85.

Which pairing is correct? If it is the first pairing, wouldn't the designation for the Tomb Stone then have to be something other than 30N6E1?


P.S. What's the designator for the Grave Stone (the modified Tomb Stone)?

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24 years 8 months

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GRAVE STONE? No idea. Early FLAP LIDs were in fact 5N63 (trailer mounted?), later models were the 30N6 (vehicle mounted?). The 30N6-1/30N6E1 and 30N6-2/30N6E2 are TOMB STONE. The reason for the similar designators is probably because TOMB STONE is apparently a modified FLAP LID. The main visible differences are in the array itself and the telescoping antenna. They are vastly different in capability, but remember, the Russians have a history of designating things like this. Recall the infamous Tu-22M :D

Member for

19 years 1 month

Posts: 26

Thanks for the reply; I got dyslexically screwed up and should have phrased the question, Russian designations for their own radars. Russians and their confusing alphanumeric designators.

Is there a reliable page that gives accurate renditions of NATO and Russian names for Russian weapons and radars? Jane's and Global Security screw stuff up all the time.

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24 years 8 months

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Download the Excel spreadsheet at the top of the page. It's not the most current version, I'm currently still sifting through a good deal of new data and working on an update. Every time I get some progress made, I seem to get yet another book/magazine and have to start all over again cross-checking everything!