Shipbucket for aircraft

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17 years 2 months

Posts: 29

Hi All

I'm sure this thread has already been covered, however as I couldn't find anything I thought I post again.

I came across Shipbucket the other day and think its great. I wondered if there was something similar for aviation. Not looking for actual photos of aircraft but rather the line drawings ala Shipbucket of actual, possible and potential aircraft designs.

If anyone has any ideas of something like an 'Airplanebucket' then let me know.

Many thanks

Original post

Member for

18 years 9 months

Posts: 1,773

Well funny that you mentioned but I have been thinging the very same idea. There are even more reference linedrawings of planes than there is from ships to use as a base for the drawings.

I've actually have drawn the MiG's "33" as a prototype for my own idea of "planebucket". I'll post it when I get to my flat.

In shipbucket, there is certain rules or more like guides of how to draw things and those could be easily adopted to aircrafts as well. Biggest issue is the scale. Shipbucekt uses 2 pix=1 foot scale which is way too small for planes. All the helicopters for example are drawn in this scale and you can see how small they are. The scale needs to be bigger for this.

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18 years

Posts: 4,951

So you're saying make a resting place for views of planes (real or imaginary) but in the exact same scale?

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19 years 6 months

Posts: 451

Hmm,sounds like a good idea to me.Assume we could add helicopters to the mix as well?

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18 years 9 months

Posts: 1,773

Here's a prototype drawing which I made a while ago. Don't mind the colours, they got screwed up due the format change.

Is this scale too small or too large? Obinions and comments appriciated


Member for

19 years 6 months

Posts: 451

Here's a prototype drawing which I made a while ago. Don't mind the colours, they got screwed up due the format change.

Is this scale too small or too large? Obinions and comments appriciated

In my opinion,it looks great,maybe make it a little bigger,but the way it is now looks pretty good.Colors aren't too bad either.

Member for

17 years 2 months

Posts: 29

it looks great


I had some images that I think I got from one of the posts here. They're a series of plan views of aircraft to scale and one of helicopters displayed vertically with a person next to some for scale. Wondered if there was a specific webpage where there were more and whether there were also some 'what if' & alternative reality type images as well - a modernised Vulcan, a B-52 with 4 modern engines, the Tu-160 that the UK airforce bought, that sort of thing. :)

Member for

18 years 5 months

Posts: 231

Here's a prototype drawing which I made a while ago. Don't mind the colours, they got screwed up due the format change.

Is this scale too small or too large? Obinions and comments appriciated

I also vote for a bit bigger, maybe 10-15%, and 3 view, for sure.


Member for

18 years 9 months

Posts: 1,773

Well there are some factors which favours the smaller scale however.
Most important is the drawing technique. As its done by MS paint or other bitmap type drawing program, each line is and should be one pixel wide. This requires that the drawings cannot be too small, but also not too large as othervice the lines gets "too thin"

But I will consult other shipbucket drawers if they have any ideas and technique suggestions.

Member for

18 years 9 months

Posts: 1,773

Well here's scaled up version of the same plane (note that it is in my imaginary Novgorods colours)

The scale is now 1 pix=0.04 m. I noticed that the drawing is now bit too undetailed but thats only becouse the orginal linedrawing had none what so ever and this is simply scaled up version from the 1pix=0.05m scale version (the one that I posted above)

So is this large enough?

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18 years

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I like the idea of two standards; 1pix = .025m and 1pix = .04m being my candidates for an acceptable standard.

This allows for enjoyable viewing of both fighter sized and jumbo-jet sized renditions.

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18 years 9 months

Posts: 1,773

Well the question is then, Who is up to the task? I can draw few once in a while but the ships takes most of my drawing time at the moment and in near future.

I can however draw one or two "instruction" images and draft some ease guides of how to draw and then perhaps anyone can do it

Member for

18 years

Posts: 4,951

You got a good solid idea there. A few of us can probably make one or two, too, and see where the community takes it from there... :)

Member for

19 years 1 month

Posts: 232

fantastic idea indeed:)

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16 years

Posts: 2

This is a great idea! Has it gone any farther? Decision on scale or guidelines?

Member for

18 years 9 months

Posts: 1,773

I'm being too tied up to the shipbucket so I haven't had any time to focus on planes...

Member for

17 years

Posts: 69

Two buckets.

This is a great idea! Has it gone any farther? Decision on scale or guidelines?

I would recommend two photobucket main folders on the site. One for large aircraft (1 pix = 0.05m/2 inch) and one for smaller aircraft (1 pix = 0.025m/1 inch). The inch values are not exact so it would be best to use them as a guide and stick to metric for the standard. Side, front and top views would be standard, underside and/or back views would be for extra credit/detail.

The main folders should be split into Never-were/Experimental/Prototype (prop and jet sub folders), pre and WW1, Interbellum, WW2, postwar props, early-1965 jets, 1966-1990 jets, Modern aircraft (Civil and Military subfolders).

I would recommend blank papers (a4 and a3) with the scale already marked available to download onto Paint.

Member for

16 years

Posts: 2

I like this suggestion. 1 pix = 0.025m/1 inch. Can we set this as the standard for this forum? I would add Alternate Universe to the Main folders though.