Range of a R-33 ( AA-9 Amos)

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19 years 7 months

Posts: 545

Can anyone please explain what is the realistic range of R-33, some sources I read say its worse than a sparrow about 30km ! it seems unlikely given its huge size and the powerful radar on mig-31 plus its intended mission


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Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 545

Thanks but i tried that , most online "sources" give a number of 160 km...big difference ! and there are no references that I could find to back that up.

The yefim gordom book on mig-25/31 unfortunately didnt have that either.

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19 years 4 months

Posts: 9,683

Thanks but i tried that , most online "sources" give a number of 160 km...big difference ! and there are no references that I could find to back that up.

The yefim gordom book on mig-25/31 unfortunately didnt have that either.

I wouldn't trust a Yefim Gordon book as far as I could throw it anyway.

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19 years 11 months

Posts: 1,856

Can anyone please explain what is the realistic range of R-33, some sources I read say its worse than a sparrow about 30km ! it seems unlikely given its huge size and the powerful radar on mig-31 plus its intended mission


What sources are these? I want to see them LOL!

Are you confusing it with the R-73?

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15 years 10 months

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Both ranges can be correct,
target 1 fly a straight line fast towards the missile at a much lower altitude then the MiG, target 2 fly away from the MiG at a much higher altitude while violently maneuvering.

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No ...here is that dumb source


The first sentence about R-33 being an exact copy of Phoenix almost made me stop reading. The second sentence about Iranians having provided Pheonix missiles to Russians finished the job.

Whatever the book is, it is a waste of time..

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 1,437

Yep, pretty much a junk book. Try to pick your sources better.

130km is a better figure, but it clearly depends on speed, aspect, target size etc.

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19 years 4 months

Posts: 9,683

The first sentence about R-33 being an exact copy of Phoenix almost made me stop reading. The second sentence about Iranians having provided Pheonix missiles to Russians finished the job.

Whatever the book is, it is a waste of time..

The first statement is clearly BS but it's pretty much common knowledge that Russia got to play with the Phoenix.

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15 years 3 months

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It's pretty interesting piece of data you have there and unique one, if I may add.
It's even more curious since official Western approximations for AA-9, from as early as the beginning of '80s, put Amos in 130 km class range.

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15 years 9 months

Posts: 6,441

I wouldn't trust a Yefim Gordon book as far as I could throw it anyway.

I bought the latest "Russian AirPower" by Yefim Gordon.

What is wrong with this book sferrin:confused:?
Beside the fact that there exist Aviation books on Russian Airforce..:rolleyes:

The book is filled with great pics of pretty much all RuAF aircraft.
There are a good coverage of the Su-25s, not just Russian but world wide Su-25s.
Some covarge with great pics fra Afganistan, all the way to the latest Georgia conflict.

He does point out many weakness with the RuAF inventory.
And many of the "tried and failed projects in Russian fighter development"..

I find this book very little Biased, perhaps there exist some small errors on a few tecnical notes..
Mostly can be found on Jane's anyway, and J@ne's do have errors too.

I consider my self from more of a "Neutral point of view" than most of the poster here.
I've read many Good Aviations books.
One of them "F-15 Engaged", are in my view no more Biased than the "Russian AirPower" nd visa versa, even if those two book can't be compaired in any way(two totally different Aviation books)..

I mean its not like we are talking Kopp here..

I highly recomend both books.


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Sections of Yefim's books are lifted verbatim from his "sources". E.g. the MiG-31 book's section about MiG-31 versus F-14 is a straight steal from E. Fedosov's book "AIR DEFENSE AVIATION OF RUSSIA AND SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL PROGRESS" and actually contradicts some information presented in other parts of the book.

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15 years 9 months

Posts: 6,441

Sections of Yefim's books are lifted verbatim from his "sources". E.g. the MiG-31 book's section about MiG-31 versus F-14 is a straight steal from E. Fedosov's book "AIR DEFENSE AVIATION OF RUSSIA AND SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL PROGRESS" and actually contradicts some information presented in other parts of the book.

I haven't read all of Yefim books.
However i think the latest Russian Airpower are quite good.

Can you recomend any other good Avaiations books aerospacetech?



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24 years 8 months

Posts: 1,437

Its entirely in Russian, so it might not be that entertaining for you.

Yefim Gordon does a reasonable job of assembling Russian language sources and getting translated them to English. Original painstaking research finding new things, not so much (if at all) - this is obvious from the speed he writes books. However for most Russian aircraft, there are no alternatives published in English - Yefim has really cornered the market.

If you want a real excellent book try getting hold of Su-27 Fighter - Beginning of Story (published by http://www.be-and-co.com) which is a 360 page account of the Su-27 program from beginning to the flight of the T-10 prototype. The second part is due soon in Russian, not sure yet of the English version release date, and covers the development of the series Su-27 up to the latest models. Written by Ildar Bedretdinov and various ex-Sukhoi guys including Vladimir Antonov, its a great account of the development of a modern fighter in it its twists and turns.