Su-35-4 crashes on takeoff-Pilot OK

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19 years 1 month

Posts: 409

I think it was supposed to take part in the flypast over Moscow on 9 May..

(At least Sukhoi/KnAAPO was 'hoping' to have it ready in time...)

Maybe that is why???


Nah. The fly-by layouts published till now don't feature any Su-35. And even if, I doubt they would have flown it there. If they really wanted to, they still got the two other frames.

Member for

20 years 4 months

Posts: 1,151

When I first time looked the date the crash happened there is one thing that still keeps me wondering about. Why are they rushing to fly that fighter on Sunday? :confused:[...]

Maybe VVIP's ?!
originally maiden flight was scheduled for Friday, then postponed till Monday
flight attempt on Sunday took place because of unnamed hi-ranked comission arriving, according to some reports

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18 years 8 months

Posts: 809

I'm glad the pilot is OK.
In many cases, a crash on takeoff will point back to improper maintenance by the ground crew.

And in many cases people spout uninformed claptrap on internet forums!

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 5,396

And in many cases people spout uninformed claptrap on internet forums!

Experience trumps fan boyism. You don't have to be psychic to understand that malfunctions very early in a flight are very likely caused by maintenance errors.

Read posts #55 and #58. Both tell the story of Frolov fighting a jammed cockpit control after maintenance had been performed. Maintenance errors cause crashes. Those errors occur in every air force and account for a healthy percentage of lost fighters every year. Thankfully, Frolov lives to fly another day.

If it makes you feel better, the F-22 that crashed on takeoff at Nellis AFB in December 2004 was due to a flight control malfunction caused by an improper FCS shutdown and restart while a maintenance check was being performed. The B-2 that crashed on takeoff at Andersen AFB in February 2008 was due to improper actions by the ground crew during pre-flight preparations. So you see, maintenance errors cause crashes in every air force.

Member for

19 years 5 months

Posts: 1,189

Maybe VVIP's ?!

originally maiden flight was scheduled for Friday, then postponed till Monday flight attempt on Sunday took place because of unnamed hi-ranked comission arriving, according to some reports...

Ahh, but what kind of hi-ranked comission is working on Sunday? It is simple as that, do not push too hard on the "saw", bcs this kind of $hit will happen. They will regret that twice not waiting till monday.

p.S. I found this picture on my HDD....8)

Member for

15 years 9 months

Posts: 6,441

Ahh, but what kind of hi-ranked comission is working on Sunday? It is simple as that, do not push too hard on the "saw", bcs this kind of $hit will happen. They will regret that twice not waiting till monday.

p.S. I found this picture on my HDD....8)

Good pic's martinez.

It looks to me that those pylons and perhaps those small verticals fins under the engines are the only one thing with contact to the ground here?

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 3,652

Good pic's martinez.

It looks to me that those pylons and perhaps those small verticals fins under the engines are the only one thing with contact to the ground here?

If you look closely, the ventral fins are not in contact with the runway - they are undamaged when the Su-27 stops.

The load was taken entirely by the pylons.

Like I said, the aircraft was jacked up, the undercarriage was lowered - and it was flown back to Kubinka a few days later.

There is video somewhere of the undercarriage being lowered....


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15 years 10 months

Posts: 699

Looks like Frolov did the right thing by ejecting, that's for sure. That is some horrific damage.

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18 years 10 months

Posts: 639

the best part is it looks like the whole radar just melted away! :dev2:

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17 years 4 months

Posts: 402

As I am not an expert in assessing the damage, does anybody know what's gonna happen with the 903? Does she go to the surgery room or to the graveyard?

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15 years 10 months

Posts: 699

My opinion is somewhat uneducated, but I would tend to think that there is probably a definition of graveyard job in post #70, sadly. I doubt much is even salvageable, let alone repairable.

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18 years 10 months

Posts: 639

they use magnesium for the radar housing because its so light weight right? That should explain why there isnt so much as a trace of the radar....

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You bringing up the F-35 in this thread is trolling.

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Member for

16 years 10 months

Posts: 1,114

It seems like they apply very small amount of composite materials at the aircraft's body.(It's body still seems like standart su-27).I couldn't see any big gaps at the body or at the wings of the aircarft (or something composite).Where is 5th generation technologies.Radar of the aircarft is not AESA, the engine is a development of the AL31F.Just avionics are looking like 5th gen!!!Maybe it's enough...:)

Member for

15 years 9 months

Posts: 6,441

It seems like they apply very small amount of composite materials at the aircraft's body.(It's body still seems like standart su-27).I couldn't see any big gaps at the body or at the wings of the aircarft (or something composite).Where is 5th generation technologies.Radar of the aircarft is not AESA, the engine is a development of the AL31F.Just avionics are looking like 5th gen!!!Maybe it's enough...:)

plz explain to me how you see that there is very little composite materials on this wreck??


Member for

19 years 5 months

Posts: 1,189

No one will ever put effort to repair this burned and melted airframe, no fck way. They`ll start from the scratch.
A several years ago a Mig-29 burned on the runway during take-off when pilot set the throttle to AB. Left engine exploded while some parts hitting fuel tanks set the a/c on fire. The Mig accelerating but with speed still below 70km/h, pilot could not use the ejection seat and had to jump out from the inferno after stoping it in the grass.
When comparing what left from the burned Mig with those Sukhoi Su-35 pictures, our Mig came out much better but damaged fuselage a wing spars by the fire implied, that repair will be pointless.